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Councils for a permanent make-up

Татуаж - дело тонкое
Permanent make-up - business thin
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The first device for drawing a permanent make-up appeared in 1880, but actively began to use this equipment only at the end of the 20th century. For the last decade the technology of drawing a permanent make-up became more perfect. A permanent make-up today – not just cosmetic procedure, but true art. It allows to get rid not only of esthetic shortcomings, but as much as possible to bring closer the appearance to an ideal.
Для чего нужен татуаж?
For what the permanent make-up is necessary?
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The permanent make-up is necessary to hide shortcomings and to emphasize advantages. So, the permanent make-up of lips helps to change their form and the size, it is brighter and more beautiful to make them. It is also possible to correct eye shape and eyebrows, to level tone of the person, to disguise small scars and hems, traces from an acne, a nevus pigmentosus. The permanent make-up turns on mechanisms of regeneration of skin that leads to alignment of a relief and increase in elasticity.
В чем суть методики?
In what technique essence?
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Principle quite simple: by means of a fine needle the painting pigment comes to an upper layer of a derma. Use the special equipment with computer management to drawing a permanent make-up. As the procedure means skin punctures, carry out it, as a rule, under anesthesia. Most often it is local application anesthesia. One session of a permanent make-up lasts from 30 to 120 minutes.
Сколько длится эффект?
How many the effect lasts?
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Duration of effect depends on different factors: speeds of exchange processes of an organism, intensity of influence of ultraviolet rays, etc. On average, duration of effect of a permanent make-up makes 2-5 years, but happens that it completely disappears also in a year. Eyebrows, for example, often are in the sun therefore quickly burn out. Also firmness of a permanent wave is influenced by age: the young man, the less long-term effect of a permanent make-up.
Как все выглядит?
How everything looks?
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Right after holding a procedure, the painted sites look much more brightly, than has to be. But a week later color becomes more natural. Women should not worry on the fact that the permanent make-up will look not prirodno. Modern techniques allow to create eyebrows in a three-dimensional format. It becomes by means of the special equipment with use of various painting pigments and needles of different thickness.
Главное - естественность
The main thing - naturalness
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At hit in skin the pigment will change a shade every day for at least a month after the procedure. To you only the true professional of the business will be able to predict final result. But you should not worry. In the course of a permanent make-up everyone appears, literally each necessary site and a hair so as a result the permanent make-up will look very naturally.
Что происходит после процедуры?
What occurs after the procedure?
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After the procedure in a site of application of a permanent make-up the small swelling which has to descend within several days can be formed. During recovery on the tattooed surface the thin crust which cannot be broken is formed. It should be greased with the healing cream. In three months after the procedure it is recommended to perform inspection at the cosmetologist. And if necessary – to make additional correction.
Какие могут быть осложнения?
What complications can be?
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At correctly carried out procedure of complications should not be. And here problems can arise at the address to the nonprofessional master. It, most likely, will not touch a nerve, but to here leave on skin undesirable hems – quite. There is it because of disturbance of technology when deep layers of a derma are damaged. If disturbance happens in eyelashes or eyebrows, then afterwards it can lead to a growth disorder of hair.
Противопоказания к процедуре
Contraindications to the procedure
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There is a number of contraindications to carrying out a permanent make-up among which: general autoimmune diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding, existence of new growths, disturbance of coagulability of blood, an allergy to anesthesia, epilepsy, disturbances of integrity of skin in a permanent make-up site of application. It is also not recommended to perform the procedure in the first day of periods, during feeling sick and a stressful situation.
Как выбрать мастера?
How to elect the master?
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Permanent make-up – work very thin, one may say, jewelry. Not each cosmetologist therefore it is important to find the professional is qualitatively capable to execute it. The good specialist will be able to choose the correct shade, and to make it at all not so just as it seems.
Сколько стоит процедура?
How much for procedure?
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The qualitative procedure of a permanent make-up costs expensive. Is included in the price not only services of the professional master, but also and materials which guarantee lack of complications and a long-term effect. Will not prevent to consult before holding a procedure with the specialist. He will find out specific features of your organism, the state of health, will tell about nuances of the procedure.


Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.