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We keep beauty of skin in the period of a menopause

Особенности зрелой кожи
Features of mature skin
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With age in skin the amount of estrogen decreases. What changes become obvious? Skin becomes thinner, flabbiness and wrinkles appears. Therefore women, the become more senior they, the more cares have to show in relation to skin. There are special programs of care of mature skin which you should not neglect.
С чем придется столкнуться?
What it is necessary to face?
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Entering fight for beauty, it is necessary to learn what it is necessary to fight against. Because of collagen reduction the layer of a hypodermic fatty tissue becomes thinner, skin becomes less elastic. Quite often there is a feeling of dryness. The second aspect to which it is necessary to draw the attention - "sagging" of skin. Especially considerably it in cheeks, a chin and a neck. Troubles to women are caused by also nasolabial wrinkles and "goose pads" in corners of eyes.
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Correctly we wash
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Skin in the period of a menopause should be cleared with special care as it becomes drier and needs moistening. For these purposes means will be suitable for washing for dry skin. Instead of gels and skins use means on a cream basis. They clear in a sparing way skin and promote its moistening.
Не забываем об увлажнении
We do not forget about moistening
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Dry skin should be moistened systematically. With age skin loses ability to hold moisture, because of decrease of the activity of sebaceous glands. Therefore it is not necessary to take hot baths too long, and also the long time to stay in the sun or indoors with dry air. From cosmetics give preference to creams with fat texture which can be applied on slightly moistened skin.
Пьем воду
We drink water
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Skin needs moistening not only outside, but also from within. Therefore in addition to the moistening means of external use, it is worth to remember about the drinking mode. Drink enough water, of about two liters a day. Restriction in number of the drunk liquid can concern the people having special diseases or suffering from the increased puffiness.
Используем солнцезащитные средства
We use sun-protection means
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If you cared for the skin and protected it from the sun in youth, do not stop doing it and in mature years. At women after forty, skin needs a bigger protection because becomes more vulnerable. Choose the cream with protection against the sun having SPF 30 (it is possible above). You apply it on skin every time when you are going to come to the sun.
Защищаем кожу от мороза и ветра
We protect skin from a frost and wind
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Not only from the sun it is necessary to protect skin, but also from a frost and wind. If you are going to go outside in frosty winter day, then minutes for thirty to an exit put special protective cream on a face. It will prevent skin from overcooling and will not allow a frost to deprive of it reviver. Also it is necessary to protect skin and from crusting, using for this purpose the means suitable your skin.
Борьба с возрастными пятнами
Fight against age spots
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In the period of a menopause some women notice how on a breast, hands and a face age spots appear. Regular use of sun-protection means will help to prevent their emergence. But if they after all arose, then it is possible to make them more pale by means of the eksfoliat deleting the keratosic cells of skin. Means with bleaching or on the contrary tone effect help with many cases.
Следим за кожей рук
We watch skin of hands
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The press of age appears not only on a face, but also on hands. If to watch face skin and to forget about skin of hands, then it will quickly give your age, as if you did not look good externally. Without due leaving the back of brushes becomes dry and thin, through skin examine veins, small wrinkles develop. Provide to skin of hands the same full leaving, as well as face skin, applying the moistening and sun-protection means.
Влияние антиоксидантов на кожу
Influence of antioxidants on skin
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Antioxidants strengthen health that immediately affects a condition of skin. Therefore for providing an organism with the necessary amount of antioxidants, it is necessary to make competently the diet, having included in it products rich with antioxidants - oranges, eggplants, corn and greens.
Избегаем стрессов
We avoid stresses
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The stress in itself negatively influences an organism. On its background even such disease as psoriasis can develop. Besides, in a condition of a stress people just forget about due care of skin. Therefore it is important to find occupation which will help you to relax and will remove stress. For example, yoga, massage, walks in the fresh air or physical exercises.
Занимаемся спортом
We play sports
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Physical exercises not only reduce stress, but also promote saturation of skin oxygen. It occurs as follows. During sports activities blood circulation improves, to cells more nutrients and oxygen arrive. Such active receipt promotes that skin looks healthy and shining. At sports activities both muscles, and skin come to a tone, and all organism entirely receives a cheerfulness charge.
We get enough sleep
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Nothing so influences a condition of skin as a lack of a dream. It literally is reflected in a face. To look fresh and well rested, it is necessary to sleep not less than eight-nine hours a day. Those who neglect this rule put the skin at risk of a senilism. The similar fate expects also the ladies forgetting to delete cosmetics from a face before going to bed.
Пользуемся качественной косметикой
We use qualitative cosmetics
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The modern cosmetic industry took care of women in the period of a menopause, having released a huge amount of care products for mature skin. In your cosmetics bag there have to be means for washing, toning and moistening of skin. If you use decorative cosmetics, then there is also an opportunity to apply its anti-aging options. All this will help you, with independence of age, to look fresh and it is attractive.
Поход к косметологу!
Campaign to the cosmetologist!
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If you have an opportunity to visit the professional cosmetologist, use it. The specialist will not just examine your skin, he will advise you what means and ways of leaving will suit you. Perhaps, any procedure for elimination of problems of skin will be shown you, and then the supporting course is appointed. Having anyway taken a professional advice, you receive undoubted advantage!


Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.