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7 reasons to start exercises

Укрепление здоровья
Strengthening of health
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The most important argument for exercises – strengthening of health. The movement is life, and sport and there is a movement. During the occupations the cardiac muscle becomes stronger, the blood stream improves, all cells are actively saturated with oxygen, and the musculoskeletal system is supported in excellent physical shape. The trainings will become more regular, the your immunity will be stronger.
Бодрость и энергичность
Cheerfulness and vigor
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At first sight it seems a paradox that the person who is not engaged in physical exercises is tired more, than the one who gives himself an active exercise stress. All the matter is that time of occupations is developed by our organism endorphine – "happiness hormone". It that also increases in us feeling of cheerfulness and vigor. You feel washed-out? Start physical exercises!
Здоровый сон
Healthy sleep
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After the good training in all body there comes the pleasant fatigue. Excellent means for recovery of forces is the full-fledged dream. After exercise stresses a dream of the person stronger, and in the morning you will wake up well rested and full of strength. As the healthy sleep is very important for good health, this reason is worth it to begin to carry out physical exercises regularly.
Стройная фигура
Slim figure
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The people aiming to lose weight know that any diet will not bring desirable effect if not to support it with physical exercises. Therefore it is important to add a complex of loadings of aerobic and power character to the balanced healthy food allowance. The first type of occupations will help to burn fat, and the second to strengthen muscles. Such multilateral approach guarantees bystry and effective result.
Положительные эмоции
Positive emotions
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Carrying out physical exercises, you benefit not only for the body. Your emotional state too considerably will improve. First, you will realize that you make a contribution to own health which will never be vain. Secondly, you improve the appearance, your body will become harmonious and tightened, and it cannot but please.
Борьба со стрессом
Fight against a stress
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Organism, receiving exercise stresses during the trainings, it is busy not only with production of endorphine, but also destruction of cortisol – stress hormone. Level of cortisol begins to go down when performing exercises and there is at a low level still some time after them. Thus, having made the occupations regular, you will not give to a stress the slightest chance of presence at your life.
Повышение самооценки
Increase in a self-assessment
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No matter, as you quickly change externally, having begun to go in regularly for physical culture, your self-assessment will begin to grow in proportion to occupations. The active person feels capable to overcome any difficulties. There will be a positive outlook on life, confidence and optimism. Growth of a self-assessment will affect the attitude towards itself, will change relationship with people around. Only several minutes a day, and your life will cardinally change for the better!


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