Musicotherapy – a treatment method which caused and causes a set of a controversy concerning its efficiency. However the facts are relentless: during the numerous researches curative impact of music on an organism was scientifically confirmed. Since then in a number of the countries the technique is included complex therapy of diseases of cardiovascular and respiratory system, dorsodynias and a backbone, psychosomatic disturbances and many other illnesses. The musicotherapy in pediatrics is especially widely applied, at treatment and rehabilitation of children with limited physical and intellectual capacities, deviations in development, difficulties in communication.
According to doctors, the sphere of treatment by music is so extensive that allows to find for it application practically in any field of medicine. At the same time it is possible to use the curing properties of music not only in clinic, but also in house conditions, having relaxed and having adjusted on a harmonious harmony. In spite of the fact that the musicotherapy cannot replace completely medical procedures, the technique is capable to lower medicinal loading, to reduce pain, to raise a tone and to accelerate recovery.
The method of a musicotherapy is based on ability of a nervous system of the person to react to a musical rhythm which harmonizes physiological processes in an organism. The strongest and combined effect on the person the body – a keyboard wind instrument with powerful sounding possesses. It is considered that it harmonizes a psychoemotional condition of the person, clarifies mind, exempting it from fears, concerns and the notions of compulsion.
According to conclusions of researchers, some tools, unlike body, are capable to make pointed impact on specific members of the body and to stabilize their work:
Except musical instruments, nature sounds possess the running-down impact on an organism: splash of waves, singing of birds, rain noise. Specialists recommend to listen to similar compositions to residents of big cities from time to time, and also to include them to uneasy kids.
For years of researches the interrelation between diseases and works of the composers promoting their treatment was established:
Except musical instruments, nature sounds possess the running-down impact on an organism: splash of waves, singing of birds, rain noise
The chief composer for children's development Mozart whose works, according to researches, activate practically all sites of a cerebral cortex is considered. The sounds of high frequency alternating in beat it is silent-is loud which is most inherent in the nature of the movement of biocurrents in a human brain, stimulate processes of thinking and strengthen memory. According to doctors, Mozart's listening at the time of delivery and in a puerperal period allows to reduce risks of development of complications in the woman in labor and the child, and also promotes more bystry adaptation of premature babies to the world around.
Unlike the majority of the improving techniques, the musicotherapy approves and welcomes self-treatment. However to be necessary to remember that successful healing in house conditions demands observance of some conditions:
At last, the main condition of successful result – feeling of pleasure when listening. At treatment it is important that music was pleasant and caused pleasant associations. If sessions are followed by rejection, it is better to use other methods of art therapy: drawing, a molding from clay, dances, communication with the nature, etc.
The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.
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Section: Articles about healthMusicotherapy – a treatment method which caused and causes a set of a controversy concerning its efficiency. However the facts are relentless: during the numerous researches curative impact of music on an organism was scientifically confirmed. Since then in a number of the countries the technique is included complex therapy of diseases of cardiovascular and respiratory system, dorsodynias and a backbone, psychosomatic disturbances and many other illnesses. The musicotherapy in a pedi is especially widely applied...
Section: Articles about health