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Useful habits for men

Спорт - основное в жизни красивого мужчины
Sport - the basic in life of the handsome man
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Without having a large number of free time which could be spent for a visit of gym or the remote sports club, pay attention to numerous sports grounds nearby at home. Besides, not only it is possible, but also it is necessary to do morning exercises (squeezing, squats, turns and inclinations), using self-made dumbbells which will promote emergence of a beautiful relief on your body.
Пейте не меньше 8 чашек воды в день
Drink not less than 8 cups of water a day
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Waking up, take yourself for the rule to drink a pure glass or natural juice. Remember that the day norm of water should not be less than 2 liters of liquid. If you love beer, do not focus the attention on it, it will never be able to moisten your body and to enrich organism cells with useful components.
Спите не менее 8 часов в сутки
You sleep not less than 8 hours a day
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As a result each person is individual, choose specifically for yourself an acceptable sleep pattern thanks to which you will get enough sleep. The full-fledged dream will load you with cheerfulness and positive energy the forthcoming day. Besides, it will forever save from terrible baggies lower eyelids which will never make you attractive in the opinion of millions of women.
Употребляйте меньше сахара
Use less sugar
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From big portions of cakes and sweet rolls of a muscle do not grow. The same concerns some fried, salty and too peppered food which is not useful at all. Hammer the refrigerator with vegetables and fruit, and regiments in cases the tasty porridges rich with vital vitamins and microelements. Healthy food will make skin light and shining.
Пользуйтесь мужской косметикой
Use men's cosmetics
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It is difficult to find the woman who would like not well-groomed man. To look good, the guy should not forget about a body scrub, the clearing and moisturizing face treatments. This set of cosmetics will provide you excellent outward at all seasons of the year.
Брейтесь после душа
Have a shave after a shower
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Many cosmetologists recommend to have a shave after a shower when skin steamed out, and all hairs on it became much softer. Thus, carrying out on the person by a fine edge of the razor, you will bring it less pain and will cause a minimum of irritations. If you have very sensitive skin, do not forget about special aftershaves which will soften skin and will make it well-groomed.
Не забывайте о хорошей стрижке
Do not forget about a good hairstyle
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You go to the hairdresser at least once in two months that that could cut the whipped and too long hairs on the head. Monitoring this rule, you will be well-groomed and accurate that will be surely noticed by women.
Ухаживайте за зубами
Look after teeth
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One of the first things to which draw the attention of the woman is teeth. For this reason do not forget to clean them in the morning and in the evening, and also to use a dental floss and mouthwashes. Do not miss daily toothbrushing as the plaque formed over time cannot independently simply be cleaned off. If there is a need, address the stomatologist who will bleach teeth and will cure them.
Раз в неделю мойте голову шампунем
Weekly wash the head with shampoo
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According to dermatologists and cosmetologists, it is not necessary to wash very often the head with shampoo as it irritates head skin, provoking emergence in it of dandruff and its more bystry pollution. Only if you the athlete or work at too dirty and pulverulent work, it will be really difficult to you to do without shampoo to look good in the opinion of people around.
Не забывайте менять постельное белье
Do not forget to change bed linen
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Fresh bed linen has to appear on your bed every week. Sweat, and also the women's cosmetics left on pillowcases quite often provokes emergence on a man's face reddening, irritation and acne rash. Besides, it is much more pleasant to go to bed after heavy day of work on well smelling bed, than to lean a nose against a pillow and to catch at the same time a smell of own sweat.


Whether you know that:

Having fallen from a donkey, you more likely will kill yourself, than having fallen from a horse. Only do not try to disprove this statement.