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10 mistakes in communication with the man

С мужчиной нельзя соревноваться
It is impossible to compete with the man
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Men they want to have near themselves smart, beautiful, economic and sexy women, but at the same time categorically against the woman surpassed them in something. The smart girl, even having uncommon talents, will not begin in open to show them to the man, after that he in her society will feel uncomfortablly. Instead it is necessary to emphasize its achievements and to increase in it feeling of confidence.
Не стоит вспоминать прошлое
You should not remember the past
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You should not start a conversation on former even if the man will provoke you. Quarrels and offenses can become a result. It is not necessary to inquire it about last passions too – why to you excess thoughts in the head? But if the man insists on frankness, tell him, as forgot to think of the past because it is better than nothing, than now in your life it did not happen yet. It will work as balm on heart and further inquiries will not follow.
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Avoid gallery play
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It is very pleasant to some girls to brag of the row which is with them the man. There is nothing bad in that being proud of it, but to do it on public unreasonably. First, demonstration with a label "it mine" will hardly be pleasant to the man. Secondly, it is so possible to involve also other hunters behind "valuable exhibits" and why to you it is necessary. Therefore it is necessary "to show" the man unostentatiously, as if by the way.
Не пытайтесь переделать мужчину
Do not try to change the man
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Mistake of many women is the fact that they aim to make the man of the most good motives better. But it is already confident that it the best, and all attempts to correct it lead only to irritation. One simple council helps: instead of mandative tone to use pleading, instead of "make as I told" – "it would be very pleasant to me if you made it for me". Such approach, undoubtedly, will improve the relations.
Не испытывайте его шопингом
Do not test it shopping
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Shopping are maintained not by each man, but if you went together, then take into consideration the following recommendations: do not rush to try on all things which were pleasant to you, behave frostily; pay attention and to men's wear and accessories, so you will let know that you think not only of yourself. Least of all man, going with the woman on shops, want to feel as a walking purse.
Не принимайте решений за мужчину
Do not make decisions for the man
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Any man will not suffer infringement of the freedom. As soon as he feels that for it already all decided how they right there will disappear from the woman's life. Men's nature does not suffer long-term plans, and the smart woman will not begin the first to start conversations on the future. How was actually, the man has to think that he made the decision. When you hear from it the phrase "in about five years we …", then share also the thoughts.
Избегайте раздражающих вопросов
Avoid the irritating questions
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Interestingly, and it would be pleasant to the woman if the man periodically asked her the same question. What? "And you love me?". It most often is also asked by the girl the beloved. First he just in the affirmative answers it, but then can become thoughtful and whether really I love it if she so strongly doubts it. Finally this phrase becomes irritating.
Мужчин пугает излишняя самостоятельность
Men are frightened by excessive independence
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By the nature man defender and getter. It is pleasant to it to feel superiority over the woman. If the girl is excessively independent and does not allow to care for herself, then at the man any interest vanishes. He is a leader and he has to make decisions, and the woman the "I" deprives of it this opportunity. Let know that one you literally will be gone, and you will see how he will rush to solve all your problems with pleasure.
Не пытайтесь его контролировать
Do not try to control it
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Men have one interesting feature, they want to be favourite and free at the same time. Sometimes the second desire prevails over the first, and the man is inclined to maintain the relations, limits of his freedom are not narrowed yet. The attempt to control its time, a circle of contacts, hobbies or something else will lead to the fact that the man will prefer to remain independent. Who will like frequent calls and infinite questions?
Не злоупотребляйте словом
Do not abuse the word "we"
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The man has to tell the first "we", so he will designate the status of your relations. If in his speech even more often instead of "I", sounds "we", so he makes plans for the joint future far or not really. The main thing not to advance it (for example, "we go to mother tomorrow") as though it is already resolved issue. The wise woman is able to do so that the man made decisions necessary to it, but did it independently!


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