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With laziness on life!

Наблюдения ученых
Observations of scientists
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Scientists paid attention that hasty animals live less than sluggish. So, for example, slow reptiles which major activity is long lying outdoors and slow digestion of food have high life expectancy.
Энергия - источник жизни
Energy - a life source
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Scientists created the theory which is based that a criterion of all vital processes is energy. According to this theory all animals reach a phase of the end of development after consume identical amount of energy on kilogram of weight. And correctness of this theory was proved. After the numerous researches conducted on birds it turned out that the more slowly the metabolism, the more slowly comes aging.
Лень - залог долгой жизни?
Laziness - pledge of long life?
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All give in to time. But the moment of natural death not at all is identical. Here and comparison of the person with car arises. The car which run makes 100 thousand km on the flat route undoubtedly, will remain better than the car which passed only 20 thousand km, but on the broken city roads. Therefore there is such concept as the biological age characterizing how many the person has still energy in a stock.
Берегите батарейки
Protect batteries
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It is necessary to move correctly that the vital battery was not discharged too quickly. From the moment of conception in an organism hours which stop when the battery completely is discharged begin to tick. Of course, as an exception serves death from accident or a disease here. At the same time the metabolic rate of the person is individual and depends on a number of factors.
Факторы, влияющие на скорость обмена веществ
The factors influencing metabolic rate
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First, it is genes. They define basic data of each person. Secondly, way of life. A lot of things depend on in what speed there lives a person. Thirdly, state of health. For example, at some diseases the metabolism accelerates (hyperthyroidism). Anyway, irrespective of the fact which there were basic data of the person, he has an opportunity to save vital energy.
Элитное топливо
Elite fuel
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The alimentary system has the stock of energy therefore you should not overload it with the wrong food. The refrigerator has to contain the useful products necessary for maintenance of health. It: dairy products, fish, fruit and vegetables, low-fat meat. From them the organism receives all necessary substances, without spending a lot of energy for digestion. Food has to be rich with cellulose which, like a brush, clears an organism.
Правильное движение
Correct movement
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It is necessary to move much, to play sports, but without extremes. The sport has to give pleasure. In reasonable quantities it helps an organism to work correctly. By the way, trainings (reasonably) lead to oxygen consumption reduction by a cardiac muscle, to delay of a cordial rhythm and improvement of the overall power balance. The sport promotes that lungs are better supplied with oxygen and work more economically.
Гормоны - в гармонии
Hormones - in harmony
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Hormones manage our organism. They are responsible for development and growth, metabolic rate, the correct biorhythms, I am eager for love, emission of energy in a stress. If nervous, immune and hormonal systems are not in balance, then the battery of life is discharged quicker. If the hormonal system is spread out, necessary gormonozamestitelny therapy which will help to keep good health, and will prolong life.
Здоровая кожа
Healthy skin
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Each process in an organism can happen a certain number of times. The same concerns also cell fission of skin. So, updating and cell fission are accelerated by suntan, peeling procedures, special cosmetics. Thanks to peeling skin begins to look younger and more attractive, but it is necessary to pay for this beauty later as this process is stimulated artificially, and, therefore, skin grows old quicker.
Реалистичные цели
Realistic purposes
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Set to yourself such purposes which are able to be reached. Trying to jump through himself, very soon you will feel the squeezed orange devastated and which fused. Think, and can you live over the vital potential, you undertake too much? From that how feasible purposes are set for himself by the person, his health and the general wellbeing in many respects depends. Try to do everything with pleasure.
Жизнь как праздник
Life as holiday
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Those people to whom life gives satisfaction and joy live longer. They are ill less often, unlike those people who in everything see a problem. Any action has to give pleasure, life – one why to torment itself? Well, and if you cannot change the life, try to change the attitude towards her.
Умейте лениться
Be able to be lazy
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Regularly arrange yourself breaks in work. You aim at the purposes reasonably, trying to spend a minimum of forces. Dare to polentyaynichat, lie down sometimes outdoors and to enjoy in the good afternoon. Delegate the powers, allow to work sometimes with another for yourself. At respectable age lead full-fledged life, without setting up for themselves any records. Also you remember, first of all you live for yourself, but not for others.


Whether you know that:

Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.