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15 useful additives to tea

Tea is loved and use almost everything. This drink has tonic properties, contains the tannins capable to suppress activity of causative organisms. Recently great popularity was gained by teas with vegetable additives. The medicative herbs, spices and fruit which are a part of such mixes enrich drink with vitamins and microelements, increasing its nutritional value and creating additional curative effect.

On sale there are both ready mixes for tea tea leaves, and separate ingredients. They can be used independently to diversify taste of drink and to change its treatment-and-prophylactic qualities. Let's get acquainted with the most known of such additives.

1. Dogrose

Fruits of this bush are extremely vitamin-rich. Adding some dogrose berry to tea tea leaves, it is possible to provide beneficial influence of drink on digestion, stimulation of processes of blood circulation and blood formation, strengthening of protective forces of an organism. Fruits contain a large amount of fructose which is well acquired and does tea nice to the taste.

It should be noted that the substances increasing coagulability of blood are a part of a dogrose. Therefore the people having thrombophlebitis, a varicosis, thromboses and a circulatory unefficiency should not be fond of such additive to tea leaves too.


2. Cinnamon

Tea with addition of cinnamon has unique aroma and sweetish smack. It wonderfully warms, improves mood, contributes to digestion normalization. It is considered that the drinks containing cinnamon extract raise a libido.

Usually add to tea leaves not ground spice, but pieces of bark of a cinnamon tree. In order to avoid troubles with health, it is not necessary to do it with a high arterial pressure or at the increased body temperature.


3. Cardamom

Spice is actively applied in east traditional medicine to treatment of diseases of a throat and easy, inflammatory processes of an oral cavity, digestive disturbances and tuberculosis.

Cardamom impacts to tea pleasant exotic relish, is widely used for preparation of sweets, pastries and east delicacies.


4. Anise

Ideal additive to tea leaves in that case when the person tests irritation in a throat that often happens a sign of the beginning of catarrhal diseases. Tea with fruits of an anise possesses expectorant, febrifugal and diuretic action. Drink is useful to the feeding mothers: it strengthens a lactation.

Anise – potent agent. Before its use people with chronic diseases should consult with the doctor.


5. Jasmine

Petals of flowers of a jasmine in combination with leaves of tea (especially green) give to drink strong tonic properties. He takes off fatigue, adds forces, increases appetite and creates great mood.

The regular use of drink promotes a lipolysis, reduction of hypodermic deposits and weight reduction. In the countries of the East the jasmine is considered an effective remedy for preservation of health and extension of youth.

The substances increasing the arterial pressure therefore tea with a jasmine is not recommended to the people having a hypertension are a part of fragrant petals.


6. Ginger

Add a fresh root to tea leaves (rubbed or small cut). Tea with ginger invigorates, activates cerebral circulation, improves memory, helps to concentrate, successfully to transfer intellectual and emotional loading.

The product improves composition of blood, promotes decrease in its coagulability therefore it is not recommended at tendency to bleedings. According to some information, tea with ginger has antineoplastic activity.


7. Lavender

Tea with addition of flowers and a grass of a lavender – a fine calmative. He removes sleeplessness, improves a condition of the patients having neurosises.

The lavender possesses also spasmolytic action: tea with it can be had at unpleasant feelings in intestines, the increased gas generation. For disposal of problems with digestion, tea with a lavender should be used without sugar.


8. Calendula

Add both flowers, and seeds of this widespread plant to tea. Drink well helps at cold and pharyngalgias. It takes off fatigue, has bactericidal properties.

East healers consider that tea with a calendula helps to stabilize arterial pressure and improves health of the patients suffering from meteorological dependence.


9. White chrysanthemum

Additive is done of the dried flowers. On sale it meets under the name "Ju Hua". In combination with green tea has the febrifugal and calming effect, purifies blood, speeds up work of a liver, promotes a conclusion of toxins from an organism.

Cold drink refreshes, tones up, helps to transfer a heat easier.

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10. Chinese rose

For production of additive use buds and petals of flowers of the Chinese (Sudanese) rose known also as a hibiscus. Infusion of this plant contains many anthocyans giving it red color and pleasant sourish taste.

Tea with a hibiscus brings harmful substances out of an organism, normalizes arterial pressure, improves a condition of walls of vessels, optimizes work of a liver and biliary tract, increases immunity. Besides, freshly brewed drink has bactericidal and antiparasitic properties.

In the buds of the Chinese rose used for tea preparation many useful substances (in particular, irreplaceable amino acids) remain therefore they are not thrown out, and eaten.

The hibiscus possesses aperient action, and at its use it is necessary to consider a factor of individual portability.

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11. Willow-herb

The willow-herb narrow-leaved (fireweed) was since ancient times applied to disposal of gastrointestinal problems, increase in vitality, treatment of poisonings. Tea with a willow-herb perfectly helps at chronic fatigue, decrease in immunity, the increased nervousness. The fireweed positively influences vessels, improves a blood stream, promotes optimization of work of kidneys and an urinary system. There are data on antineoplastic action of this plant.

Tea with addition of a willow-herb well refreshes, calms and has easy diuretic effect.


12. Honeysuckle

As additive to tea leaves use the honeysuckle flowers containing a rich set of vitamins and necessary microelements. It is considered that drink provides extremely strong revitalizing and rejuvenating effect, improves a condition of skin, hair and nails, stabilizes exchange processes, saves an organism from "bad" cholesterol, prevents development of stenocardia and coronary heart disease.


13. Clover

Flowers of a red clover contain the substances normalizing a hormonal background at women (especially in the period of a menopause). Tea with this additive calms, recovers forces, tones up. At the feeding mothers strengthens a lactation. In east medicine it is applied to relief of symptoms of intoxication, activation of work of a liver, improvement of composition of blood.


14. Leaf of a bamboo

The dried-up leaves and draws of a bamboo can be used as additive to tea tea leaves or a basis for preparation of independent drink. They contain a set of the useful substances which are well influencing cardiac performance, kidneys and lungs. Infusion prevents development of a nephrolithiasis, improves a condition of respiratory tracts, has antimicrobic and antiseptic properties.

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15. Stevia

Leaves of a stevia are natural low-calorie sweetener. They contain a unique set of glycosides, flavonoids, microelements, vitamins and amino acids. Tea with addition of a stevia is useful at a diabetes mellitus, pathologies of a thyroid gland, disturbances of work of cardiovascular system and many other problems. Addition of this grass in tea tea leaves – an optimal variant for the people dreaming to leave extra kilos.


Use of vegetable additives to tea allows to diversify a diet, to improve health, to prevent development of some diseases. Raw materials are quite available: it is possible not only to gain the majority of herbs in shop, in the market or in a drugstore, but also to grow up on the seasonal dacha. Besides, there is an opportunity to independently combine ingredients of zavarochny mixes, creating drinks with the most various flavoring and curative qualities.

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