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7 signs of deficit of fats in a diet

For many women the word "fat" sounds as a sentence. In aspiration to an ideal figure they try to exclude, first of all, from the menu all dishes containing fats without having at the same time a clear idea of a role of these substances in exchange processes, and of effects for health with which food restrictions of this sort are fraught. For what the human body needs fats and as their deficit in a diet is shown, we also will try to find out.

Роль жиров в организме человека

Role of fats in an organism

On average, the adult in days consumes about 70 g of fats. They get to an organism with food, are split in an upper part of a small intestine, and then soaked up in blood. Almost all fats (95%) either are used, or laid in store. Other 5% are allocated with sebaceous glands. Fats are necessary for a human body for:

  • Formations of connecting fabric and cellular membranes;
  • Creations of the hypodermic performing functions of protection against differences of temperatures and mechanical influences, and also shock-absorbing layers between internals;
  • Preservations of elasticity of walls of blood vessels;
  • Digestion of fat-soluble vitamins;
  • Optimization of work of a cardiac muscle;
  • Maintenance of a tone of skin;
  • Productions of hormones (including sexual).

Besides, nerve fibrils and cells of a brain substantially consist of fats. Without these substances normal functioning of most bodies and systems of a human body is impossible.

Influence of a lack of fats on health and appearance

There is a number of the diseases having an adverse effect on process of digestion of fats. The pathologies of a liver and biliary tract preventing these substances to be split normally in intestines concern to them, for example. However the bulk of the states connected with deficit of fats is made by cases of intended refusal of their consumption. Usually it is done by the women dreaming to lose weight quickly.

According to specialists, the amount of the fats entering the adult's diet should not be less than 30 g a day. At disturbance of this rule there are following symptoms:

  1. Dryness, flabbiness and peeling of skin. Increase in sensitivity of covers, growth of risk of development of allergic rashes. Aggravation of symptoms of hair (loss, gloss reduction etc.). It effects of impossibility of assimilation by an organism of fat-soluble vitamins;
  2. Disturbances of memory, problem with concentration of attention;
  3. The feeling of hunger appearing soon after food. The feeling of constant cold arising at reduction of thickness of a hypodermic fatty layer;
  4. Malfunctions with sight. At deficit of fats dryness of a mucous membrane, an itch and fatigue of eyes appear. The probability of increase in intraocular pressure and development of glaucoma increases;
  5. Failures in work of cardiovascular system. Disturbance of such difficult process as exchange of fats, leads to increase in amount of cholesterol in blood which negatively is reflected in a condition of walls of vessels and a cardiac muscle;
  6. Weakness, bystry fatigue. Fats are an energy source for an organism. Not without reason the people doing manual work are forced to eat greasy, high-calorific food;
  7. Thirst, as a result of disbolism.

Transition to a bezzhirovy diet quite often comes to an end not with weight loss, and a set of excess weight. It is connected with the fact that the organism aims to fill a lack of power material by means of additional bystry carbohydrates which strengthened consumption causes emergence of new fatty stocks. On the contrary, reduction of amount of carbohydrates in a diet leads to an expenditure of the material which is saved up in fat depos and weight reduction.

It is considered that the amount of fats has to make not less than 18-20% of body weight of the woman. If the diet leads to essential reduction of this indicator, there are joint pains, disturbances of work of a digestive tract, hormonal failures. In hard cases (when fatty layers strongly decrease), internals can be displaced. A striking example of process of this kind is the omission of kidneys leading to twisting of ureters and other heavy pathologies.

Competent approach to inclusion of fats in a diet

So, we found out that use of the diets which are completely excluding consumption of fats not only is useless, but also it is really dangerous. How to organize the food to get rid of the bothered kilograms?

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First, it is necessary to remember that the healthy diet has to be balanced, and fats by the number of calories cannot make less its third. On the weight and volume it is not much as the food containing these substances is very caloric. Secondly, fats are not identical on quality and impact which they exert on an organism. Products which part a polyunsaturated omega-3 and an omega-6 fatty acids are are the most useful, and from them it is necessary to receive the bulk of fats. This is fat sea fish, nuts and sunflower seeds, olives, vegetable oil. Normal functioning of an organism requires also a small amount of saturated fats. Their safest sources are fast meat and dairy products.

Food which part a large amount of saturated fats is (fat meat fat, meat and fish cookery, smoked products etc.), badly influences a metabolism. Its consumption needs to be minimized. The products containing transfats (fast food, chips, canned food), it is necessary to exclude from a diet in general: they not only deliver harmful substances in an organism, but also oppress work of a stomach, intestines and liver, than prevent digestion of useful fats.

Desire should not lose weight to give to an aggravation of symptoms of health and appearance or decrease in working capacity. In problem cases it is the best of all not to be engaged in amateur performance, and to entrust drawing up a diet to the specialist nutritionist: it will help to achieve weight reduction, having avoided unpleasant effects.

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