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Why it is harmful to women to save on itself

Что такое экономия на себе?
What is economy on itself?
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Psychologists explain attempt to save on itself with special psychological state of the woman when it loses understanding of a difference between justified and pathological, that is unhealthy, economy. Appearing as a habit, it gradually develops into a disease. It is shown by unwillingness of the woman to pay itself attention and flat refusal to spend for itself money.
Всем, кроме себя
Everything, except
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There are several symptoms helping to understand whether the woman is subject to this psychological frustration. The first of them – shopping process. If the woman, buying goods, considers desires and needs of the husband and children, forgetting about herself, then she suffers from pathological economy. Easily spending money for needs of the members of household, at the thoughts of own requirements decides that she can quite do without it.
Количество одежды
Quantity of clothes
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The second moment allowing to define the economical woman consists in number of things in her clothes. Agree if the woman has one stockings, two-three pairs of underwear and on pair of seasonal footwear, then it undoubtedly saves on itself. Such woman is also distinguished by rather poor choice of clothes, a universal bag for all occasions and at least things for private use. At the same time her children are dressed by the last word of fashion.
Состояние нижнего белья
Condition of underwear
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Existence of pathological economy is demonstrated by a condition of underwear. If the woman decides that to be spent for things which are not visible to people around it does not make sense, then she, first of all, does not show respect for the person. Worn-out underwear an indicator of how the woman treats herself. Buying beautiful linen which will be hidden under clothes, the woman shows what does it only for itself.
Только необходимое
Only necessary
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Economy is shown in desire to buy for itself only the most necessary things. If something better is pleasant and expensive then the internal voice urges not to be spent and save. It is asked for the sake of what? To buy something expensive to the husband or children? In a case with supereconomical women, quite often, and occurs.
Последствия экономии на себе
Economy effects on
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What for the woman total economy on itself turns into? Life becomes faded and sad, there is a weariness and apathy, the internal charm vanishes and the woman ceases to attract interest of an opposite sex. All its outward reflects series of problems and difficulties of life; happiness begins to seem unattainable. The woman ceases to feel as the personality, and at an own will.
Первая причина экономии
First reason of economy
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Psychologists established some reasons of pathological economy of women. The first – a fault complex. It is shown by the fact that the woman is afraid to spend for herself money and to deprive a family of more necessary things. And suddenly tomorrow something is required to someone, and there is no money, and it will be guilty of it. It is better to refuse to itself, than to get into such situation, and the woman endows the requirements for the good of others. But she feels necessary.
Вторая причина экономии
Second reason of economy
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The second reason of unhealthy economy psychologists call existence at the women inherent in men of traits of character, such as sense of responsibility, control over a situation, desire to protect a family. To endow quite often itself women are pushed by strongly expressed maternal instinct. Anyway such ladies should understand that doing unhappy itself, they cannot present happiness to others. It is an indisputable fact!
Не только деньги, но и время
Not only money, but also time
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Economical women are economical in everything. They not only do not dare to spend excess kopek for themselves favourite, but quite often save even time, preferring to be engaged in "more useful and necessary" affairs, than themselves. Time for a face pack or for a campaign to the massage therapist grudges for them – they will prefer all this care of others. Such dedication would be laudable, do not reach it to the point of absurdity. Remembering others, it is impossible to forget about himself!
На чем не стоит экономить
What you should not save on
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There are several aspects in life of each woman on which it should not save. It skin care products, including decorative cosmetics, underwear, clothes and footwear. It is separately possible to tell about food because economy in this question affects on health. Also the woman cannot save on things which distinguish her as the woman: hairstyle, manicure, lovely womanly jewelry (unreliable expensive).


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