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We expose myths about combustion of fat

Салаты и фрукты можно есть неограниченно
Salads and fruit can be eaten beyond all bounds
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This statement not that other – as illusion and self-deception. Fruit and salads, really, contain less calories, but at the same time it is possible to eat them much more, than other food. Therefore still it is unknown that it is better – a small piece of chicken breast or the big plate of salad dressed with mayonnaise. Any products if to use them in a large number, negatively affect your figure.
При занятиях спортом диета не нужна
At sports activities the diet is not necessary
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It is a lie. One minute in the gym burns on average 10 calories whereas one minute at a table adds 100 new. Thus, the 100-gram bag of a peanut is capable to nullify the whole hour of a concentrated study on the exercise bike. Therefore you do not hurry to award yourself for works with chocolate bars, nothing good from this will leave.
Заниматься подсчетом калорий не нужно
It is not necessary to do calculations of calories
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Many do not hurry to count the number of calories, thinking, as it is so clear what greasy food, and what – is not present. However the pot-belly grows not from greasy food, and from excess calories. For example, six large baked potatoes contain about 800 calories. It as much, how many in a hamburger with French fries and Coca.
Перед жаркой нужно снимать с курицы кожицу
Before frying it is necessary to husk with chickens
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People are arranged so that always aim to shift responsibility from themselves to someone another, or something else. However thinking that you gained couple of excess kilograms recently only because fir-trees of the fried chicken with a thin skin – it is wrong. It is already proved that during frying fat from skin does not pass into meat.
Чтобы похудеть, нужно ничего не есть
To lose weight, it is necessary to eat nothing
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Initially this invention is doomed to a failure. Depriving an energy body, you force it to consume a glycogen which stocks are stored in muscles and a liver. When stocks come to an end, the body begins to burn muscular tissue that negatively influences health. It is necessary to remember that without prejudice to health it is possible to dump no more than 800 grams a week.
При медленном метаболизме похудеть невозможно
At slow metabolism it is impossible to lose weight
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Actually absolutely no matter, what metabolism at you. It is regularly important to play sports and to watch the number of the consumed calories. Anyway, keeping to a diet and burning excess calories, you will be more slender than when you do not do it.
Обезжиренные продукты нужны для похудения
The fat-free products are necessary for weight loss
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It not only myth, but also dangerous delusion. To lose weight, to important eat low-calorie products with the high content of useful substances. And the fat-free products not always meet these requirements. Besides, producers to keep outward of the fat-free product, replace fats with pectin or starch. And it is someone else's carbohydrates which do not promote weight reduction.
Перед сном есть нельзя
Before going to bed is it is impossible
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Undoubtedly, superfluous will not be to postpone a dinner to earlier time, but it has no relation to weight loss process. The hamburger even if to eat it for lunch, but not for dinner, will contain all the same 500 calories. And here it is much heavier to fall asleep for a hungry stomach. Therefore before going to bed it is possible to eat, but it is desirable easy food – salad, yogurt.
Есть предел, дальше которого вес сбросить нельзя
There is a limit further which weight cannot be lost
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It is a prejudice. Yes, there is a limit after which weight becomes it heavier to dump. First of all the organism leaves subcutaneous fat. When the turn reaches fat reserves on internals, perhaps, reorganization of all process of metabolism is required. It is necessary to develop the special program of exercises and an adequate diet which should adhere all life. Well, and who told what will be easy?
Кофе ускоряет обмен веществ
Coffee accelerates a metabolism
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In small amounts caffeine before a training is even useful as it helps to hold a strategic reserve of carbohydrates in an organism, feeding muscles with fats. You should not forget, however, that coffee – strong diuretic and during the trainings to you will be inconvenient to run to the urinal everyone half an hour. Besides, a large number of coffee is harmful to heart.
Хороший способ похудеть - пропустить обед
Good way to lose weight - to miss a lunch
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It is in general utter nonsense. Yes, it is possible to miss a lunch and till a dinner to be proud of the will power. However you have time only till a dinner as hunger – not the aunt. Sooner or later the brain will be tired to suppress the reactions regulating appetite therefore for dinner you are waited by a gluttony bacchanalia. As a result of this uncontrollable action you risk to receive the far bigger number of calories, than could receive for the eaten lunch.
После диеты вес быстро набирается вновь
After a diet weight is quickly gained again
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The weight of any person is defined only by balance of the eaten and burned calories. If this balance of your advantage, then problems with excess weight do not arise. Anyway, this process demands constant control. Once you relax a little, and the thick tummy will quickly return again. But wine in it it will be exclusive yours.
Кусочек шоколада может испортить всю диету
The piece of chocolate can spoil all diet
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You should not panic. By the way, chocolate contains less calories, than in nutlets and chips. But thanks to numerous nutrients it can quite be included in structure of the balanced food. Among other things, chocolate increases mood, helps to get rid of spots on the face, and the tannin which is contained in it helps to save teeth from caries.
Когда что-то хочется - это нужно организму
When something there is a wish - it is necessary for an organism
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You should not be under a delusion. When your organism something demands, hardly you will be able to understand it. Perhaps, it lacks ergocalciferol or molybdenum, but not pelmeni from the refrigerator as you consider. Therefore you should not torment the organism, and it is necessary to feed it, than it is necessary. The organism will get used to healthy food quickly, and you will get rid these nonsenses at once.
Без жирной пищи нельзя насытиться
Without greasy food it is impossible to be sated
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Greasy food does not sate, and creates satiety illusion as the long time is not digested in a stomach. The heavy and filled stomach has no relation to satiety. Besides, greasy food is acquired more slowly and until the brain gives to you a signal that it is full, you will surely manage to hvatanut an excess piece. Far better and more useful the food rich with cellulose (bread with bran, brown rice, fruit).


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