Healthy lifestyle today in fashion, and many parents think of that the child from the early childhood played sports. Trainings will help it to become strong and hardy, will improve coordination of movements, and also will exert positive impact on mentality: it will become more collected and purposeful.
All this, certainly, so, but it is worth meaning that modern children are not so healthy. Therefore, resolving an issue of sport and degree of intensity of trainings, it is necessary to weigh well everything pros and cons, and it is obligatory to undergo full medical examination with the child. For a number of sports there are absolute and relative contraindications on health, and it is not necessary to neglect this information.
Usually parents begin to look for suitable trainings when the kid is 3-4 years old. The choice of occupations at this age is limited: the majority of sports sections takes children at the age of 5-6 years, and often and are more senior.
It is connected with the fact that it is still difficult to kids to follow instructions of the trainer, and their muscular and copular devices are not adapted for loadings yet. Therefore even if you will find section in which accept small children, the first one or two years they will do gymnastics and outdoor games there. Time of serious trainings will come later.
Swimming, gymnastics, special children's fitness will be the occupations, most useful to kids. Such occupations will increase its immunity, will strengthen a backbone and the copular device and positively will affect preparation for trainings.
Already at this age it is possible to watch the kid and to estimate his tendency to these or those sports occupations. Observe that it has more on temper – team games, ball games, dancing exercises? What exercises turn out at it best of all?
All boys without exception like to play soccer and hockey. However contraindications to occupations these sports exist, and there is a lot of them. Soccer and hockey – very injury-causing sports connected with falling and blows, and also big loadings. Therefore before record in section it is necessary to check heart and a nervous system of the kid, sight and nasal breath. The progressing myopia is an absolute contraindication to occupations, and bad nasal breath can complicate trainings. Besides, if the child has problems with the musculoskeletal system (MS), doctors can prohibit it similar trainings too.
Artistic gymnastics – one more extremely popular sport for boys, but also here poor eyesight, problems with the ODE and some diseases of cardiovascular system can become an obstacle to occupations.
Sections of martial arts are presented at sport schools quite widely today, and here the possibility of the choice is big. The parents who are not understanding the directions of martial arts should talk to trainers about what it is better to choose if the child has contraindications on health. It is usually possible to pick up a suitable alternative: if foul blows and falling, then it is possible to give the kid on wushu, but not on karate.
Winter sports – for example, mountain skiing - are good the fact that they increase resistance of the child to respiratory diseases. However chronic bronchitis or asthma can become aggravated at loadings. It is in that case reasonable to give preference to not so intensive occupations – for example, to running, but not mountain skiing.
It will be heavy to children choleric persons to do those sports which demand big concentration – for example, firing. And here it will just please phlegmatic persons.
Beautiful dresses, graceful gait, opportunity to dance – perhaps, any girl will be not against ballroom dances, rhythmic gymnastics, the ballet or figure skating. But loadings in these sports differ, and parents have to understand it.
There is also one more nuance which is not considered by many parents. If the girl has excess weight, will play sports to her is problematic, and here sneers in collective surely will appear. Therefore it is not necessary to hope for sport as on a panacea from completeness: better in the beginning by means of simple gymnastics and a diet to achieve good physical shape, and only then to look for suitable section.
Also, as well as for boys, cardiovascular and neurologic diseases, a myopia can become a contraindication to professional sport. However ballroom dances in this case can take.
Girls quite suit not only classical female sports, but also many others – including martial arts, riding.
Parents of often ill kids or children having certain problems with health know that the pediatrician specifies group of health of the child in a medical card. However a little at what school there is an opportunity to really organize training taking into account various groups of health of pupils. Therefore usually weakened children are engaged together with all, but according to reduced standards.
Bad health – a contraindication to serious training by sport, but at all not an occasion to refuse physical culture. Moreover, occupations physiotherapy exercises and swimming in many cases are capable to strengthen health of the child. However parents have to study carefully the question concerning the admissible sizes of loads of the child, and it is important to trainer to control pulse and breath of children during the trainings.
The pediatrician, the cardiologist, the neuropathologist and the oculist is an obligatory program for each kid before record in sports section. It is necessary to pass the cardiogram, to make the general blood tests and urine. In some cases additional consultations – for example, at the ENT specialist, the pulmonologist, the surgeon, the dermatologist and other specialists can be required. Do not neglect it: the sport which does not suit the child can have not positive, but negative effects for health!
In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.
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