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14 steps on the way to harmony

Сделайте здоровое питание образом жизни
Make healthy food a way of life
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Do not exhaust yourself with diets, and eat just properly. Let your diet will be balanced and contains vitamins, minerals and nutrients in the necessary quantities. Include cereal, fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and greens in the menu. Establish for the rule – obligatory to have breakfast! Do not practice a supper, make the last meal of a lung and not later than three hours to a dream.
Чистые зубы - здоровый организм!
Clean teeth - a healthy organism!
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If to brush teeth irregularly, that is danger to subject the organism to infection. How it occurs? When you brush teeth, you mass and strengthen the gingiva. If not to do it, a gingiva will begin to bleed and microbes from an oral cavity will get to a circulatory bed. The infection can extend on all organism, and banal lack of hygiene will be fault. Therefore regular toothbrushing – a basis of a healthy organism!
Внимание на свое самочувствие
Attention to the health
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Do not ignore organism signals of emergence of the center of inflammations at you, emergence of pain and indispositions of any sort. Timely ask for the qualified help, carry out all doctor's instructions, regularly you undergo inspections. Care for the health, temper an organism, strengthen immunity, only do not do it by meaning of life. Fanaticism in health issues will take away from you a lot of time.
Алкоголь и никотин
Alcohol and nicotine
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Two factors can detain considerably you on the way to harmony. It is alcohol and nicotine. If the use of the first still can be allowed in limited quantities, having reduced a dose to minimum, then it is necessary to refuse the second completely. Nicotine makes pernicious impact on an organism, it is simply not compatible to desire to improve the life and health therefore it is important to get rid of nicotine addiction as soon as possible.
Лечимся натуральными средствами
We are treated by natural means
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Having got sick, you do not hurry to buy in a drugstore of the mountain of drugs. In the beginning ask the doctor whether there is an opportunity to cope with the illness by means of natural means. Perhaps at least a part of drugs can be replaced with herbs, infusions and teas. Buy them in a drugstore, at the same time surely consult with the doctor or the druggist about duration of use of means. Notify him on existence or absence at you any type of an allergy.
Зима и весна - время для приема витаминов!
Winter and spring - time for reception of vitamins!
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During the winter and spring period our organism suffers a shortage of the vital vitamins. To support its work up to standard it is necessary to accept complex vitamin drugs. It is so important for our health that can not do it only those whose diet is capable to satisfy the need of an organism for vitamins and minerals for all hundred percent.
Мое тело - мой храм!
My body - my temple!
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If to apply this statement to itself personally, then it will become clear that it is necessary to make efforts and to work over the body. It is important to impart to itself love to morning exercises, warm-up for a body to warm and stretch muscles. Exercises on a press will allow to tighten a belt, run in the mornings or foot evening walks will strengthen respiratory system, swimming and driving the bicycle – a musculoskeletal system.
Красота и стиль в одежде
Beauty and style in clothes
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It is impossible to reach harmony, without being beautifully and stylishly dressed. Whenever possible update the clothes, but you remember – better several stylish, the classical, not getting out of fashion things, than a full case of what could not be put on. A few original accessories and here, your image already cause admiration. Not to forget the main thing about purity and neatness, is without what loses chic even the most exclusive thing.
Полюбите себя и вас полюбят другие
Fall in love with yourself and you will be fallen in love by others
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It is difficult for some to believe that they are loved because they do not love themselves. It is a vicious circle which only you can break off. Approach a mirror, smile to yourself and tell that you love yourself such what you are. And let first it will seem to you difficult or even ridiculous, believe, the result will surprise you! Having learned to love himself, you will be easier to believe in sincere love of others to you.
Не забывайте отдыхать!
Do not forget to have a rest!
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When neglect such factor as rest, life loses bright paints. The tired organism is not capable to estimate all pleasures of life completely. In the beginning the person of it does not realize as still some time continues to work at the expense of reserve forces of an organism and only after their exhaustion there occurs full decline. Do not dare to come so far! Go to the sea, to mountains, to the small river or to the wood and have a rest a body, soul and reason.
Позитив, оптимизм, уверенность!
Positive, optimism, confidence!
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Let these words will become your vital credo. It is no secret that all we think of, is reflected in our face. It is given by a mimicry which over the years by means of wrinkles creates expression of our person. Scientists can determine by their arrangement that most often in life was done by the person, frowned or smiled. Remain always in good mood, believe in success and more often smile!
Вам нужна цель
You need the purpose
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The purposeful person always knows what he wants. If aimlessly to wander on life, then she, will only present you with the fleeting pleasures which are quickly passing and not leaving a mark. Set the standing object for yourself and achieve success. You will feel satisfaction, desire to work will increase repeatedly. On the way to the purpose you feel vigorous and full of strength. Life is the movement, so we will not stand still!
Не забывайте баловать себя
Do not forget to indulge yourself
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To themselves be not always excessively strict. Self-discipline and self-education it of course is good, but it is necessary sometimes and to indulge itself. Afford sometimes that you want most of all: chocolate bar or favourite ice cream, visit of movie theater or moonlight walk. Buy what you dream long ago of, go to a travel or on a visit, the word make something that there is a strong wish, but all the time is restrictions.
Мы сами своими руками строим свою жизнь
Ourselves the hands build the life
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The person throughout the life often faces the choice, and from that what step he will take, its further existence depends. Ourselves are builders of the life and our task to make as little as possible wrong moves because it is already impossible to return back and correct them. Life is fine and to reach harmony in it quite perhaps, it is necessary to look only attentively around himself and you will understand at once what needs to be made for this purpose.


Whether you know that:

The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.