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Useful properties of carrots

Состав моркови
Structure of carrots
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Carrots are rich on sugar: glucose and sucrose. It is a valuable source of carotene and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, K and E. On the content of mineral substances carrots occupy one of the leading places among vegetables. In it there is a lot of calcium, potassium, sodium, manganese, magnesium, copper, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine. As at carrots there is a pectic acid with cellulose, it is useful as a dietary product at various diseases.
Профилактика болезней сердца
Prevention of heart troubles
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Carrots are protein-rich, amino acids and other nitric connections. It contains few fats, and thanks to sitosterol presence, it promotes decrease in level of cholesterol in blood. The lecithin which is contained in it is useful to people with atherosclerosis. According to scientific research, the daily use of 30 g of crude carrots for 3 weeks reduces cholesterol level by 11%.
Профилактика желудочно-кишечных расстройств
Prevention of gastrointestinal frustration
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Carrots are useful to all – healthy and sick, adults and children. But especially it is recommended to use to children at gastrointestinal frustration and dyspepsia. For babies from carrots it is possible to prepare a set of tasty and useful dishes. And to keep carrots in the fresh winter, it needs to be put in boxes with sand and to hide to the dark cool place.
Профилактика онкозаболеваний
Prevention of oncological diseases
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The beta carotene which is a part of carrots is useful to prevention of cancer. It is already proved that the daily use of beta carotene in number of 1,7-2,7 mg a day reduces risk to develop lung cancer for 40% (carrots of the average size contain about 3 mg of beta carotene). And thanks to a large amount of cellulose, the daily use of carrots reduces risk to develop rectum cancer for 24%.
Профилактика макулярной дегенерации
Prevention of a macular degeneration
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Macular degeneration – quite widespread disease of eyes among people of advanced age at which the makula is damaged. According to the conducted researches, the regular use of crude carrots reduces probability of this disease by 40%.
Польза для зрения
Advantage for sight
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Carrots are rich with vitamin A, and, as we know, shortage of this vitamin leads to deterioration in sight. Thus, carrots help to keep sight, and at its regular use in the dark you will see how a cat.
Профилактика инсульта
Prevention of a stroke
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Numerous researches confirmed that carrots are very useful to a brain. At the use of one carrots in day, the risk of a stroke is reduced by 68%. Besides, at inspection of patients after a stroke, it was revealed that people with a high rate of beta carotene have a bigger percent of survival.
Другие полезные свойства моркови
Other useful properties of carrots
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Carrots are also useful to a liver and kidneys, digestion improvement. It can be used as laxative. Apply carrots and at diabetes as it normalizes sugar level in blood. Carrots are useful to skin as it has the smoothing and strengthening effect on it. Carrot juice well influences a condition of intestines and stomach.
Лечение морковным соком
Treatment by carrot juice
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The daily use of carrot juice gives to skin a reddish-orange shade. It is caused by accumulation in skin of a large amount of carotene. Several weeks later after the termination of reception of carrot juice skin gains natural color again. During rehabilitation after a serious illness it will be useful for children and adults to have a glass of carrot juice. It will increase immunity, will improve appetite and will strengthen health!


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