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Healthy hair: myth or reality?

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Any rigid diets
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You should not resort to the emergency diets sharply to lose the weight as it will result in deficit in an organism of proteins, zinc and biotin. All these components just also do hair dense and strong.
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Before the pool take a shower
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Before an entrance to the pool with the chlorinated water always wash out hair. Chlorine from the pool is not so absorbed in wet hair, as in dry.
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Eat more nuts and fishes
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At nuts and fish there are an omega-3 fatty acids and proteins which support head skin in a healthy state that is reflected also in hair. In addition to these products it is useful to eat carrots, beans and fresh vegetables.
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Wash the head with slightly warm water
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Hot water does not bear advantage to your hair as washes away a large amount of skin fat which plays a role of the natural conditioner and adds to hair beautiful gloss. Also do not forget to mass slightly during washing of the head skin. But, of course, you should not wash the head and cold water, and even to pneumonia nearby. Water has to be a little warm.
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Protect hair from sunshine
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Continuous stay in the sun does your hair dry and fragile, especially if they are painted. If you have to stay constantly in the sun, then you carry a headdress and it is used protective conditioners.
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Do not use oil from dandruff
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Many consider that too dry head skin is the reason of dandruff. However it absolutely not so. Dandruff is an inflammatory process which it is necessary to treat special means. And at rubbing in of oil in hair with the purpose to get rid of dandruff, you risk to make them even more unattractive. For disposal of dandruff buy special medicines and shampoos.
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Use conditioners with a protein
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Constant hair dressings, waves, colourings spoil a protective enveloping layer of hair that leads to the whipped tips. Fortunately, now there is a set of the means allowing to avoid it. Buy hair conditioners with the maintenance of a protein, and use them regularly. They will help you to cope with a problem of the whipped tips.
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Do not comb hair too often
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Frequent combing lead to excessive loss of hair. A hair loss – process natural, also you should not be afraid of it. The healthy person loses about 50-100 hair a day. As a rule, those hair which do not grow any more drop out. To minimize loss of hair, it is worth using hairbrushes with balls on the ends. It is desirable not to comb wet hair.
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Avoid hard hairstyles
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Various tails and braids can damage not only structure of the hair, but also a hair follicle. For hair such hairstyles are an additional loading. Therefore specialists do not recommend to braid constantly hair in braids or tails. Besides, wet hair much more fragile therefore it is not necessary to do a hair on them.
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Buy shampoos for your type of hair
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Even if you buy the most expensive shampoo, it will not become a guarantee that your hair will become healthy. It is important that shampoo was suitable for your type of hair. Therefore it is important to choose shampoo not at the price. By the way, researches showed that inexpensive shampoos cope with the task not worse, than expensive, and sometimes it is even better.
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Gray hair needs careful leaving
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About emergence of a gray hair your hair not only change color, but become more brittle and not so quickly grow. Therefore behind a gray hair careful leaving is required. They should be braided less often in braids, to twist and paint.
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Be not fond of hair-dyes
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If you the brunette dreaming to become the blonde, or on the contrary, then it is not necessary to be fond and to regularly change the image. Constant coloring of hair can strongly do much harm of Dermatologists recommend to dye hair not more often than time in three months.
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Let's hair have a rest
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The best that you can make for the hair is not to do anything. A wave, coloring, drying a phenom – the main enemies of your hair. Therefore it is useful for them to give sometimes rest that they gained strength and were recovered. Also remember that most beautiful healthy hair look.
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Use conditioners with silicone
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Many women complain that they have fine and lifeless hair. From it there is fine means – conditioners with the maintenance of a tsiklometikon or dimetikon. They cover hair with a pellicle, doing them is thicker, without making at the same time impressions of an oily hair. Even after rinsing hair remain covered with silicone. Means with silicone at split ends are especially effective.
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You watch over the health
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With good health you can not doubt that your hair will be beautiful and brilliant. Use of any cosmetics for hair eliminates only symptoms whereas it is necessary to treat the reason. Disbolism, constant stresses, a hormonal imbalance, intellectual overloads – all this is the reasons of a state of disrepair of hair.

Whether you know that:

The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.