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12 unusual, but very useful vegetables

It is possible to find the extensive range of fruit and vegetables in modern shops. Russians already got used that on counters there is not only a seasonal domestic production, but the vegetables and fruit which are grown up in the countries with more comfortable conditions of cultivation at all seasons of the year. However what we see in shops and in the vegetable markets, is only a small part of those edible plants with which the nature is so rich. Today we want to acquaint the reader with rare and very useful vegetables which gradually become available and for the domestic consumer.

1. Forbidden rice

One of the types of rice cultivated in China. In the past it was available only to the aristocrats belonging to royal family.

The product has a specific appearance: in the course of cooking its coloring changes from black to dark-violet. Taste of the prepared grain is very peculiar and very attractive as it has the expressed nut shade.

This grade of rice much more surpasses other kinds of a popular cereal in the content of vitamins and microelements (iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium).

Запретный рис

2. Water-melon radish

The root crop has a white or greenish skin and bright pink pulp. The sizes it is slightly more, than at usual grades of a garden radish: diameter reaches 7,5 cm. Taste is moderately acute, pleasantly bitterish.

The water-melon garden radish is rich with copper, magnesium, potassium, calcium, ascorbic and folic acid. In salads it is well combined with fresh cucumbers and various greens.

Арбузная редиска

3. Vee-bi pumpkin

Sweet, small (the size about average orange) tykovka of bright orange color. Contain a large amount of beta carotene, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. Are irreplaceable in dietary food.

Тыква Ви-би

4. "Chocolate" pepper

Exotic modification of sweet (Bulgarian) pepper. Fruits in a stage of biological ripeness have a skin and pulp of chocolate color. Because of high productivity the plant is extremely popular in the USA. Fruits contain a rich set of vitamins and the increased concentration of sugars.

Шоколадный перец

5. White "egg" eggplant

Rare grade of an eggplant which is grown up in Japan. Fruits have the ovoid form and white coloring. They perfectly are suitable for preparation of vegetable stews, are well stored in the frozen look.

Pulp of an egg eggplant has practically no bitterish smack and differs in a gentle consistence.

Белый яичный баклажан

6. Lilac cauliflower

The kind of a cauliflower removed by the Italian selectors. As well as white-fruited grades, more usual for us, a large amount of vitamins, microelements and cellulose, necessary for normal digestion, contains. Is an important component of dietary kitchen.

Lilac color of edible inflorescences is caused by availability of anthocyans which are extremely useful to maintenance of health of heart and vessels.

Сиреневая цветная капуста

7. Gold-rush zucchini

Very productive variety having more dense pulp and smaller quantity of seeds, than other vegetable marrows. Almost it is not damaged by insects and it can be cultivated without use of chemical means of protection.

The skin of fruits has yellow-orange color, and pulp – soft, gentle taste that allows to eat zucchini in the raw, with preservation of all useful properties.

Цуккини Золотая лихорадка

8. White beet

The root crop contains the same set of vitamins, as usual red grades. Pulp and a skin at this look white, and taste – sweet, but not having a specific shade because of which many do not love red beet.

The product is good both in crude, and in the boiled or baked look. Well regulates digestion processes; pulp is rich with potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron and magnesium.

Белая свекла

9. Hopa corn

Grains of this grade have dark blue color. They are not less useful whether they than corn of white yellow versions, but have more gentle, sweet taste with a nut shade.

Кукуруза хопи

10. Violet potatoes

Recently this grade becomes more and more popular. Its coloring is caused by the high content of the anthocyans painting pulp and a skin in saturated violet color and being powerful antioxidants. The regular use of such potatoes helps to slow down aging processes, to increase immunity and to reduce probability of development of malignant new growths.

However, violet potatoes not only are useful, but also are extremely beautiful. At thermal treatment exotic coloring of tubers remains.

Фиолетовый картофель

11. Melotriya

Plant of family of pumpkin. Represents a liana which, despite a tropical origin, can be grown up also in middle latitudes. Except magnificent option of vertical gardening, the melotriya is capable to please the gardener with the fruits similar to tiny arbuzik, and edible tubers.

Melotriya fruits to taste are similar to cucumbers. They are rich with useful cellulose, microelements and vitamins, and are especially attractive to the people aiming to lose weight: energy value makes only 14 kcal on 100 g. Use fruits in the raw (in salads), and also salty and marinated. Inclusion of a melotriya in a diet promotes clarification of a liver, decrease in concentration of "harmful" cholesterol, improvement of a condition of walls of vessels.

Plant tubers are very useful too. In the raw they on taste remind something between a sweet radish and a cucumber.


12. Balsam apple

One more plant belonging to family pumpkin, becoming more and more popular among the Russian gardeners. It is a powerful liana on which fruits, in a form similar to the extended melons ripen. Pulp to a balsam apple is tasty and nutritious. It contains proteins, sugar, cellulose and a big set of vitamins. It is eaten in a fried, stewed and boiled look, and also in mix with other vegetables.

But there is more to come. In the thickness of each fruit the seeds concluded in a fleshy bright red cover are located. These fragrant and sweet berries remind tropical fruit. Eat also the dried-up seeds: they are milled in the powder having taste of hazelnuts.

In cookery and medicine of the people of India the balsam apple is used very widely. It is considered that its inclusion in a diet helps to activate production of insulin, to reduce the content of sugar in blood, to cure cardiovascular and gastrointestinal illnesses, to slow down aging. Salutary properties to a balsam apple are recognized also as official medicine.


Landing material of the described plants gradually appears in the Russian shops. Cultivation of some of them has the difficulties, but for the person aiming to enrich a diet of the family with useful and tasty products there is nothing impossible. Citizens should not consider themselves deprived too: many edible vegetable novelties can already be met on counters of shops.

The use of fruits of exotic plants demands care. The people inclined to an allergy have to be especially attentive. You should not offer not tested products to the small children, elderly people and patients having heavy chronic illnesses. Anyway, it is necessary to enter into a diet unfamiliar food gradually, in the small portions, monitoring reaction of an organism.

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