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8 unusual symptoms of heavy illnesses

The words "disease" and "patient" not without reason come from one root – "pain". As a rule, symptoms of illnesses thoroughly spoil to patients life. However from this rule there are exceptions. Some diseases are shown by signs which can cause even positive emotions. It is a pity only that the majority of such illnesses are heavy and incurable.

1. Termanesteziya

At the patients who are suffering from malignant new growths of a brain or had difficult spine injuries full nonsensitivity of integuments to high and low temperatures is sometimes observed (termanesteziya). Such patient наощупь practically does not distinguish a piece of ice from a hot frying pan. This feature could be considered convenient if not risk to get thermal burn, simply without having noticed what you touch.


2. Hyperesthesia

The raised susceptibility of sense bodys to irritants (hyperesthesia) on the one hand, is essential inconvenience as unpleasant feelings seem excessively intensive not only pleasant (a touch of cozy fur to skin, aroma of a flower), but also. But such patients can with a surprising force and a saturation to perceive sounds, smells and even shades of color. Unfortunately, this property appears at the patients having tuberculosis, the increased uneasiness and emotional instability.


3. Euphoria of an end-stage

The doctors working in intensive care unit sometimes observe this phenomenon characterizing active process of decomposition of internals and fabrics. The decomposition products getting to a blood channel reach a brain and poison him, switching-off the mechanism of passing of nervous impulses. The person ceases to feel pain, at him even the self-preservative instinct refuses. The patient claims that he completely recovered. It is cheerful, vigorous and active. Such state is a direct precursor of an agony.

Эйфория терминальной стадии

4. Complacency at multiple sclerosis

Fading of all functions of an organism is characteristic of this illness gradual (within several decades). At a certain stage approximately at 15% of patients indifference to the state and inadequate reaction to troubles begins to appear. Such patient unexpectedly finds positive and even pleasant parties in events which would cause fear or chagrin in the normal person. For example, the prospect to forget to go is considered as a reason for the choice of especially fashionable wheelchair.

Благодушие при рассеянном склерозе

5. Narcolepsy

The narcolepsy is a consequence of a craniocereberal injury or tumor of a brain. The symptom is shown in frequent uncontrollable backfilling (as a rule, for several minutes with a break at one o'clock). On the one hand, it strongly reduces quality of life: patients experience difficulties with socialization, cannot normally work. The usual exit to the street can lead of them to death. With another, they gain fantastic ability to control the maintenance of the dreams. Practically, нарколептик constantly watches dreams which stages.


6. Hyperbulia

One of diagnostic characters of maniac-depressive psychosis. Patients periodically feel like heroes: strong, sure, active and successful. It not only illusion: doctors note that their patients really often try to obtain the desirable as they almost do not notice obstacles.


7. Youthful appearance

Elastic, fresh skin, bright flush, saturated color of lips are not always a sign of good health. If the fifty-year-old person looks for about 30 years, it is quite possible that he is heavy sick. Too young-looking look – a symptom of tuberculosis, a stenosis of the mitral valve and some other dangerous diseases.


8. Moria

Sometimes it is possible to meet the person who in any situation aims to entertain people around. From the ordinary merry fellow it is distinguished by noticeable inadequacy: he does not estimate relevance of the jokes in any way, and enjoys very much the laughter caused by them too. Therefore he jokes constantly, not in forces at least for a while to come off this occupation. The reason here not in easy temper or some impudence: such person, most likely, has an organic pathology of frontal lobes of a brain.


Some of the described symptoms can seem convenient or even pleasant, but you should not forget that people at whom they are shown have serious illnesses. They need at least understanding of people around.

Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.