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8 myths about acupuncture

The technique of acupuncture (acupuncture) is used in the medical purposes more than three and a half millennia. It is eurysynusic and recognized as official medicine in the majority of the developed countries of the world. Influence by fine needles on so-called points of acupuncture contributes to normalization of a metabolism and hormonal background, activates protective forces of an organism, has anesthetic and antiinflammatory effect, stabilizes a condition of mentality.

Despite recognized efficiency of a method, many people have a perverse idea of it and are afraid to follow recommendations of doctors who appoint acupuncture courses to the patients. It is worth discrediting the steadiest myths about acupuncture to remove unreasonable fears and to draw attention of patients to this unique medical and recreational procedure.

Лечение иглоукалыванием причиняет сильную боль - один из распространенных мифов

1. Treatment by acupuncture causes severe pain

It's not true. The specialist carries out the procedure almost imperceptibly for the patient. At the time of a prick the mild pain which at once passes can be felt.

For the experienced reflexologist process of installation of needles on the necessary depth does not represent any complexity. If the patient is afraid of the procedure and is in a condition of tension, unpleasant feelings can amplify. In order to avoid a stress it is necessary to take an acupuncture course at the doctor having good reputation and who was credible patients.

2. The official medicine does not recognize acupuncture

In our country acupuncture is officially applied more than half a century. The program of most medical schools included the corresponding courses. Specialists in the field of acupuncture work in hospitals, district clinics and sanatorium institutions.

3. Acupuncture is incompatible with traditional therapy

Acupuncture courses perfectly supplement drug treatment. Official information on any cases of incompatibility of a method with reception of medicines or treatment in other ways of physical therapy does not exist.

4. Acupuncture helps only from pain

Procedures really possess strong soothing action, but it not everyone what acupuncture is capable of. Courses of treatment are appointed at:

  • Allergies (itch, skin rashes);
  • Diseases of the digestive system (peptic ulcer, stagnation of bile, locks);
  • Disturbances of work of a nervous system (neuritis, migraines, hysteria, nervous tics, enuresis);
  • Defeats of a respiratory organs (bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, tracheitises and quinsies);
  • Inflammatory diseases of joints (miozita, bursitis, arthritises);
  • Injuries (fractures, sprains etc.);
  • Cardiovascular diseases (arrhythmia, hypotonia, arterial hypertension);
  • Problems with the removing system (chronic cystitis, nephrites, prostatitis);
  • Gynecologic pathologies (failures of a menstrual cycle, hormonal infertility, dysfunctions of ovaries, hard cases of a menopausal syndrome);
  • Diseases of organs of sight (oculomotor disturbances, squint etc.);
  • Failures in work of closed glands.

Besides, acupuncture well helps the people aiming to get rid of the excess weight or addictions (alcohol, nicotine or drug addiction).

5. Treatment by acupuncture has a set of side effects

At the person who does not have contraindications, procedures do not cause any side effects. The method of acupuncture should not be applied to treatment:

  • Children aged about one year;
  • Oncological patients;
  • The patients having blood pathologies;
  • Patients with acute mental disorders;
  • Patients with the increased body temperature;
  • People for whom purulent inflammatory processes or infectious diseases are diagnosed;
  • Pregnant women, if process of incubation proceeds with complications.

With care acupuncture is appointed at uncomplicated pregnancy, old age of the patient (70 years are more senior), severe exhaustion, a condition of serious nervous or physical overfatigue, multiple sclerosis and disturbances of cerebral circulation.

6. Acupuncture causes accustoming

The opinion that the patients who once completed an acupuncture course badly feel afterwards if they a long time cannot resort to this procedure again is eurysynusic. It's not true. Perhaps, the delusion arose because some chronic patients should be treated repeatedly as sessions of acupuncture give them temporary relief, saving from unpleasant symptoms, but not eliminating the disease.

Вызывает ли иглоукалывание привыкание?

7. The result of acupuncture has to be swept up after 2-3 courses

Reaction to procedures is individual. Depending on a condition of an organism and a stage of development of a disease patients need from 2-3 to 9-10 courses of acupuncture.

8. Effect of acupuncture purely psychological

The method somewhat has effect of placebo. However it is proved that acupuncture really removes inflammatory processes, stabilizes work of closed glands and normalizes a metabolism. Besides, during the procedure there is a powerful emission of endorphines – the substances having anesthetic and tonic effect.

Acupuncture – the productive and safe method of treatment capable to help with disposal of the most various illnesses. It is well combined with reception of medicines, kills pain and promotes stabilization of psychological state of patients.

Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.