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Energy saving lamps: 4 facts about possible harm for health

Energy saving lamps are one of the most popular products of innovative technologies, and there is no wonder: they much more economic also are more long-lasting than usual filament lamps. At the same time there are fears that energy saving bulbs can become the reason of emergence of problems with health. Unfortunately, some of similar opinions have the real reasons.

Вредны ли энергосберегающие лампы?

1. Ultra-violet radiation

Firms manufacturers warn that each 8 hours of stay under an energy saving lamp by quantity of the ultraviolet received by the person can be equated by an o'clock of stay in the open sun. Harmful radiation is partly blocked by glass of which the lamp is made, but the portion can all the same be considered quite solid. However, It should be noted that officially similar researches were not conducted, and statements of producers should be taken on trust.

Anyway, being in the room lit with energy saving lamps it is necessary to consider probability of an adverse effect of ultraviolet rays on integuments and on eyes.

2. Work in the pulsation mode

Specifics of functioning of the majority of energy saving lamps consist that light is let out not evenly, and in the pulsation mode – intensity of their luminescence about 100 times a second weakens and again increases. It is proved that this phenomenon is capable to do harm to a nervous system and eyes.

The people forced to be daily till several hours in the rooms lit with energy saving lamps quite often have persuasive headaches, dizziness, balance disturbance. They complain of eye pain, increased fatigue and sleeplessness.

Today more modern models of lamps which have to work in the mode of 300 pulsations in a second are developed. Such frequency is not registered a nervous system of the person, and the adverse effect of lighting fixtures can be minimized.

3. Availability of vapors of mercury

Each energy saving bulb contains from 3 to 5 mg of mercury. It is a little, and still glass cover of the device is whole, nothing threatens its owners. Only the burst or broken bulbs as vapors of poisonous metal, being allocated in air, very quickly spread on all room are dangerous and settle on furniture, curtains, clothes, are absorbed in a floor. Accommodation in the apartment infected with mercury is fraught with development of severe damages of kidneys, a liver, head and marrow and other bodies and fabrics.

It is worth to remember also that the bulbs which became useless are thrown out in most cases together with other household garbage as the system of separate utilization in our country is developed very poorly. As a result toxic gets to the soil and ground waters, poisoning the environment.

4 факта о возможном вреде для здоровья энергосберегающих ламп

4. Impact on allergic persons

At people with gentle, sensitive skin, stay near energy saving lamps sometimes causes allergic reactions which are shown in the form of burning, an itch and hypostases. Usually advise such patients to choose the lighting sources equipped with additional protective plafonds or to give preference to LED lamps. It should be noted that this phenomenon meets extremely seldom.

The modern person cannot refuse use of hi-tech devices and devices completely. From this, however, does not follow that he is doomed to be the victim of their adverse effect on an organism. It is quite possible to avoid problems with health, it is necessary to approach only competently use of similar products, to consider specifics of their functioning and to follow safety regulations, minimizing risks.

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