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Libido: what influences it

Первый фактор - физиологический
The first factor - physiological
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Sexual desire in many respects depends on a hormonal background, namely, on the level of estrogen and androgens. Shortage of testosterone can lower also sexual desire. Not the last role in influence on sexual activity is played by hormones of a thyroid gland, and also a dopamine and prolactin.
Второй фактор - психологический
The second factor - psychological
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At the subconscious level everyone defines as far as in the sexual plan this or that personality is attractive. Each person has the individual set of activators, but among them also the general tendencies are traced. So, women perceive a sexual object first of all ears and eyes. At the same time as far as the person was attractive, the current problems, various phobias and complexes can kill desire.
Третий фактор - социальный
The third factor - social
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In this case it is about stereotypes and the behavior model created in the course of education and stay in society. For example, the known stereotype that to be pleasant to the woman, the man has to be such to himself the macho, and here at the modest young man of chances wearing spectacles be pleasant to an opposite sex less. Thus, society in many respects dictates the ideas of what is good and that is bad.
Четвертый фактор - духовный
The fourth factor - spiritual
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The spiritual aspect can both stimulate, and to reduce sexual desire. So, the community of interests, joint activity, admiration of some achievements and acts only stirs sexual interest of partners. But at the same time some moral internal aspect or religious beliefs can serve as a powerful antidote of the arising desire.
Как возникает сексуальное влечение?
How there is a sexual inclination?
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In formation of a sexual inclination the huge role is played by conditioned-reflex bonds which are put in the childhood. Sometimes desire can arise, for example, from the smell of perfume familiar from school as the teacher used them. Therefore many cannot understand what was pleasant to them in the person. Just sometimes associative activators are stronger, than attractive appearance.
С точки зрения физиологии
From the point of view of physiology
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The acquired information from sense bodys comes to a hypothalamus – department of a brain in which functions of endocrine and nervous control are combined. The sexual activator has a promoting effect on a brain which gives primary physiologic signal of desire. Goes a hypophysis which stimulates gonads into action further. The corresponding hormones are emitted and external signs of excitement appear.
Внешние признаки возбуждения
External signs of excitement
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At sexual excitement pupils extend, breath becomes frequent, the breast pripodymatsya. The person is more senior, the more biological factor are leveled, and spiritual and psychological come to the forefront. It leads to the fact that the person is capable to have desire till an extreme old age.
Причины сниженного либидо
Reasons of a reduced libido
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Some women have a gipolibidomiya syndrome, i.e. they observe pathological decrease in sexual requirements. It can develop at medicinal dependence, alcoholism, drug addiction, a hypoglycemia, and can be one of symptoms of mental diseases. Also the diabetes mellitus, a hypertension, obesity, high level of cholesterol can become the reason of a reduced libido.
Стрессы и другие проблемы
Stresses and other problems
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Stresses, low-active lifestyle, a sleep debt, undertreated diseases – all this negatively influences production of hormones, and, therefore, and sexual desire. Long abstention – a direct way to suppression of a libido. Psychological problems, such as jealousy, personal problems, experiences because of diseases, complexes concerning appearance, fear of sexual fiasco also negatively affect a libido.
Прием антидепрессантов
Reception of antidepressants
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Some people, aiming to gain long-awaited tranquility, receive unwanted "bonus" - lack of a sexual inclination. The matter is that many antidepressants have such side effect. And oral contraceptives slow down production of hormone of testosterone which also exerts impact on formation of a sexual inclination.
Женские сложности
Female difficulties
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Women sometimes hostages of the conflict of interests. quite often the peak of sexual desire at them becomes falls on the ovulation period when the level of estrogen reaches a maximum. From the point of view of the nature here everything is thought over – the ovulation and the strengthened desire give good chances to catch posterity. But not everyone wants children therefore some in these prefer to abstain from sex that negatively influences a libido.
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Not less negatively sexual desire is influenced by a dispareuniya – unpleasant feelings during sex. Dispareuniya can be a symptom of many gynecologic diseases: tumors of ovaries, hysteromyoma, inflammation of generative organs, pathology of a neck of uterus, endometriosis. The fear of pain forces the woman to avoid intimate proximity which does not bring any pleasure. At a dispareuniya it is necessary to undergo inspection.
Что делать?
What to do?
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In most cases, that the inclination did not die away, it is enough to change a way of life. Get rid of efforts and cares, solve the psychological problems, change a diet, enter into it various aphrodisiacs (oysters, eggs, caviar, spices, nuts). Also play sports, they not only increase testosterone level, but also reduce quantity of complexes. Excellent therapy is viewing of erotic and love movies.


Whether you know that:

The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.