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6 diseases which can catch in beauty shop

Beauty shop – the place which is associated only with positive emotions: joy, pleasure, relaxation. However visit of salon where work with biological material of clients, not always harmlessly is conducted. Today more than 100 pathogenic microorganisms who can catch in beauty shop including deadly to health are known.

According to the largest research, in Europe from 1997-2002 more than two thousand clients of cosmetic services were infected with hepatitis B and about 500 people – hepatitis C. According to poll of visitors, with damage of an integument 600 people from one thousand – or every second client were traumatized. Microtraumas and cuts of skin – the main source of infection at which the probability of finding of a disease at contact with the infected tool is very high.

Let's consider six diseases which can be got at implementation of popular cosmetic procedures in beauty shop.

1. Fungus of nails

From onychomycosis (fungus of nails) a quarter of the population of the globe – or every fifth person suffers today. The disease is excited by several species of microorganisms which cause damage of nail plates, their thinning (or a thickening), and also discoloration. Nails begin to crumble, be stratified and exhale an unpleasant smell. In the absence of treatment the onychomycosis can cause loss of a nail, and also gain chronic character and extend to healthy nails.

The main way of penetration of an infection – the microcracks on skin formed when wearing close footwear. The risk to catch a disease is high at the people suffering from excess perspiration of legs, blood circulation disturbance, deformation of foot. It is also easy to pick up a fungus of nails to the persons subject to the stresses abusing smoking and alcoholic drinks.

Activators are steady against influence of the environment and can remain viable long time. Processing of nails of the healthy person the infected tool practically in 100% of cases will lead to transfer of a disease.

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2. Pediculosis

This parasitic disease – the frequent guest of the hairdressing salons neglecting sanitary standards during the work with clients. A carrier of a pediculosis is the louse – a blood-sicking insect, infection with which can occur during household contact. Eggs of louses – nits – left on a hairbrush, with ease get into hair of the healthy person where, turning into an adult individual, begin active reproduction.

The pediculosis is shown by an intensive itch, and in the started cases – damage of skin, hair bulbs, an inflammation of lymph nodes in ears and a neck. In hairdressing salons the disease is transmitted through tools which by rules have to be exposed to disinfection after each use, and also through the remains of hair sheared and not removed in time.


3. Herpes virus

Herpes virus – the infection which is found at 90% of all population of the planet. The disease is shown in the form of periodic rashes on lips, a mucous nose and a mouth, is more rare – in corners of eyes, in a groin, about nails. Symptoms of a disease can be shown to several times a month or be absent in general, depending on a condition of immunity of the person. It is worth understanding that full treatment of a virus of herpes is impossible – its manifestation can be at any time provoked by the irritating factor: overcooling (overheat), stress, lack of vitamins B diet or PMS.

The risk is possible to catch a herpes virus when carrying out a peeling, mesotherapy, permanent make-up of the lips and other procedures connected even with insignificant traumatizing skin. The sterilization of instruments and use of antiseptic agents at once after the session are considered as a measure of prevention of a disease.

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4. Golden staphylococcus

Golden staphylococcus – the eurysynusic bacterium in the environment capable to keep viability out of a human body up to 6 months. Being implemented into any fabrics (skin, mucous, internals), staphylococcus causes their inflammation that can become the reason of many diseases including heavy – for example, staphylococcal pneumonia, meningitis, an endocarditis (damage of an internal cover of heart). However as the most frequent display of an infection serves the pyoderma – purulent damage of skin. Rashes in the form of furuncles and an anthrax with purulent contents on the back surface of a neck, buttocks and hips are most widespread.

The devices and tools adjoining to the infection centers – rash on skin or at the basis of hair are sources of infection. It is easy to catch a disease during the piercing of ears, piercing, drawing tattoos, and also during a usual hairstyle.

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5. Hepatitis virus

Hepatitis – the disease which affected today more than 350 million people from whom 250 thousand annually die of cirrhosis. The main source of infection is blood, is more rare – sweat, tears, kcal, urine, saliva (in large volumes). Transfer of a virus can happen at contact of mucous membranes or the injured skin with biological liquids of the patient. It is worth remembering that for infection with a virus of rather scanty amount of blood of the carrier – to 0, 0001 ml what does not exclude its transfer via the infected surgical, cosmetic instruments, needles for tattoos and the razor.

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6. HIV infection

Through biological liquids of the sick person there can be also infection with HIV infection – potentially fatal disease which today is not giving in to treatment. The disease is followed by defeat of immune cells which, having reached a critical point, serves as a symptom of the beginning of AIDS − acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. With its development the organism becomes incapable to resist infections and can die from any of them. Unfortunately, the probability to catch HIV is present at beauty shop, being a consequence of negligence of his employees. From the point of view of infection such procedures as a permanent make-up, cut manicure and a pedicure are considered the most dangerous.

Preventive measures of any disease from listed above is disinfection of cosmetic tools (manicure accessories, hairbrushes, needles, razors) after each use, and also use of one-time syringes for introduction of injections. Not only professionalism of the cosmetologist, but also his cleanliness, accuracy, responsibility have to become priority qualities at the choice of the specialist − that not only beauty of a body, but also his health became a result of work.


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