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Advantage of breastfeeding for mother and the child

Снижается риск кровотечений после родов
The risk of bleedings after the delivery decreases
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Applying of the child to a breast right after the birth allows to reduce puerperal uterine bleedings and renders assistance in exile of a placenta. This natural process – feeding of the child a breast – adjusts hormonal balance in the woman's organism.
Снижается риск зачатия
The risk of conception decreases
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Until the woman nurses the child, she receives high degree of protection against pregnancy, especially it concerns the first six months after the delivery. But it does not mean at all that it is impossible to become pregnant during breastfeeding. Therefore will not prevent to use contraception methods in addition.
Это удобно
It is convenient
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Breast milk can be given to the child everywhere and always, at any time without any preparation. It does not need to be decanted, heated, etc. In a breast it does not spoil even if mother cannot for any reasons feed the kid several days.
Снижается вероятность рака
The probability of cancer decreases
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It is scientifically a fact in evidence – at women who nursed the child, the risk of development of breast cancer and ovaries is reduced.
Это успокаивает
It calms
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Process of feeding of the child a breast it gives pleasure to many women, calms and pacifies. Possibly, this feeling is connected not only with the hormonal changes useful at breastfeeding, but also with understanding that you are able to provide the kid with what he needs.
Обеспечивает малыша питательными веществами
Provides the kid with nutrients
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Breast milk contains all nutrients, necessary for the child, and, in the optimum quantity and a ratio adapted for establishing digestion of your kid. It is possible to tell that the organism of mother develops breast milk by the individual order.
Защищает ребенка от болезней
Protects the child from diseases
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Breast milk contains the components helping to protect the child from diseases when his immune system only forms. Especially it is important for the children inclined to an allergy. Artificial mixes are not capable to provide such protection as some substances which are contained in breast milk cannot be synthesized artificially.
Состав молока может меняться
The players of milk can be changed
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In process of growth of the kid the players of maternal milk are changed, according to his requirements. The first hours colostrum is after the delivery produced, then in a breast transitional milk is produced and in two-three weeks after the delivery maternal milk becomes mature.
Положительно влияет на развитие ребенка
Positively influences development of the child
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How you will feed the child, his intellectual and mental development directly depends. Breast milk contains the components which are positively influencing development of a brain of the kid whereas cow's or goat milk influences first of all increase in body weight. Children of the first year of life not for nothing call chest – during this period they more than ever need maternal milk.
Польза молозива
Advantage of colostrum
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Colostrum which chest glands produce during the first hours after the delivery also is important for the baby. It is vitamin-rich, mineral substances, enzymes and creates necessary conditions for the correct work of intestines of the kid. At the same time it is easily acquired by the newborn.
Удовлетворяется сосательный рефлекс
The sucking reflex is satisfied
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The child, сося a maternal breast, not only satisfies food requirement, but also a sucking reflex which forms at the kid in mother's womb. For the baby suction is not only requirement, but also pleasure, a way of calm. Thanks to suction at the child the maxillary device, muscles of language and a mouth develops.
Когда кормить?
When to feed?
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In recent years specialists to advise to give to the child a breast on demand, but not on the mode. For the kid hunger – feeling unusual, new as during pre-natal development he practically did not test it. Therefore when between feedings big intervals, the kid sucks greedy, overeats, swallows air therefore it has problems with a tummy.
Как кормить?
How to feed?
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Try to feed the kid often and on a few. So you will not be able to overfeed him. It will be at first heavy until process of development of breast milk is adjusted, but one-two months later your child himself will define for himself the optimum mode and will ask to eat in certain time.
Грудь или бутылочка?
Breast or small bottle?
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The mechanism of suction of a maternal breast and pacifier is various. So, at suction of a pacifier and the child muscles of cheeks work, and at suction of a breast – language. If you nurse the child, you should not give him a pacifier as it is much easier to suck it. Kids quickly get used to it and can refuse a breast. And it can cause problems in lactations, stagnation of milk and a nipple crack.
Возникли проблемы с лактацией?
There were problems with a lactation?
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You should not transfer the child to artificial feeding at once. Consult with the specialist, he can will be able to help you to adjust a lactation. At a maternal breast your kid will always feel safe and is sure.


Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.