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Harmful products

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In a special way the fried laminas of potatoes or other products, actually represent allsorts from fats, carbohydrates, substitutes of taste and dyes. The technology of preparation of chips guarantees existence of a large amount of the carcinogens provoking oncological diseases, and availability of the hydrogenated fats increases cholesterol level, increasing risk of heart diseases and vessels.
Колбаса и колбасные изделия
Sausage and sausages
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According to laboratory researches sausage contains 5-10% of meat, the main sausage weight – soy protein, more than 80% of sausages are produced about use of transgene soy. The attractive look and aroma give to sausages thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers, dyes and fragrances, masking existence in them of a large amount of the hidden fats (pork skins, fat, visceral fat).
Газированные сладкие напитки
Carbonated sweet drinks
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Sweet carbonated drinks are in the lead by amount of various dangerous additives – harmful dyes, sweeteners or substitutes of sugar, preservatives (orthophosphoric acid, бензонат sodium), and in power engineering specialists and tonics are added in ultraboundary doses caffeine, taurine and glucuronolactone. Such drinks constitute special danger thanks to the fact that digestion of substances comes from the liquid saturated with carbon dioxide much more intensively.
Фаст-фуд – еда быстрого приготовления
Fast food – instant food
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Shawarma, hamburgers, hot dogs, chebureks, French fries, belyashes standardly prepare from inexpensive products of low quality and often an unknown origin. For frying use mix of the modified fats, and repeatedly that leads to contents in it a large amount of the carcinogens increasing risk of oncological diseases. Heartburn or a gastric disturbance – the most harmless effects of such food.
Соусы промышленного изготовления
Sauces of industrial production
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Mayonnaise – remarkable tasty and useful sauce if it is prepared houses from natural products. Mayonnaise, ketchups and other sauces of industrial production represent a set of emulsifiers, cancerogenic transfats, the modified starch, amplifiers of taste, sweeteners, preservatives, stabilizers, fragrances. "Easy" mayonnaise and sauces contain the modified vegetable oils which are almost not giving in to fermentation in an organism.
Копченые продукты
Smoked products
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Smoked fish, meat, cheeses, sausages, sprats contain petrolpyrene, one of the strongest carcinogens which are formed in the course of smoking which promotes activation and growth in an organism of tumor cells in a large number.
Маргарины и спреды
Margarine and spreads
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Margarine and spreads - a product of a combination of vegetable and animal fats. At their production liquid vegetable oil is processed in the course of a hydrogenation for receiving firm structure of transfat – the most harmful of fats for an organism. Vegetable oil is usually used at the same time by the most low-quality and cheap – palm which was used only for production of candles and soap earlier.
Шоколадные батончики, чупа-чупс и прочие сладости
Chocolate bars, Chupa Chups and other sweets
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It no other than a complex of a large number of calories in combination with various chemical additives causing accustoming, genetically modified products, emulsifiers, stabilizers, fragrances and dyes. The high glycemic index of such products promotes sharp receipt in glucose blood, the organism reacts to it emission of a high dose of insulin that causes increased feeling of hunger.
Йогурты длительного хранения
Yogurts of long storage
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Thanks to advertizing promotion yogurts are considered to be the most useful products, it is right information only in relation to yogurts of house preparation with use of genuine milk and fresh fruit. Yogurts of industrial production, especially long period of storage, contain in a large number stabilizers, thickeners, fragrances, antioxidants, sweeteners, emulsifiers. The term of life of notorious "beneficial bacteria" in yogurts no more than two days.
Неправильное питание
Improper feeding
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Harmful products – the hidden reason of the majority of diseases, their use as slow poison gradually poisons an organism, causing accustoming. Receipt of quantity of harmful products insignificant at first sight switches-off so-called "warning system" and an organism ceases to react to intoxication external manifestations – gradual damage of internals goes nausea, an enanthesis, dizzinesses, at the same time.
Whether you know that:

The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.