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The most useful vegetables

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Spinach contains in a large number A, B, C, PP, E vitamins, selenium, zinc, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium. The source of irreplaceable amino acids which the organism does not synthesize itself and receives only from food stuffs. The use of spinach promotes activation of work of a pancreas, improves digestion, slows down growth of new growths, clears krova, strengthens walls of vessels, improving cardiac performance.
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Carrots – an irreplaceable source of beta carotene, contain A, C vitamins, iron, iodine, potassium, manganese, a large amount of cellulose. Carrots improve digestion, promote soft purgation, thanks to easy laxative action. It is scientifically proved – the use of carrots improves visual acuity, is good prevention of glaucoma and cataract, prevents mutations of cells, increases immunity.
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Onions – a source of A, C vitamins, fluorine, magnesium, sulfur, iron, essential oils, phytoncides. The bactericidal properties of onions promoting destruction of viruses and bacteria are used for prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases. Juice of onions improves a metabolism and digestion, joins in the menu of diets for normalization of weight.
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Broccoli – an irreplaceable source of antioxidants, such as vitamin C, beta carotene, glutathione, meletin, Luteinum, сульфорафан, the enzymes increasing development reducing risk of oncological diseases. Broccoli the best source of the chrome normalizing the content of sugar in blood and considerably the disease of a diabetes mellitus reducing risk. The regular use of broccoli stabilizes work of cardiovascular system.
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Paprika – is vitamin-rich C, A, B, PP, folic acid, cellulose, beta carotene, iron, zinc, calcium, iodine. At the regular use of paprika arterial pressure is normalized, work of intestines improves, the risk of formation of blood clots decreases, walls of blood vessels become stronger, sight improves, growth of hair becomes more active, nails become stronger, work of a nervous system is stabilized.
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Pumpkin – does not cause an allergy, is low-calorie, digestive tract does not irritate, it is irreplaceable in dietary food. Source of A, C, D, E vitamins, potassium and phosphorus. The regular use of pumpkin promotes delay of processes of aging, improves a condition of skin, nails and hair, promotes splitting of fatty accumulation. Pumpkin juice clears a liver and blood, it is recommended at cirrhosis and hepatitis.
Капуста белокачанная
Cabbage white
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The white cabbage – differs in the high content of irreplaceable amino acids (a lysine, methionine, threonine) necessary for recovery and growth of fabrics, a hemopoiesis, normal work of kidneys, adrenal glands, thyroid glands and for removal from an organism of foreign proteins. Vitamin U speeds up work of a liver, promotes treatment of peptic ulcers of digestive tract, colitis, gastritises, slackness of intestines.
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Garlic – the natural antibiotic strengthening immune system, disinfecting an oral cavity and digestive organs. Phytoncides, vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, B9, E, K, PP, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, selenium, sincaline, аллицин are a part of garlic. Use garlic as antiseptic, bactericidal, soothing, antiinflammatory, diuretic, sudorific, fortifying, a vasodilator.
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Tomatoes – traditionally are considered as vegetable culture though from the point of view of botany are berries. Content of powerful antioxidant of a carotinoid of the lycopene giving red color to tomatoes reduces risk of diseases of cardiovascular system and an adynamy. Phytoncides carry out antibacterial influence, serotonin promotes improvement of mood.
Зеленый горошек
Green peas
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Green peas – a fine source of A and C vitamins, iron, water-soluble cellulose, are carbohydrate-rich also proteins, practically do not contain fats. It is allocated with high biological activity of B1 vitamin (thiamin) which participates in power education, it is necessary for normal work of a nervous system and carbohydrate metabolism. Contains a large amount of citric acid, B2 and PP vitamins, irreplaceable amino acids, a pyridoxine.
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