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6 fashionable diagnoses

1. Синдром хронической усталости
1. Syndrome of chronic fatigue
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The name beautiful and the diagnosis popular, suitable, probably, hundreds to thousands of the poor fellows tired of a mad rhythm of life. Irrespective of who made you such diagnosis – you or the psychotherapist, know what according to the International qualifier of diseases of such diagnosis does not exist! What then treat for?
В реальности
In reality
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For the first time the term "syndrome of chronic fatigue" was used in 1988 a godua, in 1990 in the USA the National center of chronic fatigue was already created. However no researches of a clinical picture and causes of illness were conducted. Symptoms are rather indistinct: long fatigue, muscular discomfort, depression and decrease in memory. No drugs against this disease exist. Physicians advise more to have a rest.
Что делать?
What to do?
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Any indisposition is an occasion to check health with the purpose to be convinced that in an organism there is no infection or a virus which quite often give similar symptoms. It is also necessary to adjust a suitable operating mode and rest, to allocate time for walks in the fresh air. Generally, it is necessary to bring more optimism in life!
2. Дисбактериоз
2. Dysbacteriosis
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According to assurances of mass media, such diagnosis is present at 90% of residents of Russia. However in the International qualifier of diseases of such diagnosis does not exist. What the disease such is? It appears, dysbacteriosis is not an independent illness, but display of many gastroenterological diseases.
Что делать?
What to do?
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If you observe nausea, heartburn, an eructation, locks, an unpleasant smell from a mouth, it is time to address the gastroenterologist. Such symptoms can be observed at many diseases of a digestive tract. And here it does not make sense to accept pro-biotic drugs from dysbacteriosis in this case. First of all it is necessary to get rid of an actual reason of dysbacteriosis, and a probiotics can be appointed only as prevention.
3. Зашлакованность
3. Zashlakovannost
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Many doctors like to speak about an organism zashlakovannost now. It is considered that toxins and slags nakapyvatsya at all therefore clarification of an organism is necessary from time to time. Suggest to be cleaned by various medicines, herbs, enemas …
В реальности
In reality
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Actually various nutritional supplements, blood clarification, gidrokolonoterapiya – profitable business. Many dietary supplements have cholagogue effect that in the presence of stones (about which you can not know), promotes obstruction of bilious channels, causes a necrosis of a pancreas and other undesirable effects for health.
Что делать?
What to do?
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If you have a bad digestion, dim complexion, make full ultrasound examination of an abdominal cavity. And only the doctor can solve whether gepatoprotektor, purgatives and other medicines are necessary for you. A diet in combination with the correct treatment will help to clear an organism without use of procedures fashionable now.
4. Повышенный холестерин
4. The raised cholesterol
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In reality the high level of cholesterol is not the direct road to a heart attack at all. Cholesterol – only one of the contributing factors of development of diseases of vessels and heart, and not main. Its level in blood is not so important, and here the behavior in a metabolism – is undoubted. All people have various conditions of a lipidic metabolism. And no dietary supplements will help here.
Что делать?
What to do?
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First, you should not give in to anti-cholesteric promotion. Quietly weigh all risk factors, make the genetic test. Secondly, try to take regularly after 40 years a blood test on the level of cholesterol and to implement all recommendations of doctors. You undergo periodic medical examination of an organism, keep to a low-fatty diet – and everything will be as it should be.
5. Гельминтоз
5. Helminthosis
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At first sight there is a lot of such diseases. It is possible to find hundreds of different askaridoz and other parasitic diseases in the international qualifier. And what it is possible to read on the Internet? "To 80% of all diseases of the person are caused by parasites, or their life activities result". And how to define parasites? Besides on the Internet: "only by means of frequency and resonant diagnosis".
В реальности
In reality
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Actually separate group of parasitic diseases does not exist. There are "infectious and parasitic diseases". Here on them the Vozovsky statistics just is also conducted. What can be read in the report of the European bureau WHO for 2005? "Parasitic diseases together with infectious make 9% of the general incidence". So assurances that around us one helminths, and all diseases are caused by parasites – the absolute lie.
Что делать?
What to do?
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It does not mean at all what to pick up helminths is unreal. Stroked a doggie, ate dirty fruit – and here to you, hi parasites. In case of characteristic symptoms (fever, diarrhea, an abdominal pain), it is necessary to address the infectiologist who will appoint to you necessary analyses and will pick up the corresponding treatment.
6. Авитаминоз
6. Avitaminosis
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To argue it is useless, all of us in a varying degree suffer a shortage of vitamins. However it is impossible to make the diagnosis "avitaminosis". For a start it is necessary to find out how many vitamins are not enough, and what. And it becomes only after inspection: blood test, accounting of associated diseases, assessment of the general state.
Что делать?
What to do?
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Whether it is necessary to accept vitamin complexes constantly? Not you have to solve it, and your attending physician, having carefully weighed all pluses and minuses. To accept some fat-soluble vitamins constantly in large numbers even it is harmful (A. E, D) as they collect in an organism, leading to undesirable effects for health. And here from seasonal rates of vitamins of harm yet was to nobody.


Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.