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Contact lenses: pros and cons

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Good replacement of points
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Contact lenses – a convenient alternative to points. Points also adjust sight, but are too noticeable to people around. At lenses, in addition to cosmetic advantage, a weight more of pluses: they do not fall down and are convenient in use, do not mist over and are practically not felt in the eyes during carrying.
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It is less than efforts
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It is very simple to use contact lenses. And emergence of one-time models significantly simplified care of them. Before a lens it was necessary to store in the containers filled with special solution. And now everything is simple – bought, put on, removed, threw out. Besides, it is always possible to carry with itself reserve lenses or to take in the road.
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For sport
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For the people leading active lifestyle and visiting fitness clubs of a lens are simply irreplaceable. Thanks to carrying contact lenses they have an opportunity to do any sport, behind an exception unless, trainings in the pool. Lenses in ball games are especially convenient, hit of a ball on points can do harm not only to points, but also eyes.
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Allow to change image
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By means of contact lenses it is possible to emphasize a shade, or at all cardinally to change color of eyes. Such lenses are absolutely safe, for a pupil in them there is a special colourless zone. And for the most extravagant there are even lenses allowing to surprise with surrounding look of the vampire, a cat, the zombie. However it is not necessary to carry such lenses when a good viewing angle as they pass not enough light is necessary.
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Children can carry lenses
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Children can carry lenses from early age. There are even special correctional models for children about one year with an inborn cataract. And children of school age according to the recommendation of the doctor can use usual contact lenses. However it is important that parents taught the child to use them correctly.
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Inborn rejection
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There are people who have to lenses an inborn rejection. An eye just perceives them as a foreign body, there is an allergic reaction. It is impossible to carry contact lenses and at difficult optical disturbances. Therefore before beginning to carry lenses, it will not prevent to be checked at the ophthalmologist. And do not select a lens to yourself independently at all.
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Give to eyes rest
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Quite often producers assure that their contact lenses it is possible to carry a long time, without removing. Nevertheless, any, even the most qualitative and expensive lenses, it is necessary to remove surely for the night, harm will be done otherwise to an eye cornea. In a cornea there are no vessels, and it eats thanks to the lacrimal liquid. When using contact lenses moistening of an eye decreases, and food is reduced.
Пугающая близость
Frightening proximity
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Some people cannot decide to carry contact lenses because of the phobia – fear of a touch to an eye. The psychotherapist will help to get rid of this problem to you. Well, and if, after all the psychotherapist is not able to help, then your option is points.
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Follow the mode and rules
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When carrying contact lenses it is necessary to follow certain rules. So, it is necessary to be protected from entering of an infection in an eye which can pour out afterwards in serious problems. If you felt unusual symptoms, at once see a doctor. Follow rules of carrying lenses: change them in time, insert clean hands, do not put on in a shower, the pool, a bath, and also time in half a year visit the ophthalmologist.
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More carefully with drugs
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Reception of some medical drugs can become a contraindication to contact lenses. For example, at treatment antihistaminic or diuretics one of side effects is the increased dryness of integuments and mucous membranes. Therefore when carrying lenses and a concomitant use of these drugs will not prevent to visit the ophthalmologist who will write out to you drops for eyes.
И все-таки - носить или нет?
And nevertheless - to carry or not?
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Contact lenses are necessary and on condition of their right choice guarantee excellent quality of sight and comfort. Besides, they are simple in use and are very convenient, unlike points. Therefore if there are no contraindications, problems with carrying lenses should not arise. It is important to follow only carefully instructions for use of lenses, rules of personal hygiene and to regularly visit the ophthalmologist.


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