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Frequent female diseases and their symptoms

The majority of gynecologic diseases prove three main signs:

  • Disorder of menstrual function (lack of periods, irregular periods, long menstrual bleedings, painful periods, dysfunctional bleedings, etc.);
  • Pathological vulval allocations;
  • Pain in the bottom of a stomach.

Any of these signs and the more so their combination, speaks about need of a visit to the gynecologist. Certainly, it is possible to establish the exact diagnosis only after inspection, but on the basis of some signs it is possible to assume existence of this or that pathology. Let's consider symptoms of the female diseases which are found most often.  

Наиболее распространенные женские болезни


The hysteromyoma is the benign tumor consisting of muscle fibers. Diameter it fluctuates from several millimeters to tens of centimeters, respectively, manifestations will be different, but the main symptom with which address the gynecologist is excessively plentiful and long periods. In process of growth of a tumor menstrualnopodobny bleedings become frequent, they can occur two and more times a month. Constant and considerable blood loss gradually leads to development of anemia, its signs: increased fatigue, decline of vital forces, pallor.


Adnexitis, or inflammation of appendages of a uterus (ovaries and uterine tubes) – that disease by which mothers frighten the daughters, in cold weather preferring fashionable clothes warm. Mothers, of course, are right – an adnexitis the most frequent inflammatory disease of a female genital, and not harmless. The sign, most characteristic of an adnexitis, is pain in the bottom of a stomach, on the right or at the left depending on from what party the inflammation developed, quite often giving to a waist or a sacrum. Pain can be constant or regularly arising, and usually cope with it, just accepting an analgetic. It is the bad idea as, having eliminated pain, the anesthetizing drug does not remove its cause and though pain attacks gradually become less intensive, the disease does not disappear anywhere, it just passes into a chronic stage. About as far as it is serious, the fact demonstrates: infertility is diagnosed for 70% of women with a chronic adnexitis.

Vulval candidiasis, or milkwoman

The milkwoman is not a fatal disease, but is capable to make the life miserable of the woman as poorly what other "harmless" disease. Main signs of the milkwoman: an itch in a vagina and plentiful liquid vulval allocations. Allocations have a characteristic milk and serumal smell and whitish color, foams sometimes take a form. One more symptom of the milkwoman is burning and a colpodynia after sexual intercourse because of what women try to avoid the sexual relations. Vulval кандиоз can last long, fading, becoming aggravated. It is important to remember that it is inefficient to treat the milkwoman only one medicines, the reason of its emergence in decrease in local immunity, and therapy shall include fortifying measures.

Multifollicular ovaries or polycystosis of ovaries

This diagnosis is made to almost each fourth visitor of a gynecologic office in the former Soviet Union. The main and only symptom – an irregular menstrual cycle, between periods can pass several months. Gynecologists of the western school do not carry this state to diseases, and do not consider necessary to level a menstrual cycle by all means. More and more doctors come to opinion that it is one of norm options. Clinical experience shows what is valid, multifollicular ovaries are not an unambiguous symptom of infertility as it was considered earlier therefore gradually and doctors of the Post-Soviet countries agree with the western colleagues.

However it is necessary to consider that disturbance of a menstrual cycle can be a symptom of other diseases therefore you should not ignore it. At least, it is worth undergoing inspection in such situation.


The cavity of the uterus is covered by a layer of special cells – an endometria. Difference of cells of an endometria from others that they react to cyclic changes of a hormonal background: the endometria grows, is thickened, plentifully burgeons blood vessels – so the uterus is prepared for conception. If conception does not happen, in certain days of a cycle the most part of an endometria is torn away, and there is menstrual bleeding. It is norm. However sometimes, for the unknown reason, the endometria begins to appear not only in a uterus, and and in other parts of a body. In this case to it there is the same, however the blood emitted at rejection has no natural exit therefore the died-off parts of an endometria and blood lead to inflammatory process in the beginning, and at a long current and to disturbance of functions of this or that body. It is called endometriosis. Endometriosis happens genital (within a reproductive system) and extragenital (in other sites of an organism) – that is why its symptoms are extremely diverse.

Genital endometriosis proves plentiful menstrual bleedings, and the smeared bloody allocations begin some days before actually periods, and can continue long later. A symptom, the second for frequency, – pain in a small pelvis. Pain can be the constant amplifying before periods, to accompany a campaign in a toilet, sexual intercourse, and also to arise for no apparent reason.

Extragenital endometriosis is difficult diagnosed as has no characteristic signs and masks under other diseases, depending on an arrangement of pathological sites of an endometria. To help suspect it pain and an aggravation of symptoms which have a binding to cycling hormonal changes can.

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