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4 types of the substances reducing protective forces of an organism

Ability of an organism to resist to adverse environmental factors (to impact of temperature drops, humidity and pressure, to the attacks of causative organisms, etc.) directly depends on what the person eats. Business here not only in that cells of a body received a necessary set of nutrients, vitamins and microelements. Scientists established that such components which are capable to influence immune system in this connection their use should be limited negatively also are a part of foodstuff. We will talk about the main groups of such substances today.

1. Inhibitors of enzymes

It the substances blocking work of enzymes which help to acquire the proteins coming to an organism with food. At excess consumption of the products containing inhibitors the protective system of an organism as proteins are the main construction material for immune bodies suffers.

Inhibitors of enzymes in large numbers contain in seeds of bean cultures (haricot, peas, soy). At the same time substances of this kind have resistance to heating: they do not collapse even in the course of half-hour cooking of seeds. Other inhibitors which are a part of ovalbumin have no heat stability, and only fans of crude eggs can exceed their dose in a diet.

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2. Antivitamins

The substances reducing biological activity of vitamins or preventing an organism to acquire them contain in many products. For example:

  • Ascorbate oxidase. Antagonist of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Is a part of many fresh fruit, berries and vegetables. Most of all it contains in a Brussels sprout, cucumbers and vegetable marrows. Cabbage and vegetable marrows usually are exposed to thermal treatment which substantially destroys ascorbate oxidase, but cucumbers, as a rule, use fresh. Therefore such dish as crude vegetables salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet pepper, lettuce leaves, green onions, parsley and fennel) should be eaten right after preparation, differently the most part of the vitamin C necessary for protection of an organism against infections which is contained in it, it will be lost;
  • Thiaminase. Antagonist of thiamin (B1 vitamin). In a large number meets in meat of fresh-water fish (especially in cyprinid). At thermal treatment substance collapses, but the people who are often using sushi or beaters with crude fish risk to get the avitaminosis which is shown failures of work of a nervous system (neurosises, emotional instability, etc.);
  • Avidin. The protein connecting biotin in a digestive tract (differently called by H or B7 vitamin) and interfering digestion of this vitamin. As a result disbolism which is externally shown dermatitis, an aggravation of symptoms and a hair loss develops. Avidin contains in crude eggs.


Some other feeding habits of the person also have an adverse effect on digestion of vitamins. So, overconsumption of the products containing a large amount of B1 vitamin interferes with hit in B6 vitamin fabric, and deficit of B2 vitamin leads to decrease in content in fabrics of ascorbic acid and B1 vitamin.

3. The demineralizing factors

It the substances capable to form insoluble compounds with iron, the zinc, calcium, manganese and other microelements necessary for normal functioning of an organism. Treat the demineralizing factors:

  • Polyphenolic connections. Are found in tea and coffee;
  • Phytin. Contains in cereals, seeds bean, potatoes, some types of nuts;
  • Oxalic acid. Is a part of a rhubarb, red beet, a sorrel and spinach.

Деминерализующие факторы

Harmful effects of similar substances can be minimized by means of other components of food reducing their chemical activity. For example, the strengthened consumption of ascorbic acid interferes with creation of insoluble compounds of polyphenols with iron, helping an organism to acquire this microelement.

4. Saturated fatty acids

The fatty acids which in a large number are contained in mutton, pork and beef, and also various sausages and meat delicacies in itself do not exert an adverse effect on a condition of immune system. But they are responsible for the pathologies of cardiovascular system connected with accumulation of "bad" cholesterol and development of atherosclerotic process. Such states complicate cardiac performance and lungs, and reduce protective forces of an organism. In order to avoid similar troubles specialists advise to sate a diet with the products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (sea fish, vegetable oils, nuts, olives, etc.).

Насыщенные жирные кислоты

The protective system of an organism experiences constant strain and needs support. For this purpose it is possible to accept medicines, to use methods of traditional medicine and a hardening, but the most important and effective measure is correction of a diet.

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