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10 men's reasons for parting

Пропал интерес
Interest was gone
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Men are very whimsical in respect of what has to be the woman near them. Give them smart, but not too, otherwise on its background itself you will look not in the best way. That which will be able to feel in the bed liberated is also necessary, but not to be at the same time vulgar. In a word, the woman has to interest in something all the time, to be an actress that male interest was constantly stirred.
Несдержанность женщины
Fieriness of the woman
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The inadequate behavior of the woman can enrage even the quietest man. It will be hardly pleasant to it if his companion throws out" something such in public or in the public place. Nonsense, sharpness or just ugly act will cast a shadow on the man and will force it to redden and be ashamed of the darling. Therefore not to be left in the basket of the relations it is necessary to be able to constrain itself.
Слишком навязчива
It is too persuasive
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As the reason for which the man can leave the woman serves excessive persistence. If from morning to the night to tell darling about the cares, events in a day, to chirp unceasingly about another sales and discounts, about the new things and just on hundred times per day to call and speak in love, then finally the young man will want to replace number and even to leave such importunate girl.
Не хочу быть
I do not want to be "purse"!
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The man can break off the relations with the lady if feels that he plays an ATM role in her life. Many men actually like to indulge the wives and means to it are available, but, nevertheless, all of them want that they were loved, but not just used. It is much simpler to receive sex in exchange for contents, than to have sincere feelings and the true attachment which you will not buy for money.
Женская измена
Women's treason
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Men make light of own unfaithfulness, but even in thoughts do not allow to forgive similar to the woman. It becomes lightning the reason of a rupture of the relations, and no justifications can save the culprit. Therefore if in a family problems become ripe – better to talk about everything openly before there is a disaster, in this case there are chances of peaceful settlement of a situation.
Не сошлись характерами
Did not get on together
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The crown phrase at stains which is universal practically for any situations. How character can prevent to build the relations? For example, in a dispute any of the parties is not ready to make concessions and a compromise. In such situation an exit one – neither your way, nor in my opinion – a divorce! But that partner to whom the present relations really something mean will not begin to bring the matter to parting, and will just concede.
Прошлые отношения
Last relations
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The last relations in itself are not the reason for parting, it is all about their quantity. If the woman has rich sexual experience, then it is more difficult to it to construct the serious relations, men look at it in the light of her reputation. It is necessary to think of the future since youth, she for a long time is not late. Keeping count to infinite novels, it is possible to remain shortly alone.
Не следит за собой
Does not watch himself
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The woman has to remain always a woman even if on her a dressing gown and slippers! Naturally with age appearance and a figure undergo changes, but nevertheless it is necessary to aim to keep itself as it is possible closer to an initial image. If the man married the slender girl, and in a couple of years near him the lady of the magnificent sizes, then he can be slightly discouraged and again begin searches of the ideal.
Очень хочет замуж!
Very much wants in marriage!
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Men are frightened off by energetic young ladies who very clearly show as strongly they want in marriage. Some women, having decided not to wait for proposal, go for broke and … become pregnant, believing that now they she is already almost married. Not the fact! If the man decent, then he, of course, marries, but the deposit all the same will remain. Otherwise the woman will remain to the unmarried and will acquire the new status – single mothers.
Разница в зарплате
Difference in a salary
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Now not a rarity when the woman earns more man. I will give this fact does not irritate, and here the stronger sex even very much, so, that they are ready for this reason to break off the relations. It is possible the matter is that men are afraid to seem insolvent against the background of successful women and to listen to reproaches in the address. The wise woman will never begin to compare herself to the man, to compete with him in a salary and in something.


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