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10 rules of healthy food

Правило 1 - никаких диет
The rule 1 - any diets
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It is necessary to refuse any diets, except the clinical nutrition recommended on medical indications. Diets and healthy food are not compatible. Observance of a diet assumes strict restriction in group of products, meal time, quantity or ways of cooking, the purpose at the same time change of weight. The main task of healthy food – providing an organism with all necessary substances in required quantity.
Правило 2 - выбор продуктов питания
The rule 2 - the choice of food stuffs
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Food has to be the most various, including a complex of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins necessary for an organism, and balanced. Preference should be given to products of plant origin, but at a diet there have to be a meat, fish and natural dairy products. It is better to get products in the market or in special departments of fresh supermarkets.
Правило 3 - нет вредной пище
The rule 3 - is not present to junk food
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It is necessary to exclude greasy, fried, spicy and salty food. To refuse the use of semi-finished products, instant products, industrial sausages, smoked products, croutons, chips, sweet carbonated drinks, the packaged juice. There are no products which part emulsifiers, stabilizers, preservatives, food dyes, amplifiers of taste are.
Правило 4 - много овощей и фруктов
The rule 4 - is a lot of vegetables and fruit
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Vegetables and fruit – the main source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, celluloses. In days it is necessary to use 400-500 g of vegetables, including salad, and 200-400 g of fruit. It is necessary to give preference to the seasonal plants which are grown up on the open ground. Exotic fruit and vegetables can be used in small amounts in addition to local.
Правило 5 - употребление молочных продуктов
The rule 5 - the use of dairy products
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To daily use milks and dairy products rich with calcium with low percent of fat content – cheeses, cottage cheese, kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, yogurts of house production. It is desirable to cook dairy products independently or to get from the checked producers. It is not necessary to use dairy products of a long period of storage.
Правило 6 - верный выбор источников белка
The rule 6 - a right choice of sources of protein
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Proteins are a basis of life activity of an organism, they participate in regeneration damaged and construction of new cells, promote production of hormones, regulate sugar level in blood. Therefore food has to provide receipt of enough qualitative protein. Animal protein – fast grades of meat, a bird, fish, egg, dairy products, and phytalbumins – bean, cereals, sunflower seeds and nuts has to be in the menu daily.
Правило 7 - правильные жиры
The rule 7 - the correct fats
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Fats provide an organism with necessary energy, reduce intensity of inflammatory processes, promote removal of toxins. Standard daily rate of caloric content of fats of small, only 15-30% of the general diet. Preference should be given to monounsaturated fats and irreplaceable fatty acids the Omega 3 and the Omega 6 which are necessary for health, but an organism does not develop them. A source of such fats are eggs, walnuts, fat grades of fish, a linen seed.
Правило 8 - употребление сложных углеводов
The rule 8 - the use of complex carbohydrates
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The most part of energy necessary for life comes to an organism with carbohydrates. The recommended share of the calories received from carbohydrates of 50-55%. Cereal and bean are an irreplaceable source of carbohydrates (cellulose), and also vitamins of the B and C group, folic acid, mineral connections. Bread, bakery products, various porridges shall be in the daily menu.
Правило 9 - много воды, мало соли
The rule 9 - is a lot of water, it is not enough salt
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The recommended standard daily rate of consumption of salt – 6 g, or one teaspoon without hill. Considering the content of salt in the used products, it is necessary to dosalivat food at preparation very little, it is desirable to use sea or iodized salt at the same time. Pure drinking water in days it is desirable to drink 1,5-2,0 l as in the course of life activity the organism loses moisture and its continuous recovery is required.
Правило 10 - минимум алкоголя
The rule 10 - an alcohol minimum
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The daily use without harm for an organism – 2 portions or 20 g of pure alcohol. At unwillingness to refuse alcohol intake, give preference to natural dry wines, high quality vodka, whisky, cognac. It is not necessary to take alcohol daily, but the glass of good natural wine at supper few times in a week will help to remove stress and fatigue.
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