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Children's whims: sources and methods of controlling

Основные причины детских капризов
Main reasons for children's whims
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Children can be capricious for any reason. For example, the kid came from walk cheerful and suddenly began to be capricious, shout, refuses to wash hands. You begin to guess: and, maybe, he is hungry, wants to sleep, you offended him, etc. That you did not undertake, nothing helps, the kid all the same shouts and does not calm down. Such situation is familiar to you? What he after all wants?
Скачки в развитии ребенка
Jumps in development of the child
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There is a scientific explanation for whims. Children develop jumps, and in addition to external manifestations, there are jumps in development of mentality. As a result of jumps, the world familiar to the child changes, new opportunities which he hurries to try open. Often the child is frightened by similar changes, he needs time to adapt and learn the new opportunities.
Неправильное воспитание
Wrong education
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The wrong education can be the cause of whims too. For example, when the child knows that on the first shout parents grant all his desires. Gradually the child gets used to try to obtain the desirable by means of crying and over time this habit becomes trait of character. And, small children can have very persistent whims. So to do how to fight with them?
Спокойствие и только спокойствие
Tranquility and only tranquility
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The child cries, falls on a floor and writhes in hysterics? Leave it at this moment of one and wait until he calms down independently. It is necessary to understand that so rough manifestations of feelings are counted on adults. When the kid understands that his actor's talent does not make a due impression on you, the habit to imitate a hysterics gradually will disappear.
Не кричите
You do not shout
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All children without exception are capricious. Other question – as parents react to it. You should not shout at the child, thereby aggravating a situation. It is all the same what to try to stop wind. It is important to child to feel that you love him in any state, and at the moments of psychological growth – especially.
Помогите ребенку
Help the child
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You can show to the kid what is near him that he is able to do and that to it as persons, approaches. You as parents, you know the child best of all. Help it to disclose the talents and to develop abilities. With your help he will study more willingly and quicker.
А может, это потребность?
Or perhaps it is requirement?
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If the child can quietly explain to you why he needs "something", then it is requirement, but not a whim. Here it is important to understand that needs of children absolutely differ from needs of adults and it is not necessary to neglect them. Put yourself to the place of your kid.
Объясните, почему
Explain why "no"
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It is quite difficult to explain to the small child why you do not allow it to do "that" or to receive "it". Widespread situation: the child asks to buy it a toy, and parents just speak "no". The child begins to be capricious because he does not understand why refuse to him. Your kid is much cleverer, than you think, and he has the right to know why you do not buy to it a toy.
Объясните ребенку, что есть
Explain to the child what is "" and "others"
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Children actively learn the world and do not understand at all that there are not only them, but also others things. If the child took others thing, you should not take away sharply it from him, and offer an alternative. For example, the kid took someone else's machine, and does not want to any to give it. Offer it exchange: a toy on a toy. In 90% of cases the kid will agree.
Не разрешайте ребенку долго смотреть телевизор
Do not allow the child to watch TV long
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Children are tired of the TV and it is possible to watch it no more than 20 minutes a day. If the child begins to be capricious and demand continuation of the animated film, explain to the kid that you worry for his eyes and offer alternative, interesting to it, occupation. Children quickly switch. If you indulge whims, then you lost at once as the kid already realized that can not listen to you.
Будьте для ребенка примером
Be for the child an example
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If you often shout and manipulate the relatives, do not control the emotions, then you should not expect that your child will behave well. The kid in everything imitates parents, your behavior – for it a bright example.
Будьте последовательны
Be consecutive
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If you prohibited the child any action once, be consecutive and insist on what cannot be done it. The child will easier accept rules if sees your constancy. If today to prohibit the child to be played in a pool, and tomorrow to resolve – it is possible just to confuse him.
Хвалите малыша за правильные действия
You praise the kid for the correct actions
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If all the time to focus attention of the child on his negative actions, it is not excluded that he will constantly apply them to attraction of your attention. Therefore try to create a positive spirit in behavior of the child and you praise its every time when it arrives well or correctly. So you reduce desire of the kid to be in opposition.
Снизьте количество запретов до минимума
Reduce quantity of bans to a minimum
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Remove from the field sight of the child all objects which it cannot take, put on plastic caps the control panel of the TV, lock rooms and cases to which the child should not get. So you significantly simplify life to yourself and your child and will be able to avoid the mass of unnecessary questions and whims.
Любопытство - не каприз
Curiosity - not a whim
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Children's curiosity – the phenomenon natural as children actively learn the world around. Therefore before abusing the kid for curiosity manifestation, think, and it would be pleasant to you if you were constantly abused for desire to learn something? Find for the child time and try to explain everything that it is interesting to it.

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