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Child and computer: simple safety rules

The way of life of people promptly changes from year to year: if about ten years ago the personal computer was not in each family, then today already very few people do without this device. Certainly, and children master the computer at full speed: they not only play on it games, but also study, and write school works, and search for necessary information.

Чем компьютер опасен для детей?

Some children study the diploma by means of the computer keyboard quicker, than by means of the handle. Whether it is so possible to allow children to be at the computer so much time how many they want? Adults often work behind this device the whole working day without loss for health. Perhaps it is time to revise old standards?

Danger of the computer to children

Traditionally doctors are afraid of impact of the computer on health of children for several reasons:

  • It is big load of sight of the child;
  • The child long time is in the same pose;
  • The computer influences mentality of children;
  • It allocates harmful radiation.

Let's consider in detail each of these negative factors.

Deterioration in sight

As well as the TV, the monitor really makes not the best impact on sight of the child. Moreover, if when viewing animated films or telecasts the frequency of change of shots high that reduces loading, then in computer games it is much more rare. Therefore it is necessary to follow the rules allowing eyes not to be overstrained. The upper edge of the monitor has to be located at the level of eyes, or is slightly lower. The distance from eyes to the monitor has to make not less than 50 cm. It is reached by the correct arrangement of a workplace of the child. Monitor brightness has to be correctly adjusted too – it is impossible to reduce it, to raise too.

Even adults are recommended to have a rest 5-10 minutes after each hour of work on the computer. For the school student it is recommended to enter breaks each 15 minutes.

That eyes did not dry up, it is periodically necessary to close them and to roll eyes under close centuries. It is very useful to train the child in the main exercises entering a gymnastics complex for eyes: to look afar and at a nose bridge, to look to the left, to the right, up and down, without turning the head. It will help eyes to have a rest after work. Also in a zone of a workplace it is possible to hang up a leaf of a color cardboard of blue, green or yellow color. It will become a recreation area for eyes after work at the computer. It is necessary to look at a leaf 10-15 minutes from distance of 30-40 cm, without straining sight.

As for time spent at the computer, ophthalmologists insist on accurate restrictions. Up to 3 years the kid in general should not show the computer, from 3 to 5 years it is possible to allow to be behind it up to 15 minutes, in 6-7 years – before half an hour. In 9-10 years if necessary it is possible to increase the time spent behind the monitor till 1-1,5 o'clock, but with the above described breaks for rest of eyes.

Static pose

The most widespread complaints from people who work at the computer are connected with increased fatigue and headaches. All this can expect and the child – long stay in one pose leads to an overstrain of muscles of a neck and deterioration in blood supply of a brain. Besides, pains can become one more problem and numbness of fingers or brushes – it is connected with the same movements of hands during the work at the computer.

To avoid such unpleasant effects, it is necessary to equip a workplace of the child correctly. The keyboard has to be below a table therefore it is worth giving preference to standard models with the separate system unit and the monitor, but not to laptops. In this case the keyboard can be placed on a special sliding shelf. Parents need to watch that the child sat at a desktop with an equal bearing and did necessary breaks in work.

Impact on mentality

Doctors sound the alarm long ago: hours-long stay at the computer really very negatively affects mentality of the child. Parents should watch in what games the child plays them and he takes the introduced restrictions in use of the personal computer how hard. If the school student does not want to go for a walk, and for days on end is at home, at the slightest opportunity sitting down at the computer, it is possible to assume that it develops computer dependence. To bring the child out of a condition of loss of communication with reality, the help of the psychologist often is required.

Как компьютер воздействует на психику детей?

Parents need to prick up the ears if the child began to sleep badly – long fills up, or wakes up at night, became suppressed or, on the contrary, too excitable. Absent-mindedness, insufficient concentration of attention, increased fatigue – also bad signs. Besides, the child suffering from computer dependence can have problems with appetite – it or forgets to eat, or on the contrary, eats too much, without departing from the monitor.


This the smallest of the evils which the computer can bring. At correctly organized workplace: placement of the monitor and system unit radiation at modern computers is minimum.

Advantage of the computer

By means of this device it is possible to develop actively the child, and here to the computer there will hardly be an alternative. The developing games for children are always available, free, do not demand the place for their storage. There is a huge number of the games aimed at the development of logic and attention, figurative thinking, coordination of movements. Training in the diploma, foreign languages, mathematics and other objects – all this allows to occupy the child with notable advantage for it. What to tell about availability of any information, necessary for training, in Network.

Reasonable approach to the organization of training of the child at the computer will help to avoid problems with health. But parent control over time spent by the child at the monitor is absolutely necessary: even the most obedient kid has an insuperable temptation a little to play while parents of it do not see.

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