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TOP-7 the most widespread venereal diseases

Venereal diseases in medicine are called the infections which are transmitted preferential sexually, now they and are called – infections, sexually transmitted, or STD. Among them is also life-threatening. In spite of the fact that the majority of diseases such will respond to treatment, they are widespread everywhere, and there is no tendency to decrease in incidence. Besides, some of them promptly look younger: statistically, a third of young people at the age of 16-22 years has these or those illnesses got at sexual contact. Let's consider 7 often found venereal diseases in the world.

Папилломавирусная инфекция - распространенное венерическое заболевание

Human papillomavirus infection

The Virus of Papilloma of the Person (VPP) – very widespread infection causing damage of skin and mucous membranes. According to WHO data, contamination of VPCh occurs more than at 60% of the people leading regular sex life. Most often a carriage of virus proceeds asymptomatically, and at decrease in immunity of VPCh leads to formation of flat and sharp-pointed condylomas on covers of a vagina, vulva, urethra, neck of uterus. The virus is not so harmless as it seems – there are oncogenous strains of a papillomavirus, and the fact that they bear responsibility for more than 90% of cases of cancer of neck of uterus is authentically determined.


The most harmless of the existing infections of a genital tract. The disease is caused by the smallest bacteria – the ureaplasmas living on mucous membranes of generative organs. Asymptomatic carriers of ureaplasmosis are about 50% of men and women. Ureaplasmas for years exist in a human body, without proving in any way, however at an imbalance of microflora of a bacterium begin to develop promptly, leading to different disturbances. In a chronic form the infection can become the reason of an inflammation of appendages of a uterus, a prostate, an urolithiasis, an urethritis and even premature births. Treatment of ureaplasmosis is performed at emergence of the expressed symptoms of a disease: unpleasant feelings in the field of generative organs (burning, transparent allocations, weight in the bottom of a stomach).

Genital herpes

Statistically, the carrier of genital herpes is every tenth person of puberal age, however only 20% from them know about it. More than in half of cases the disease proceeds asymptomatically that does not exclude a possibility of its transfer sexually. Belonging to one of herpes simplex virus types, the illness can affect not only generative organs (a vagina, its threshold, a neck of uterus), but also lips (at oral contact), and also a rectum. Its characteristic manifestation are rashes of bubbles, inclined to association, which, bursting, form painful sores.

Insidiousness of a disease is that, having got to an organism, the virus of herpes remains in nervous cells forever and, under the influence of negative factors (the postponed disease, overcooling, a stress), can cause a new aggravation. In the started forms genital herpes can become the reason of an urethritis, a vesiculitis, prostatitis and even cancer of a neck of uterus.


In our rating syphilis takes the "honourable" fourth place on prevalence degree among the population. In Russia on each 100 thousand people 186 are infected with a pale treponema which probability of transfer at the unprotected sexual intercourse makes about 30%, and in the household way (at a kiss, corporal contact) – less than 10%.

Shown in the form of a slow disease with characteristic external signs (ulcers, a hard ulcer, rash), in case of lack of treatment the disease can affect a nervous system, internals and to lead to a lethal outcome.


Classical venereal disease, almost in 100% cases sexually transmitted, though isolated cases of its transfer when using of the general sanitary products are known. By estimates of WHO, annually there are more than 62 million cases of infection with an infection worldwide, and today young people at the age of 15-24 years even more often are exposed to infection.

Getting to intercellular space, the activator causes an acute inflammation, leading to diseases of a vagina, uterus, appendages, testicles and other bodies (an oral cavity, a throat, a rectum, and in the started cases of heart, liver, brain). If gonorrhea within 2 months is not cured, the disease passes into a chronic form and can become the reason of heavy complications: infertility, a blindness and – in the absence of treatment − death.

Venereal ulcer (шанкроид)

Venereal disease, eurysynusic in the countries of Southeast Asia, Africa, South America, but seldom meeting in Russia. It is considered that diseases are most subject the people having chaotic sex however in some cases the activator can be transferred in the household contact way. As a result of infection with a streptobacillus on site its penetrations (most often generative organs, are more rare – lips, an anus, fingers of hands) arise erethistic deep ulcers without the condensed basis with purulent contents. In the absence of treatment шанкроид causes an inflammation of lymph nodes, and also a phymosis (prepuce hypostasis).

Вирус иммунодефицита человека (ВИЧ) - опасное венерическое заболевание

HIV infection

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) – the disease of a sort from the Western Africa which became a cause of death more than 40 million people. The disease progresses: only in our country for May 1, 2015 the number of infected made 933 419 people. The virus affects immune system therefore the organism remains almost defenseless before any infection which can bring, and finally leads to a lethal outcome. HIV infection meets at the people abusing drugs more often and the persons having chaotic sex (70-80% of cases) however there are infection cases at hemotransfusion, also the virus can be transmitted from mother to the baby at the time of delivery and breastfeeding. A carriage of virus can be long asymptomatic, AIDS develops only in 5-15 years after infection. Unfortunately, today the disease is incurable.

Whether you know that:

The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.