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We learn to get up early

Сформулируйте цель
Formulate the purpose
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It is unlikely you want to get up early if you do precisely not know what it is necessary for. Think of in what you will be engaged in earlier time: house efforts, sport, work, etc. Try to include those affairs for which you usually do not have time, of jotas in the morning they are important for you. Choose not only that purpose which is useful, but also which is desirable – in this case morning rise will quicker take place.
Наладьте распорядок дня
Adjust a daily routine
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Often people spend the time irrationally: long watch soap operas, communicate with friends and carry out those affairs which it is easier, but it is not more important. The magazine of time in which you will write down all affairs which are carried out during the day will help to change a situation. At the end of the week it will be visible, what is the time you spend for absolutely unnecessary occupations. Thus, morning hours can be spent for the most useful affairs.
Последовательность и терпение
Sequence and patience
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Reconcile to the fact that to accustom itself to get up early not to turn out at once. It is necessary to switch over to the new mode gradually. So, if you got used to get up at ten o'clock earlier, then it is natural, having put an alarm clock at 5 in the morning, you will get up tired and broken. Instead try to wake up every morning for 5-10 minutes before previous. It will help gradually, but without serious consequences to be reconstructed on the new mode.
Создайте идеальные условия для подъема
Create ideal conditions for rise
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Many things prevent early wakefulness: high temperature in the house or too low. So, try to have always near a bed in the winter warm clothes that it was possible to slip out from under a warm blanket and to be wrapped up quickly in clothes. In kitchen favourite coffee together with tasty, prepared since evening, a breakfast has to be made. Prepare since evening all necessary for those occupations in which you decided to be engaged since morning.
Раньше ложитесь
You lay down earlier
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Earlier to wake up – it is necessary to lay down earlier. Yes, to accustom itself to go to bed early too difficult. Actively spent day after which eyes will be closed by itself can help with it. If you have a mental work, then after it it is possible to organize long walks in the fresh air and physical trainings which will help to fall asleep easier.
Секрет в будильнике
Secret in an alarm clock
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If the alarm clock stands near a bed, then it is very easy to switch off it and just to continue to sleep. If to arrange an alarm clock in that place in which it cannot be got from a bed then you should get up with guarantee. So, it is possible to put an alarm clock on a case, or in a far corner of the room. Then, that to switch off it, you willy-nilly should get out of a bed, and during this time you will already manage to wake up.
Пусть вам позвонят
Let you will be called
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If your alarm clock does not possess rather strong signal, then ask someone from acquaintances or relatives to call you necessary time. Telephone conversation quickly brings round the sleepy person, especially if to ask about something or to tell some story. If your friends learn to wake up early too, then it is possible to call up in the mornings and to discuss the future affairs and cares.
Пусть вас будят близкие
Let you be awoken by relatives
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If you live with relatives, then it is possible to ask them to awake you in certain time. And, it is not simple to approach and bother on a shoulder, and to sit down nearby and to begin to talk to you. Here, however, the problem is that not all relatives have time for a similar talk since early morning.
Не ешьте перед сном!
Do not eat before going to bed!
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The use of food just before a dream promises uneasy night. Therefore after a dense dinner you will hardly manage to sleep, and in the morning you will feel sleepy and broken. If you had a desperate situation, then you should not load excessively a stomach, be limited to fruit or vegetables, having excluded fat dishes, meat and sweets.
Спите днем
You sleep in the afternoon
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In the first months of regular morning awakening you will uncomfortably feel and you will often drive in a dream. To avoid it, it is possible to allocate in the afternoon a little time for a day dream. He perfectly invigorates and guarantees you good health and great mood in the evening.
Создайте утренний ритуал
Create a morning ritual
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Let's say you get up, go to a bathroom, wash, become under a shower then you drink a hot cup of coffee. If you perform these operations every morning, then over time it will become a habit and even if you will badly get up, all the same on the automatic machine will go and execute the ritual which will become a final point of your awakening.
Метод кнута и пряника
Method of a carrot and stick
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Think up for yourself system of encouragement and penalties. It will allow you to fine itself for non-performance of the mode, or on the contrary, to award for the performed work. So, it is possible to punish, for example, itself money for what was overslept, giving this money to relatives or to orphanage. And, on the contrary, for performance of the mode it is possible to eat something tasty, to go to the cinema or have a rest as it is pleasant to you.
Не смотрите телефизор перед сном
You do not watch the TV before going to bed
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Many before going to bed watch news or read reports of events on the Internet. All these actions force a brain to work then it is difficult for it to calm down and fall asleep. If you cannot fall asleep in silence, it is possible to turn on the calming music or to read some boring book, but not from the tablet screen, and paper or from the professional reader. All the matter is that screens of tablets radiate light which irritates an eye retina.
Используйте народные методы засыпания
Use national methods of backfilling
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Easier to fall asleep and calm down, national doctors advise for half an hour to a dream to drink a glass of warm milk and to eat several tablespoons of honey. Before going to bed it is also possible to take an alternating douche, but only to watch that the last watering was a warm stream of water. The shower helps to remove emotional pressure. And here it is undesirable to have tea or coffee before going to bed.
Просыпайтесь в одно и то же время!
Wake up at the same time!
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Following the new mode, you have to remember that now you need to get up in the specific range of time. If you constantly jump in hours, getting up at 5 in the morning, in 7 or 9, finally you will not be able to accustom to get up early.


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