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12 myths about care of skin

Очищающих средств много не бывает
The clearing means do not happen much
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Many got used to use means for removal of a make-up and the clearing milk, applying them at the same time. But it is optional at all! Such combination is justified only in case of the waterproof make-up containing wax in the structure. It is easy to remove usual cosmetics also with one clearing milk. It is necessary to choose means which softly influences gentle skin, and to apply special srubs or peelings to deeper cleaning.
Жирную кожу увлажнять не нужно
Fat skin does not need to be moistened
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Contrary to ordinary opinion fat skin does not need to be dried, it needs to be humidified. It is not necessary to be afraid of the fact that the moistening means will clog up pores – modern cosmetics for fat skin of a nekomedogenn. On the contrary, it will help to eliminate imperfections, interfering with a peeling of skin and obstruction of a time. Dermatologists advise to choose skin care products on age, and not to forget about creams and lotions with sun-protection effect in the summer.
Акне - спутники только жирной кожи
Acne - satellites only of fat skin
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Not necessarily! Ladies with other types of skin also do not avoid this problem. It is all about excessive clarification at which sebaceous glands begin to work still usilenny, as leads to formation of an acne. Instead of infinitely clearing skin and to irritate it, try means with salicylic acid. Use them twice a day, it is enough for result – a time will be pure, and skin will cease to be shelled.
Прыщи можно вылечить зубной пастой
Spots can be cured toothpaste
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When cosmetics were not too available, many girls used toothpaste for dehumidification of spots. But today pastes for teeth contain a large amount of different substances, for example the bleaching ingredients which are not suitable for drawing on skin at all. If you do not want to cause irritation, or even an inflammation, then apply toothpaste exclusively to destination.
Прыщи можно аккуратно выдавливать
Spots can be squeezed out accurately
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It is accurate, somehow still! How many specialists would not speak about it, but to keep from temptation and can not squeeze out a big white spot not everyone. But you will not flaunt with such "ornament" until it disappears. Impose on a spot a warm compress 2-3 times a day and wipe it with salicylic acid. Such way of processing will save you from infection of the wound remaining after the squeezed-out spot.
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It is better to choose spirit tonic
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Many believe that tonic on alcohol is better as serves and clearing, and disinfectant at the same time. Alcohol has the pronounced drying effect therefore tonic with it suits only owners of fat skin, it will cause irritation in all others. But even in a case with fat skin it is possible to use the delustring tonics which will eliminate excesses of fat, and at the same time will not overdry skin.
Дорогая косметика лучше
Expensive cosmetics is better
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Women sometimes face that means from expensive cosmetic line it is not better than cheaper. That are on sale in drugstores it is possible to find the drugs at very attractive price containing qualitative ingredients and nothing inferior to the well-known untwisted brands. Moreover, pharmaceutical cosmetics passes careful tests, and goes on sale only after the versatile researches.
Сладкое вредит коже
Sweet harms skin
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Whether you happened to hear that an enanthesis appears from excessive love to sweet? However specialists assure that bacteria and the dirt getting to a time are an origin of spots, and from a large number of sweet or greasy food increases unless the size of a stomach and gross weight of a body of the person. Sweets in itself do not harm skin, only unhealthy food in total leads to deterioration in its state.
Масло кокоса может убрать растяжки
Oil of a coco can remove extensions
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Coconut oil, as well as any other, is capable to moisten skin, to saturate it with nutrients, but no more than that. Today there are no means which would remove striya completely and forever. Any cream from extensions can be more or less effective and can reduce their manifestation only. It is possible to use oil as prophylactic from extensions, thanks to its strong moistening effect.
Первый слой загара защищает от солнца
The first layer of suntan protects from the sun
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At emergence on skin of the first suntan some believe that now to them sunshine are not terrible. This delusion! Easy suntan is only SPF 3. It is necessary to protect skin every time when you come to the sun. If not to do it, then the risk of receiving sunblisters repeatedly increases. In addition skin is threatened by emergence of a nevus pigmentosus, elasticity loss, moisture content reduction.
Темнокожие не загорают
Black do not sunbathe
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If the person has a dark skin, then it does not mean that beams of the sun do not influence it in any way. Of course, black people get sunblisters much less often, but such disease as a carcinoma cutaneum is more dangerous to them as it is more difficultly diagnosed. Statistical data for 2005 show that among the Afro-Americans the percent of survivors from a melanoma is much lower, than among people of Caucasian race.
Автозагар защищает кожу от ультрафиолета
Autosuntan protects skin from ultraviolet
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Purpose of autosuntan – to give to skin a golden shade as though she already bathed in beams of the sun. Among such means there are also those that have sun-protection effect, but after all it not their main purpose. Therefore, using autosuntan, do not forget to apply over it usual sunblock cream. In this case your skin will be not only beautiful, but also healthy.
Полезные рекомендации
Useful recommendations
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If you took in all good faith at least one of these myths, then put at risk health of the skin. Now you can not worry and pay about it attention to several useful recommendations: use sun-protection funds from SPF 15 above; you are not under the open sun from 10 to 16 o'clock; you wear a headdress, sunglasses and close open body parts clothes; regularly visit the dermatologist.


Whether you know that:

If your liver ceased to work, death would come within a day.