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About advantage and harm of solar suntan

Факт ЗА - выработка витамина D
The fact FOR - production of vitamin D
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Vitamin D is called not for nothing vitamin of the Sun. It contains in the minimum quantity of products, and it is simply impossible to receive the necessary dose with food. Therefore to us sunshine which impact on skin promotes development by a vitamin D organism are vital. Enough three once a week to allow solar energy to influence face skin and hands within five minutes to resupply vitamin B an organism.
Факт ЗА - отличное настроение
The fact FOR - excellent mood
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Beautiful suntan on a body cannot but please, and under the influence of ultraviolet in an organism endorphines are produced. They are called happiness hormones, and they influence in the most active way state of mind of the person. It was noted that inhabitants of southern latitudes which do not lack sunshine are more sociable, smiling and cheerful. And living in northern regions are more subject to depressions and feeling of despondency.
Факт ЗА - устранение кожных заболеваний
The fact FOR - elimination of skin diseases
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Ultraviolet regulates work of sebaceous glands, influencing, thus, production of skin fat. Many women and girls know firsthand what leads failure in work of this system to. There are such problems as an acne or acne rash. Solar bathtubs prevent emergence of similar problems, dry the inflammation centers.
Факт ЗА - косметический эффект
The fact FOR - cosmetic effect
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Energy of the Sun exerts impact on circulatory system. Beams, gently touching skin, expand vessels, accelerating blood circulation. It positively affects food of cells and allows them to fight against the inflammation centers more effectively. Not less powerful influence appears also on lymphatic system, outflow of a lymph improves. And it is excellent prevention of emergence of cellulitis – the terrible enemy of female beauty.
Факт ЗА - усиление либидо
The fact FOR - strengthening of a libido
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About influence of ultraviolet on a libido scientists from America for the first time started talking. They drew a conclusion that suntanned men and women feel more powerful sexual attraction, than those who prefer not to sunbathe. And physicians from France decided to prove the theory in practice. It was offered to several volunteers to receive ultraviolet doses within a month. As a result all "experimental" noted growth of a sexual inclination.
Факт ПРОТИВ - лучи могут быть опасны
The fact AGAINST - beams can be dangerous
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Sunshine somewhat bring benefit, but at their uncontrollable impact on an organism are capable to do much harm strongly. Sunblisters are very painful and can provoke development of dangerous diseases, such as a carcinoma cutaneum. The organism is forced to be protected from dangerous influence and to spend forces and immunity, trying not to allow damages.
Факт ПРОТИВ - ускорение старения кожи
The fact AGAINST - acceleration of aging of skin
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Not without reason many celebrities refused suntan. They protect the skin from the sun, hiding it expensive dresses and in summer days, carrying wide-brimmed hats. These ladies from society prefer to use in case of need artificial means for giving to skin of a swarty shade. Following their example, many fans adopted love to autosuntan and began to spend much less time under beams of the present of the sun.
Факт ПРОТИВ - противопоказания
The fact AGAINST - contraindications
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Before going to the beach with the purpose to sunbathe, it is necessary to find out whether there are no contraindications for such type of rest. Oncological diseases, existence of a dysplastic nevus and melanomas or reception of the photosensitizers capable to cause pigmentation on skin in case of impact of sunshine on it can be them. Also stay in the sun is not recommended to the people having the first and second phototype of skin.



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During life the average person develops neither more nor less two big pools of saliva.