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8 ways to increase immunity

Tell "STOP" to alcohol
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Simple, but very effective measure. To increase immunity, it is necessary to refuse alcohol not partially, and completely. At least for the period of the recovery period. Alcohol has feature to suppress healthy immune cells therefore its presence at an organism is undesirable. It is necessary to exclude not only alcoholic beverages, but also any alcohol-containing drugs if circumstances and the state of health, of course, allow.
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Eat more protein
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According to specialists of squirrels is the main construction material for cells of immune system. With approach of the period when from this system the increased working capacity is required, its cells should not lack proteins. For this purpose it is necessary to include in a daily diet haricot, milk, eggs, lentil, almonds, cottage cheese, sunflower seeds and similar to them products.
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Use aromatherapy force
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The essential oils applied at an aromatherapy are capable to influence a condition of an organism strongly. Many aromatic oils strengthen immunity, increase body resistance to viruses and infections. Oils of an eucalyptus, mint and a tea tree in this respect are especially useful. Having held in the apartment an aromatherapy session with these oils, you not only purify air of harmful bacteria, but also will create the cozy atmosphere.
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Hardening pluses
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The fact that the hardening strengthens health is known for a long time. But, unfortunately, similar practice is not especially popular and units are engaged in a hardening. If you set as the purpose to join ranks of the people who are engaged in a hardening, then do not hurry to reach their level for short term. In order to avoid negative effects, begin procedures of a hardening with grinding with cool water, gradually reducing its temperature.
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Avoid stresses
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Stresses are capable to kill cells of our organism. Such fate and immune system does not pass. If you noticed how you after strong experiences began to be ill, it proves interrelation between nervous shocks and physical health once again. Of course, it is completely almost impossible to avoid stresses, but at an opportunity to make a choice between experiences about a problem and the health, make it in favor of the last.
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Ginger and garlic
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Two of these products will help your organism to resist to any viruses actively. Being powerful antiseptic agents, they stop attempts of any bacteria to intrude in your organism. You can use garlic when you do not need to go to work or you have no need to fear its smell. In the rest of the time, you will be helped out by ginger which can be used both in the form of drink, and in a dried look.
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Actively play sports
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If your only desire in winter time is the warm plaid and a soft sofa, then with it it is necessary to do something. Frosty air is considered the purest and to miss a possibility of walks in such weather simply inadmissibly. It is possible to master any type of winter sports, and it is possible to visit the pool or the fitness studio. In this case you will meet spring not only with good health, but also in excellent physical shape.
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Smile more often
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Let the smile will become your business card. By specialists it is proved that the smiling person is ill less often. It has stronger immunity as it is steady against depressions and is not in dejectedness. Besides a smile the simplest and cheap means to keep good mood and even to share it with people around. Not without reason, seeing the smiling person, there is a wish to smile to him in reply.


Whether you know that:

Even if heart of the person does not fight, then he all the same can live during a long period, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal showed us. Its "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in snow.