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What it is necessary to know about asthma

Что такое астма?
What is asthma?
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Asthma is called the disease of lungs at which the chronic inflammation of tubular ways (tracheas and bronchial tubes) takes place. Asthma leads to trouble breathing, causing the whistling rattles repeating heavy which are quite often followed by suffocation – an asthmatic attack. It is impossible to cure asthma now, but there are ways helping to prevent manifestation of asthmatic symptoms.
Астматический приступ. Его симптомы
Asthmatic attack. Its symptoms
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If during an asthmatic attack not to take urgent measures, then the result can be sad, up to a lethal outcome. Therefore it is necessary to know symptoms in time to give help to the asthmatic. Confirm an attack of asthma: rattles and a sipeniye, shortage of air, ongoing cough, a congestion in breasts, feeling of a sdavlennost. Usually in such cases the patient at himself has an inhaler and it is necessary to help it to use it.
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Help of the doctor
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In what cases the help of the qualified specialist is necessary? It is necessary to address physicians if suffocation so strong that the patient cannot speak and go, his nails and lips turned blue, and use of an inhaler did not yield results. During an attack the organism of the asthmatic does not receive enough oxygen, and it is fraught with effects. The doctor will recover normal respiration, and life of the patient will be out of danger.
Предвестники заболевания
Disease harbingers
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Asthma is shown by serious symptoms not at once, sometimes development of a disease is demonstrated by the easy indispositions which are not disturbing ordinary occupations. Many do not attach them significance, but they can testify to the coming full-scale attack of asthma. To guard the person and to induce it to treat more attentively the health existence of frequent cough, especially at night, fatigue, an otdyshka, problems with a dream owes.
Природа астматического приступа
Nature of an asthmatic attack
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At the people having asthma the chronic inflammation of respiratory tracts is observed. Some factors can provoke strengthening of inflammatory process and then respiratory tracts are narrowed, it becomes even more difficult to breathe. During this period the increased production of slime is observed by an organism that only aggravates a situation – air comes to lungs in limited quantities and the person feels suffocation attacks.
Причина астмы - аллергия
Asthma reason - an allergy
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Such allergens as dust mites, food stuffs (for example, eggs, a peanut, fish), a mold, cockroaches, pollen of flowers or trees can cause asthma attack. If allergen is pollen, then asthmatic attacks will have rather seasonal nature, that is the person will test an indisposition only in a blooming period. All other allergens can provoke asthma attacks all the year round.
Причина астмы - загрязнение воздуха
Asthma reason - air pollution
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The contaminated air can become the reason of an asthmatic attack too. Though it and not allergen, but it irritates the respiratory tracts which are already inflamed. Difficulties with breath at asthmatics amplify if air contains high percent of contaminants. As irritants serve spirits, cigarette smoke, hairspray, a smog, means of household chemicals and paints and varnishes.
Причина астмы - домашние животные
Asthma reason - domestic animals
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Quite often existence of domestic animals can become the reason of attacks of asthma. The parts of dandruff getting to air can provoke an asthmatic attack within fifteen minutes to clothes and furniture. At the people having an allergy to cats reaction to their protein which is contained in cat's urine, wool and saliva is noted. Accumulation of this protein in a zone of finding of the asthmatic causes an attack in a third of the people having asthma.
Причина астмы - погода
Asthma reason - weather
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Some asthmatics revealed dependence between an exacerbation of a disease and weather. For example, at the increased humidity or on the contrary too dry air asthmatic attacks became frequent and had higher intensity. The devices controlling a microclimate indoors can help in this situation.
Причина астмы - физические упражнения
Asthma reason - physical exercises
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Physical exercises bring big benefit to an organism. It is an indisputable fact, but the people having certain diseases need just to consider the restrictions. It concerns and asthmatics. Physical activity can cause symptoms which are called sometimes "asthma of physical effort". Of course, it is not necessary to give up occupations at all, just it is worth remembering the features and to control a situation.
У кого риск заболеть астмой выше?
At whom risk to ache with asthma above?
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Usually asthma develops in the childhood, but also at adult age this disease can be found. Higher risk at the people suffering from this or that kind of an allergy. The large role is played also by heredity. The probability of developing of a disease at children at whom at least one of parents is sick with asthma is five times higher, than at the others. It is noted that in the childhood boys, and at mature age – women most often get sick.
Астма и курение
Asthma and smoking
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People who smoke have asthma much more often than non-smoking. Irrespective of age of the smoker it can have asthmatic symptoms which are gradually developing into a full-fledged disease. Also passive smokers – the people who are in close proximity to the smoking person can suffer. The most vulnerable category – children. Those who smokes should remember people around, especially to parents about the children!
Астма и род занятий
Asthma and occupation
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The profession of the person can influence development of a disease at mature age. If the occupation means stay in the environment contaminated by industrial or chemical dust, the risk of development of asthma significantly increases. In some workshops on production the level of dust content is very big and carrying respirators and other protective equipment is provided. Without observing the instruction, the worker puts the health at unjustified risk.
Астма и ожирение
Asthma and obesity
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Excess weight also serves as premises to development of asthma. At the people having this or that degree of obesity, this disease meets much more often. Scientists conducted researches and found out that practically every second, having obesity – the asthmatic. In a zone of risk and people with an excess weight, at them asthma develops 38% more often, than at those whose weight is normal.
Рост уровня заболеваемости астмой
Growth of incidence of asthma
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In the last decades specialists note growth of incidence of asthma. Connect it with deterioration in ecology, air pollution, increase in number of allergens and the general decrease in health of the population. Also people even more often use in life and on productions various drugs incorporating the mass of chemicals since the perfumed sprays and finishing with means of household chemicals


Whether you know that:

During life the average person develops neither more nor less two big pools of saliva.