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9 products which cannot be stored in the refrigerator

There is an opinion that at low temperatures safety of products is ensured longer and better thanks to what the refrigerator is considered the most suitable place for storage of food. In most cases it is fair, however there is a number of products for which low temperatures – the main reason of their premature damage. Storage in the refrigerator leads to their bystry rotting, emergence of a mold, is followed by loss of vitamins and tastes. What products it is better to remove from shelves of the refrigerator to keep longer? Let's consider some of them.

1. Bread

The fact proved by practical consideration: bread and bakery products at a temperature of 0-2º C lose the freshness several times quicker, than at room (18-20º C). It is explained by intensive process of evaporation of moisture of products thanks to what, being in upper cameras of the refrigerator, they instantly harden and dry. Optimal conditions of storage of bread – in densely closed bread box with a handful of the salt protecting from a mold. If it is necessary to hold bread it is long, it is better to put it in the freezer, previously having turned in a plastic bag. In this state bakery products keep the properties up to 4-6 months. Before the use they can be warmed in the microwave oven or an oven, remembering that the defrozen bread hardens quicker, than newly-baked.


2. Tropical fruit

The vast majority of exotic fruit do not take out low temperatures, reacting to them bystry rotting with release of poisonous gases. It is better to store bananas, a kiwi, lemons, tangerines at the room temperature, having turned not in a plastic bag, and in paper that fruit had an opportunity "to breathe". The increased air humidity in the refrigerator, and also out of it can lead to education on a surface of dark stains, a mold and to promote their premature damage therefore before storage it is better not to wash fruit, only just before the use.

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3. Apples and pears

Apples, pears, and also peaches, plums, apricots and nectarines are rich with ethylene – the gas promoting ripening not only their, but also all other stored with them fruit and vegetables. In certain cases use this property of apples, accelerating maturing of some fruits – for example, bananas, tomatoes, oranges, etc., breaking their cover and placing in the refrigerator in close proximity to required products. In all other cases it is not necessary to keep the apples saturated with ethylene on a shelve with other vegetables and fruit.

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4. Fresh vegetables

The vast majority of vegetables keep the freshness not in the refrigerator better, and in the aired cool place protected from sunshine – for example, in a cellar. So, the starch which is contained in potatoes at a temperature from +7º C begins to turn below into sugar why both the consistence of a tuber, and tastes change.

Other firm vegetables also are not suitable for storage in the refrigerator: carrots, beet, a garden radish which in the conditions of the increased humidity quickly burgeon and grow mouldy. Vegetables with high content of water (cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, etc.) in badly aired place begin to become covered by dark stains and to decay. To prevent premature damage, it is better to store them at the room temperature, having put in a small basket.

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5. Garlic and onions

Badly transfer low temperatures and such vegetables as garlic and onions. The main lack of the refrigerator – bad air circulation, necessary for high-quality storage of products. In insufficiently aired place the structure of onions and garlic is quickly broken therefore they are softened and lose the useful properties.

Placing odorous vegetables in the refrigerator, especially in the cut look, it is worth remembering that the pungent smell, getting into other products, considerably spoils their tastes. Optimal conditions for garlic and onions – the dark, dry, often aired place with a temperature of 18-20º C. For storage it is possible to use linen sacks, boxes with openings, but it is better to weave these vegetables into braids and to hang out them on walls.

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6. Greens

It does not make sense to store long in the refrigerator of basilicas, parsley, fennel and other greens – plants quickly lose moisture from thin leaves that leads to their withering, loss of vitamins and tastes. If there is a need to ensure their safety longer, put greens with scapes in a glass of water as a bouquet of flowers, and you keep in the dark place. However this measure also temporary: for storage of green herbs during longer time it is more reasonable to use the freezer – there the plants cut and laid in a plastic container completely will keep the useful properties so much how many it is necessary.


7. Olive oil

Optimal conditions of storage of olive oil – the cool dark place without access of direct sunshine. When moving capacity with oil in the refrigerator the term of its storage will not increase, and in the product white flakes – a sign of the frozen liquid in structure can appear (and a qualitative product). To use it before the deposit is dissolved inconveniently and, from the point of view of advantage for an organism, senselessly.

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8. Hot sauces and mustard

Practically any hot sauce contains salt, sugar, vinegar – the components which are preservatives, and prolonging a period of storage of any dish. Mustard, hot sauces, and also other food with addition of preservatives (a smoked product, jam), without staling it is possible to keep in the cool place within 10-12 months, having freed shelves of the refrigerator for products which need it more.

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9. Chocolate

Do not recommend to store chocolate whose surface under the influence of low temperature can become covered with condensate in the refrigerator. After its drying on a product there are small kristallik of sugar in the form of a white plaque. From this point sweet any more not such beautiful and less nice to the taste and if to wrap chocolate with condensate in polyethylene, it can easily deteriorate and become covered by a mold.


Whether you know that:

The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.