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I the most beautiful or how to fall in love with itself

Небольшая история
Small history
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Psychologists employed the actress who two days running stood on the highway near the broken-down car and asked about the help. In the first day the men passing by just in eager rivalry offered the help, and in the second day nobody stopped. In what a secret? Everything is simple. In the first day the actress smiled, seemed self-assured and happy. And in the second day looked pathetic, unfortunate and, respectively, ugly.
Есть ли критерии красоты
Whether there are criteria of beauty
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Beauty – category not objective. This peculiar feeling, suggestion. Probably, many faced such phenomenon when about some woman say that she is extraordinary beautiful. And even if earlier you considered it ordinary, over time all the same begin to think that in it there is something interesting. And all secret is that this woman just loves herself.
Запрет на самопорицание
Prohibition on self-censure
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People got used to criticize themselves, since the childhood to find of themselves faults. And even when somebody praises us, we quite often disprove a compliment. "Hi, perfectly you look" - "Yes just washed the head". But the word is material. If you constantly say to yourself that you ugly and thick whether then it is worth being surprised that such you also will be? So under no circumstances you do not speak about yourself badly.
Культивируйте самоодобрение
Cultivate self-approval
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At each opportunity you praise the appearance. Today you managed to do successful hair, yesterday you slept and you had a good complexion, and tomorrow you will have a successful make-up. Look for in yourself not shortcomings, but advantages – a beautiful bend of a neck, expressive eyes, a mysterious smile.
Не сравнивайте себя с другими
Do not compare yourself to others
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Correctly say that people everyones are necessary, people everyones are important. The fact that someone has what you do not have, can cause envy and admiration. Admiration – it is good, you aim at the best. And envy – it is bad, it does your appearance disharmonious. Be disaccustomed to bad habit to compare itself to others. Think better that you are unique and interesting such what you are.
Прекратите искать недостатки в себе и других
Stop looking for shortcomings of yourself and others
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For certain you with girlfriends criticized someone's appearance more than once: "Here you look, the fat woman what". Similar discussions say that you have problems with a self-assessment, and speaking badly about others, you as if ego-trip at their expense. Actually everything is exactly the opposite: the more defects you see in others, the yours become more obvious. An eye is initially ready for seeing shortcomings.
Радуйтесь жизни!
Enjoy life!
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Such simple council, but as it is difficult to follow it. The person who is dissatisfied with own appearance is incapable to enjoy life fully. And meanwhile, it is necessary to understand that life at us one and lived in discontent every day reduces it and does aimless. Learn to enjoy life and then all your shortcomings will fade into the background and will become imperceptible not only to you, but also people around.


Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.