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We grow thin with pleasure: councils of psychologists

Главное – мотивация
The main thing – motivation
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It is initially incorrect to speak to himself: "everything, I go on a diet". This thought already means restriction, and, therefore, cannot bring pleasure. Wonder better: "at the existing eating habits how many I need to spend calories a day?", or: "how many calories daily I can consume to begin to lose weight?".
Без напряга
Without pressure
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Everything that you are going to undertake for parting with extra kilos, has to become with a positive spirit. Any action made "in a pressure" will alienate you from a goal. Healthy food has to give pleasure, and daily exercise stresses to be in joy.
Физическая активность
Physical activity
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Physical activity is not only sports activities, but also and what you do every day in life and at a leisure: washing and an ironing, cleaning, foot walk before work, dances, yoga and many other things. Choosing for itself loading, you can safely eliminate occupations those sports which cause rejection. And choose from the others that to you to liking.
Сколько заниматься спортом?
How many to play sports?
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If you are frightened by the word "sport" – do not worry, nobody is going to force you to drive from himself seven sweats. At the initial stage the minimum daily physical activity – half an hour. Then, when you will begin to enjoy, will be able to give without effort to favourite sports hour a day and more. The main thing to be engaged only in what is pleasant to you, and in time suitable for you, otherwise occupations will cause hostility.
Вода с лимоном
Water with a lemon
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If you have a normal or lowered acidity, add freshly squeezed juice of a lemon to drinking water, he will help to transfer feeling of hunger easier. On two liters of warm water a half of the average size of a lemon undertakes. Lemon juice promotes decrease in level of sugar in blood, to bystry saturation, clarification of an organism from toxins. Besides, juice of a lemon stimulates work of a liver, and also supplies an organism with vitamin C and microelements.
Выбор диеты
Choice of a diet
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The following task – to decide on a food allowance or to pick up already ready diet which observance will give you pleasure. It is better to make it, having asked for the help the specialist nutritionist. Nobody will put you on bread and water. The good doctor not only will recommend an optimum food allowance, but still will help to be adjusted and find confidence in success.
Пищевые привычки
Eating habits
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Quite often eating habits created in the childhood remain for the rest of life. To begin to eat properly, it is necessary to pay attention to with what thoughts you eat. Whether you hunger really while the hand tries to keep step with the next cookies, or this just mechanical, usual action, connected, perhaps, with a stress, fatigue or boredom? One more important point to which it is worth paying attention – a lack of a dream which psychologists directly connect with an overeating.
Основа диеты - белки
Diet basis - proteins
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If you are sensitive to hunger and any restrictions in food cause the real tortures, best of all you will suit the proteinaceous and vegetable diets allowing to eat often and variously. In spite of the fact that at such diets the big circle of products will disappear from a diet, the resolved products can be combined in various ways that will allow not to feel restrictions practically.
Если не получается без углеводов
If it is impossible without carbohydrates
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If you easily transfer restrictions in food and can sit a long time on one salad, but, unfortunately, cannot pass by sweet, then it is better to choose diet type where the main share of carbohydrates falls on morning. Instead of sugar it is necessary to use sweeteners. Emphasis should be put on herbs and spices, taste of food is covered in its aroma therefore consuming fragrant food, an organism it is possible to deceive.
Как садиться на диету?
How to go on a diet?
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For successful weight loss, at the initial stage you will need will power to develop in itself useful habits which will help to follow simple rules of a balanced diet further. You should not switch over to a new diet at once – it will bring to an organism a stress and process of weight loss will not give any pleasure. It is recommended to include only those dietary products which you love in a diet.
Нет монодиетам!
No to monodiets!
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Monodiets are acceptable only in one case: if you overate (for example, on holidays), and you need to sit couple of days on kefir, buckwheat or rice porridge. For the rest the monodiet represents the unbalanced food stimulating adjournment in a fat organism for emergency. Besides, long time to eat only one product hard psychologically.
Два литра воды в день
Two liters of water a day
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Since morning gather a two-liter bottle of water and drink it during the day. And, water has to be in a bottle, so you will be able to control the volume of drunk. Very often the feeling of hunger arises at a lack of liquid of an organism. In that case, that desire was gone is, it is enough to drink waters. Clear drinking water in enough is an obligatory component of successful weight loss. And here it is necessary to refuse carbonated drinks.
Исключаем кетчуп и майонез
We exclude ketchup and mayonnaise
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Store sauces are rich with bystry carbohydrates, harmful fats, amplifiers of taste, etc. But it is rather difficult to refuse ketchup or mayonnaise, even understanding that except additional calories these additives in a diet introduce nothing useful. It is possible to replace them with sauces of house preparation, using at production the least caloric and only natural products. Gradually it is necessary to pass to such seasonings as pepper, balsam vinegar, spices, herbs and salt (in a small amount).
Замена привычных продуктов диетическими
Replacement of usual products with dietary
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Everything that can be fat-free, has to replace in your menu products with more high fat content. Instead of 3,2% of milk drink 1,5%, instead of sour cream of 20% of fat content use ferment of 0% or the fat-free yogurt for seasoning of salads and first courses. Exclude sugar from a diet, having replaced it with honey, do not afford high-calorific confectionery, but if there is a wish for sweets, eat a few dried fruits or a natural fruit candy. Psychologically it is much more difficult to sustain full refusal of usual products, than to accept their replacement.
Завтрак - прежде всего
Breakfast - first of all
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As a rule, with a problem breakfast at idlers and owls. Those whose organism is not accustomed to early meal. It is quite possible to reconstruct the mode and a food allowance for the sake of perspective of loss of extra kilos. The breakfast can and has to be caloric if you cannot force to eat porridge – it does not matter, give preference to jam sandwich. Having refueled in the morning energy, you will be able to make much more, and at the same time to spend all calories received since morning.

Whether you know that:

The person accepting antidepressants in most cases will have a depression again. If the person coped with depression by own efforts, he has every chance forever to forget about this state.