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Dream and dreams: 9 interesting facts

Work of a brain is extremely complex and in many respects is not studied yet. It is confirmed also by the features of thought processes which are shown when the person sleeps. Let's tell about some of them.

9 интересных фактов о сне и сновидениях

The person remembers only 10% of dreams

Each of us faced such phenomenon: having woken up after very bright and impressive dream, there is a wish to share its contents with people around, but the understanding quickly comes that almost nothing was remembered (except for, perhaps, some feeling, mood or an image).

Scientists established that the first five minutes after awakening from memory a half of maintenance of a dream, and in the next five minutes – another 40% of information disappears. The physiological sense of this process is unknown. But practically all know about cases of storing of the remained 10% of dreams: it is possible to carry Frankenstein's image which once dreamed Mary Shelley, the periodic table of D. I. Mendeleyev and still a number of widely known discoveries and art achievements to them.

The situation in which there is sleeping can influence the maintenance of a dream

Most of people are well familiar also with a phenomenon of merge of reality and a dream. It is shown when external factors are as if built in dream fabric. In this role sounds, smells, fluctuations of air or change of its temperature, and even features of the physical state sleeping can act. For example, if the organism needs replenishment of reserves of liquid, the person dreams himself looking for a spring, drinking water, etc. Similarly the got hungry person dreams products and eats them. It is interesting that at the same time the feeling of thirst or hunger vanishes for some time, then is returned and the episode of satisfaction of desires repeats with the same result.

Blind people have dreams too

The people having the acquired blindness have the same dreams as sighted people. If inborn, dreams the person has a blindness too. They are based on other feelings (olfactory, tactile, acoustical), but can be very saturated and emotional.

The maintenance of dreams depends on gender and age

Mentally healthy person usually has dreams about himself (something like movies with himself in a leading role). Such dreams are observed at the child from three-year age (the smallest of do not dream). Children very often have terrible dreams, but to years to 7-8 this feature, as a rule, disappears.

Men have dreams preferential with participation of men. In female dreams of the woman and man appear equally often.

The dream deprived of dreams badly influences mental health

Total absence of dreams is an alarming sign. It is established that thus heavy mental disorders are shown.

Also other fact is experimentally confirmed: if the person within two-three days does not manage to endure a REM sleep phase during which dreams appear, it becomes scattered, irritable, aggressive. At continuation of a research examinees had hallucinations and other signs of frustration of mentality. At the same time the general duration of a night dream was quite sufficient for good rest. Besides, scientists noticed that the brain of people to whom they returned an opportunity normally to have dreams, began to make up for the lost impressions: examinees within several days after the end of an experiment saw extremely bright and informative dreams which duration was much bigger normal.

Dreams not always happen color

There is an opinion that color dreams demonstrate existence of mental deviations. It's not true. Most of people have in color about 88% of dreams. At the same time the maintenance of a dream is not connected with his color perception in any way.

Events and people whom we dream partly are familiar to us

During sleep the brain continues to process feelings and emotions experienced in reality, creating fancy combinations of familiar situations and images. Therefore confidence that we dream strangers is not based on anything. Each person which appeared before the person in a dream at least for a moment was seen by it in reality.

In life different people often get into similar situations. For this reason they can have dreams of identical contents. Most often dreams in which we hurry somewhere meet, we are late, we go in transport, we take examinations, we catch up with someone (or we run away).

Человек запоминает только 10% сновидений

The maintenance of dreams cannot be perceived literally

Dreams often very precisely reproduce certain situations, but to perceive it as the prediction of the future or the guide to action is impossible. Dreams have no relation to the future events. More likely, they are complex mix of memories of already incidents, situations and impressions which already remained in the past.

During sleep the body is almost paralyzed

During a bystry phase of a dream the spinal cord receives the signals forcing it to relax as much as possible all muscles of a body. Existence of this mechanism is connected not only with need to give to an organism the chance to have a rest. The person usually dreams himself as the most active participant, and mobility of muscles is blocked to minimize risk of drawing to itself damages.

Process of functioning of a brain is still insufficiently studied during sleep. Perhaps, in the next years researchers will obtain information which will allow to decipher dreams, and will learn to put it into practice, for example, for the purpose of treatment of mental disorders.

Whether you know that:

During life the average person develops neither more nor less two big pools of saliva.