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We adapt the kid to kindergarten

It seems, quite recently you brought the baby from maternity hospital, but time flew by, and here it is already going to join the first in life children's collective. How to prepare the child for visit of a garden? What needs to teach him to facilitate adaptation process? What to tell and how to behave that the kid transferred changes in the life without serious consequences? Let's try to find answers to these questions.

Особенности адаптации малышей к детскому саду

Requirements to the state of health of the child

According to acts of the Russian Federation, the kids coming to kindergartens have to be carefully inspected. On each child the special map in which data on his family, chronic diseases, level of physical and mental development, the carried-out vaccination are entered is made out. The document is processed by the local pediatrician, and he recommends specialists doctors who have to examine the kid. It:

  • Surgeon;
  • Otolaryngologist;
  • Oculist;
  • Stomatologist;
  • Orthopedist;
  • Neurologist;
  • Dermatologist;
  • Endocrinologist;
  • Psychologist.

The conclusions of specialists remain urgent long enough therefore the examinations conducted within a year before design of the card do not need to be repeated. For children 3 years are more senior also visit of the logopedist is necessary. Besides, results of the next laboratory researches are brought in the card:

  • General analyses of urine and blood;
  • Blood test on determination of content of glucose;
  • The analysis a calla on eggs of worms;
  • Scraping on an enterobiosis.

Researches should be done as it is possible closer to date of transfer of the map in a garden as results of some of them quickly become outdated. At the time of final execution of the document also the certificate of lack of contacts of the child with infectious patients within the last week is introduced in it.

If the kid by the time of drawing up the card received all planned inoculations, information on them is entered in the document by the local pediatrician. Happens that vaccination were not made on medical indications or according to the decision of parents. All necessary data on it are also fixed in the document. Lack of inoculations cannot become a cause of failure from transfer in preschool institution, but the health worker of a garden has to be informed on this circumstance.

Recently the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation made the offer on cancellation of obligatory medical examination of the children coming to kindergartens. The sense of the project consisted that children have to undergo many inspections already in a certain age (for example, in one or two years), and visits to specialists doctors at design of the "sadovsky" card at the same time turn into mere formality (especially considering huge load of doctors of children's policlinics). It was expected that the amendment to laws on health care and education will be adopted by September 1, 2015, but it did not happen. Therefore, the provision on obligatory medical examination continues to work so far.

The official list of diseases at which the child cannot be admitted to kindergarten, does not exist. However it does not mean that features of the state of health of the kid should not be considered at registration in preschool institution. For the kids having chronic diseases there are special gardens in which individual care and the dosed loadings will be provided to them. According to the recommendation of doctor child have to issue in establishment for visually impaired or hearing-impaired, kids with the corresponding degree of a delay of mental development, an allergy, endocrine disturbances, musculoskeletal system problems etc. Parents should show consideration for a professional advice not only because in specialized kindergarten optimum leaving will be provided to their children. Such institutions carry out also work on correction of disfigurations of the little pupils and their preparation for school that can not always competently be made in usual kindergarten and even in a family.

Widespread problem: the baby does not want to go to a garden

Happens that documents are ready, issues with registration are resolved, and it seems that all troubles behind, but here parents face an unexpected problem: the child refuses flatly to go to a garden. No arrangements help, and every morning turns into an infinite hysterics. In this case you should not think that the garden is bad or your child did not get used yet. More likely, it you made several mistakes which should be corrected now.

First of all, the kid needs to be trained for visit of child care facility. It should accept very serious changes, and it cannot be made without preliminary understanding. In some sense, life in a garden is directly opposite to all its experience, and instant transition to it involves a serious stress. For comparison:

  • Houses the child is the center of interests of adults. Care for it first of all, and even its misses discuss individually. In a garden it only one of the whole group, at all not most important;
  • Adult family members love the kid; they are tender and indulgent. Workers of a garden treat all children equally, they need to obey even if something is not pleasant;
  • The day regimen, occupations and food in child care facility can strongly differ from house;
  • In a garden it is necessary to contact not only to certain children, but also to the whole collective, and it is not always comfortable.

To avoid full rejection of new circumstances, the child should be trained for them in advance. If to consider that in big cities of kids sign up in child care facilities nearly since the birth, we will consider that the suitable garden for yours the baby was chosen long before it will reach optimum age to start visit. By the way, specialists consider such age 2,5-3 years: such kids the easiest transfer the adaptation period.

Как подготовить ребенка к детскому саду?

In 3-4 months prior to the beginning of new life it is necessary to acquaint the child with the place of its future "work". It is necessary to tell about what is done by children in a garden as they play, have dinner, are engaged. It is necessary to emphasize that an opportunity to attend kindergarten appeared at the kid because he matured, grew wiser, became independent. It is fine if other family members let the child know that they are proud of his progress and wait for further achievements. There is a sense to make kindergarten vicinities the place of constant joint walks that the kid saw how children play on the territory.

Specialists note the following patterns:

  • The more stoutly the child owns skills of self-service, the more surely he feels in group;
  • Easier those kids whose day regimen was previously corrected adapt to a garden, having brought closer it to that which is accepted in child care facility;
  • It is simpler to child to learn to contact to other children and tutors if he is able to play and occupy himself independently;
  • Well kids which have an experience of communication with the peers adapt. It is about the simplest skills of acquaintance, exchange of toys, conversations, game invitations etc.

It is necessary to accustom the kid to a garden gradually. Within several weeks it is worth taking away it before a lunch or right after it. It is very important that the child precisely knew when come behind him and that this rule was never violated. Bringing the baby into a garden, it is necessary to behave friendly with all children, their parents and tutors: for your kid it will be a sign of reliability and safety. Good results are yielded by establishment of rituals of farewell, a meeting, return home.

One of the most important aspects of schooling of the child to a garden is confidence of parents that such education is necessary. If someone in a family doubts it and sees a certain alternative, the kid feels it and adaptation takes place much more difficult.

Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.