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Whether it is necessary to accept vitamins?

Vitamin complexes belong to the most popular drugs, probably, in our country there is no person who was not hearing about advantage of vitamins and never their accepting. The more vitamins, the better, we consider and as it appeared, cruelly we are mistaken. Whether vitamins, whether so harmlessly general hobby for polyvitaminic complexes and whether it is possible to do without them are so useful? Let's try to understand.

Польза витаминов: правда и мифы

Only facts

At first we will address the facts. Vitamins – substances which in microscopic quantities are necessary for an organism to carry out the functions. For lack of vitamins, even then, when all other substances are present at a diet, the organism begins to work with failures and the person gets sick.

Normal vitamins come to an organism with food, various products contain various vitamins, and it is one of the reasons that the diet has to be various and include different groups of products.

Vitamins are unstable and easily collapse at heat treatment, that is why a part of a diet shall be presented by fresh vegetables and fruit – the products containing vitamins most of all.

The need for vitamins cannot be satisfied with food – whether so it?

In the XX century the assumption was made that it is impossible to receive necessary amount of vitamins only from food therefore they need to be accepted in addition for prevention of a hypovitaminosis – a condition of a vitamin deficiency. Was considered that the vitamin deficiency is the constant companion of the modern person, promoting, in turn, easing of immunity and development of a set of diseases. This thesis was supported by pharmaceutical concerns completely, and after a while the victorious procession of vitamin complexes along the planet began. Vitamins are prescribed practically at any diseases, make an exception unless hypervitaminoses – therein it became clear that if too to be overzealous, there is also it. It is considered that vitamins are capable to help an organism always, at least, will not damage. But whether so it actually?

It is established that some of vitamins, for example vitamins A, E, C, promote growth of malignant tumors.

Decades of a vitamin boom allowed to accumulate clinical experience, and now doctors even more often declare that the statement about total need of additional vitaminization is not true. They say that vitamin complexes are in most cases useless, and are in certain cases harmful and as it appeared, this opinion corresponds to the truth much more, than the fact that vitamins need to be accepted nearly constantly. The researches conducted by several independent centers showed that doses of vitamins which were considered necessary for life activity are strongly overestimated. Actually the vitamins arriving with food are quite enough for satisfaction of all requirements of an organism, on condition of the fact that the diet is various, supports different groups of products and at it there are fresh vegetables and fruit. In the majority the vitamin deficiency at the modern person is connected not with lack of vitamins B to food at all, and with problems of their assimilation in an organism, for example, at disturbance of process of absorption in intestines that is peculiar to many intestinal pathologies.

Other researches determined the fact that synthetic vitamins are acquired by an organism no more than for 5% therefore it is not necessary to speak about their effective impact on an organism.

Потребность в витаминах нельзя удовлетворить пищей – так ли это?

What it is necessary to know about vitamin complexes?

  1. Vitamins separately, in a combination with each other do not protect from cold. "To drink vitamins not to ache" – the idea not brilliant. To one of proofs serve the fact that the peak of seasonal incidence of a SARS is the share of late fall, that is that time when the organism is most vitaminized after abundance of summer and early fall. If vitamins really protected from cold, nobody would hear about the autumn-winter outbreaks of respiratory diseases, their peak would fall on spring when the content of vitamins B to food is minimum;
  2. Reception of vitamin complexes is not capable to protect from oncological diseases. Besides, it is absolutely unambiguously established that some of vitamins, for example vitamins A, E, C, promote growth of malignant tumors;
  3. Synthetic (i.e. created in laboratory, but not arrived from food) vitamins have high allergenicity. In particular, many pediatricians connect a general allergy at modern kids with the fact that most of women in the course of pregnancy accept polyvitaminic complexes;
  4. Vitamin and mineral complexes, so popular with Russians, in the majority are not medicine, and concern to the dietary supplements group, i.e. dietary supplements to food. Vitamins and minerals are in their structure not in therapeutic, i.e. capable to have effect, doses, and in subtherapeutic, i.e. insufficient for achievement of any significant effect. Besides, their structure often included ingredients antagonists (for example, the concomitant use of calcium and iron, zinc and folic acid, B12 vitamin with B1 vitamin, vitamin C, iron, etc. is not recommended). Well and in conclusion – without being drugs, these drugs do not undergo any testing therefore that and in what quantity actually is in their structure, is known only by the producer.

When vitamins are necessary?

Nevertheless, there are situations when reception of vitamins is necessary. Actually, such states two – hypo - and avitaminosis, i.e. the lowered amount of certain vitamins B an organism or their total absence. Usually it concerns one-two vitamins. For example, at alcoholism B1 vitamin assimilation therefore at treatment of alcoholism appoint it, and in injections, but not in the form of "vitaminka" that would be senseless is broken.

Travelers in old times often suffered from avitaminosis With, so colourfully described by Jack London in the story "Lord's Mistake". People from the poor countries whose traditional food is the purified white rice, quite often get sick with beriberi (B1 avitaminosis), and those who eat preferential corn – a pellagra (RR avitaminosis). At the small children living in areas with low insolation, i.e. with the small number of sunny days in a year cases of a hypovitaminosis of D are frequent that serves as the rickets reason.

Hypovitaminoses residents of Far North, can have because of vitamin poverty of a diet, and also all those who eat the food which is not containing vitamins or supporting them are not enough (fast food, dzhank-fud, the food produced in the industrial method). The people practicing veganism (strict vegetarianism) often have signs of insufficiency of the B12 vitamin which is contained preferential in meat and dairy products.

All listed situations demand reception of vitamins. But in this case vitamins perform medical function, are appointed the doctor in strictly calculated doses after carrying out diagnosis and therefore the speech about fashionable vitamin and mineral complexes does not go here.

Whether you know that:

Many drugs initially moved ahead in the market as drugs. Heroin, for example, was initially brought to the market as children's cough medicine. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as anesthesia and as the means increasing endurance.