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Care of skin of different types

Уход за нормальной кожей
Care of normal skin
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Smooth, elastic, velvety, well supplied with blood vessels, elastic, without large time normal skin demands the minimum leaving. Clarification twice a day in the morning and in the evening clear water with soap, after washing it is possible to wipe skin with infusion of herbs, lotion or special water infusions. After clarification soft cream, in the morning – protective, in the evening – nutritious is applied. The nutritious mask once a week is recommended.
Уход за сухой кожей
Care of dry skin
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Sluggish, shelled, folds and wrinkles are signs of dry skin which requires the strengthened attention and special leaving. It is necessary to clear skin twice a day in the morning and in the evening a toilet milk or liquid cream, water for washing to use only boiled. To avoid early emergence of wrinkles, it is necessary to humidify, feed and protect dry skin regularly. To do the nutritious and moistening masks two times a week.
Уход за жирной кожей
Care of fat skin
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Brilliant, with enlarged pores, inclined to formation of eels, fat skin demands permanent care. It is desirable to carry out morning and evening clarification by gels on a water basis, a special milk or means on a clay basis for removal from a surface of surplus of grease allocations. After such washing it is necessary to clear skin of the remains of pollution and soap infusions of herbs which can be used and during the day.
Уход за комбинированной кожей
Care of the combined skin
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The most often found skin type – mixed or combined, assumes different care of different sites. In places where skin fat, it is necessary to look after it, clearing and drying. Places of dry skin need to be cleared and fed. Instead of soap for morning and evening washing it is recommended to use broths and infusions of herbs, freshly brewed warm tea with milk (certainly, without sugar).
Уход за молодой кожей
Care of young skin
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Hormonal reorganization of an organism during puberty often does young skin problem. As a result of the increasing fat content, spots and acne rash which are strictly forbidden to be squeezed out independently are formed. Care of young skin is minimum, morning and evening washing for clarification of the contaminated skin, tonic lotion, soft nutritious cream for the night and protective after the morning procedures.
Уход за увядающей кожей
Care of the withering skin
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After 30 years cosmetics on care of skin shall contain the active biological agents stimulating a metabolism. After morning washing by a cosmetic milk, it is necessary to feed skin with cream. It is necessary to clear skin grass infusions, divorced 1:1 with water lemon or orange juice in the evening, after to apply the nutritious, regenerating cream.
Уход за проблемной кожей
Care of problem skin
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Distinctive features of problem skin are shown in the form of small eels, spots, rashes. Sources of problems with skin in most cases – failures in work of internals, improper feeding, skin diseases. In morning and evening washings it is necessary to use special problem skin gels, to clean pores the sparing srubs, to use only soft towels, to try not to injure skin.



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