Main > Articles about health> Pharmaceutical kitchen garden: medicinal plants which can be grown up at the dacha

Pharmaceutical kitchen garden: medicinal plants which can be grown up at the dacha

Use of medicinal plants in therapy is urgent today, more than ever. The drugs made of curative herbs cannot replace completely modern synthetic drugs, but their use becomes frequent serious help in simplification of a course of many illnesses and improvement of quality of life of chronic patients.

Лекарственные растения, которые можно вырастить самостоятельно

Considering a continuous rise in price of pharmaceutical drugs, huge plus is that each person is quite capable not only to prepare vegetable broth or infusion in house conditions, but also to independently grow up vegetable raw materials on the seasonal dacha.

Old acquaintances: tasty and useful

Almost all vegetable and berry cultures which are traditionally cultivated on personal plots have also medicinal properties what gardeners and gardeners sometimes forget about:

  • Potatoes. The ferry of boiled tubers the catarral phenomena treat. Grated crude potato is excellent abscesses and burns medicine, she removes inflammations and hypostases at stings of insects. Freshly squeezed potato juice reduces arterial pressure, contributes to normalization of work of intestines, reduces acidity of a gastric juice, saves from nausea;
  • Beet. The juice which is squeezed out of crude or boiled root crops is used as nasal drops at treatment of rhinitis, antritis and sinusitis, it is added to solution for rinsing of a throat at quinsy. In mixes with juice of carrots, a radish and cabbage, beet juice it is applied to treatment of an anemia and stomach diseases;
  • Carrots. Root crops contain the substances rendering antiinflammatory, wound healing, diuretic, laxative, expectorant and soothing action. Broths of seeds and a tops of vegetable apply at diseases of urinary tract and kidneys, in particular, in therapy of an urolithiasis;
  • Onions and garlic. These vegetables are very widely used in traditional medicine. Not without reason say that "onions from seven an illness". Onions and garlic possess phytoncidal action. Even infusion of an onions peel is useful – he removes hypostases, is applied to prevention of a diabetes mellitus. Gruel from baked onions is anti-inflammatory drug, extremely effective at treatment of abscesses;
  • Parsley. All parts of a plant have curative properties. Broth or juice use at treatment of female diseases, at abscesses and stings of insects, and also as diuretic, sudorific and an antispasmodic. Infusion of roots and a grass treat prostatitis. Apply parsley and in cosmetology for the purpose of whitening and improvement of skin;
  • Cabbage. It is used as antiulcerous and cholagogue means. Crude leaves put to wounds, abscesses, the inflamed joints. Broth of seeds treat gout;
  • Radish. Possesses strong bactericidal and spasmolytic action. It is used at treatment of respiratory diseases, a hypertension, liver diseases. Juice of a radish heal wounds, ulcers and decubituses, with its help get rid of intestinal parasites. Poultices and seeds ointments help at fungal infections of skin and at eczema.

Also other inhabitants of our kitchen gardens have curative properties: spicy herbs (fennel, basil, celery, hyssop, estragon), nightshade family (tomatoes, eggplants, different types of pepper), pumpkins and bean. Separately it is worth mentioning plants which still seldom meet on our kitchen gardens: girasol and scorzonera (black sweet root). Their tubers and root crops contain a large amount of the inulin useful to patients with a diabetes mellitus.

That the berries and fruit growing on seasonal dachas are irreplaceable sources of microelements and vitamins, knows everyone. But the advantage which can be taken from such plants is not limited to it. For example, leaves of a garden wild strawberry and berry bushes (raspberry, currant) can be used at treatment of bleedings, colds, diseases of bodies of a GIT, a hypertension, skin diseases and many other illnesses. The hawthorn and a dogrose grow up as ornamental shrubs more often, but also their fruits can be used as vitamin and medicinal raw materials. Curative properties mountain ash berries (red and black-fruited) and bird cherries have.

Рябина красная – лекарственное растение

What we admire, and we are treated by that

From krasivotsvetushchy plants of our gardens having medicinal properties only the calendula and a peony are rather widely known, perhaps. However flowers which are capable not only to please with the beauty but also to share curative raw materials with gardeners, it is much more. To help cope with the most different illnesses irises, tulips, narcissuses, primroses, Vittrok's (pansies) violets, centaureas, солидаго, uvulyariya, ranks, bergenias, marigold, delphiniums, gladioluses, the camomiles, amaranths, a comfrey and many other flowers popular among gardeners can.

Until recently such known medicinal plants as a melissa, a catnip, a sage, a marjoram, a thyme, a valerian, a lythrum, a yarrow, a St. John's Wort, a lavender, Dubrovnik, a motherwort etc., met on seasonal dachas very seldom as to get landing material was difficult. Today seeds of these herbs are on sale in specialized shops, and any summer resident can grow up them on the kitchen garden. The majority of medicinal plants have high decorative effect and a pleasant smell, and can quite become decoration of a garden.

Rules of cultivation and use of medicinal plants

The idea to independently provide the family with medicinal vegetable raw materials is very attractive, but gardeners should not forget that use of curative herbs can have also side effects. To avoid troubles, it is necessary to consider the following:

  • The site on which medicinal plants will be grown up has to be environmentally friendly. It means that use of chemicals at the dacha should be minimized;
  • Preparation of vegetable raw materials needs to be carried out to strictly certain terms. Besides, the correct processing (washing, cutting, drying) of flowers, a grass, leaves and rhizomes of medicinal plants is of great importance. If the technology of preparation of raw materials is not sustained, the effect of its use will significantly decrease;
  • Preparation of broths, infusions, curative raw materials ointments demands careful following to recipes. At non-compliance with proportions, time of boiling or insisting and other conditions drugs can work not as it is expected;
  • Treatment by herbs becomes frequent the reason of allergic reactions. Besides, at independent preparation of drugs it is almost impossible to provide an exact dosage of active ingredients. Therefore there is a sense to begin with reception of small portions of broths and infusions, in order to avoid side effects.

Правила применения лекарственных растений

The drugs made of vegetable raw materials are the same drugs, as well as all others. It is necessary to apply them with care, considering all contraindications. It is clear, that it is possible to begin such treatment only with the permission of the attending physician who has to estimate a condition of the patient and solve whether vegetable therapy is compatible to traditional drugs which are already appointed to the patient.

Whether you know that:

Stomatologists appeared relatively recently. In the 19th century to pull out painful teeth belonged to duties of the ordinary hairdresser.