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Incurable diseases

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AIDS – the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome which is transmitted through blood, breast milk, sperm. It is shown by loss of weight, tendency to infection with pulmonary and gastrointestinal infections, and also oncology and mental disturbances. AIDS kills cells of immunity and literally destroys a human body without a possibility of recovery of functions of life support. Annually about 3 million people die of AIDS.
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Cancer – a malignant new growth from an epithelium on body that leads to its gradual destruction with tightening in this process of the next bodies. The oncology is characterized by notable consolidation, loss of appetite and weight, strong weakness, high temperature. Annually cancer takes away 7 million lives and surely takes the second position in the rating of mortality after cardiovascular diseases.
Сахарный диабет
Diabetes mellitus
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The diabetes mellitus is a disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism when the pancreas ceases to develop enough hormone of insulin. The disease leads to the fact that the immune system begins to develop the antibodies destroying the beta cells responsible for production of insulin. Pricks of insulin and a special way of life help with treatment, but here completely physicians are not able to eliminate a disease yet.
Бронхиальная астма
Bronchial asthma
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Bronchial asthma – the pathology of respiratory tracts leading to what during an attack of people begins to choke. At asthmatics hypersensitivity to various allergens is observed. Also attacks of suffocation can be aggravated in connection with an infectious disease. Approximately in 25% of cases death comes within an hour after the beginning of an attack if not to manage to give the qualified help.
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Flu – acute virus and respiratory infection. Symptoms of flu is weakness, nausea, high temperature of a body, head and muscular pain. In most cases it is easy to eliminate these symptoms. All problem that the influenza virus constantly mutates and shows new types and forms. Thus, it is possible to warn an influenza virus by means of vaccination, but here forever its immune system is not able to overcome.
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Cold – a viral disease of upper respiratory tracts when breath complicates cold, cough and puffiness of a nasopharynx. Over one hundred viruses can become the reasons of a SARS, but so far scientists could not invent one medicine capable to secure healthy people against infection. Besides, any drug is not able to reduce disease duration but only for a while to soften its symptoms.
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Poliomyelitis – the children's spinal paralysis resulting from an acute viral disease of a nervous system. Symptoms of a disease are the fatigue, nausea, a headache, high temperature. Arises at children under 5 years who were not imparted in time. At children of advanced age this disease can pass asymptomatically. Mortality rate from this disease was reduced by the vaccine entered in 1960.
Красная волчанка
Lupus erythematosus
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Lupus erythematosus – a chronic inflammation of different parts of a body. At a disease on skin it is possible to observe red scaly rash. If heart is affected, then myocarditis, atherosclerosis develops; kidneys – lyupus-nephrite; joints – deformation and pain; a brain – psychosis and spasms. After detection of a disease to the patient appoint treatment which allows it to live 20-30 more years.
Геморрагическая лихорадка Эбола
Hemorrhagic fever Ebola
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This fatal viral disease which is followed by severe bleeding and rash. For the first time the infection was found in the Central Africa, in the valley of the river Ebola (from where and the name) in the seventies the 20th centuries. The virus extends through the phlegms allocated by a body of the patient and a touch. At this disease patients and their nurses in 70% of cases die.
Болезнь Кройтфельдта-Якоба
Kroytfeldta-Jacob's disease
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It is the irreversible degeneration of the central nervous system which is found once on one million. Scientists assume that the disease can result from the use of the infected beef meat. The sick person is not able to control the behavior as tissues of his brain quickly die off, forming holes in fabrics. The lethal outcome comes somewhere in a year after infection.
Болезнь Альцгеймера
Alzheimer's disease
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Alzheimer's disease and till today remains the real riddle of medicine. The disease is characterized by an irreversible and prompt memory impairment at people of preferential old age. The exact reasons of a course of a disease are unknown, but physicians connect it with destruction of a large number of nervous cells, and also with genetic predisposition.
Болезнь Пика
Peak disease
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The disease of Peak is a frustration of the alimentary system when the person eats … office supplies, a furniture upholstery, dirt, etc. Specialists consider that so unusual gastronomic addictions result from an acute mineral deficiency. But even achievement of optimum level of minerals in an organism of the patient does not cure a disease.
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Literally schizophrenia means "splitting of mind". This mental disease is studied not adequately. Its symptoms are illogicalness, fanatical nonsense, inconsistency of reasonings, sharp changes of mood, a social disorientation, auditory hallucinations. Physicians distinguish from the schizophrenia reasons a hereditary factor, mutations at the gene level. In most cases the disease is fraught with disability or suicide.
Преждевременное старение (прогерия)
Senilism (progeria)
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It is very rare pathology when the person grows and grows old not on days, and on hours. The disease is followed by strong physical weakness. The people who were born with this gene defect in one year of real life grow old for 10-15 years in physiological parameters. Respectively, death comes at early age.


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