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My child is hyperactive

Поведение ребенка настораживает вас
The behavior of the child guards you
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The hyperactive child is distinguished excessive, by a superactivity. If you noticed that his behavior strongly differs from behavior of his peers, it is very mobile, can jump and rush somewhere like mad, all the time spins and turns, without knowing minutes of rest, then, most likely your child is hyperactive. It cannot be disregarded as hyperactive children have features which need to be considered.
Ребенок привлекает внимание окружающих
The child draws attention of people around
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The hyperactive child draws attention not only the parents, he does not remain unnoticed by either tutors, or teachers, or neighbors, or other people surrounding it. First perhaps all will be touched, saying to you that the child very mobile, so healthy and to worry to you there is nothing, but further you wait for the complaint and discontent with behavior of your child from the same people.
Симптомы гиперактивного поведения
Symptoms of hyperactive behavior
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The hyperactive behavior is shown already at early age. Many parents complain that the child begins to break all toys. But some children do it not intentionally, and of desire to learn what contains inside. Only if set of signs is available: the carelessness, fussiness, garrulity, impulsiveness, restlessness, protest statements, actions of destructive character – should be spoken about a hyperactivity.
Не впадайте в панику!
Do not panic!
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If you noticed a number of symptoms and drew a conclusion that your child is hyperactive – do not panic. You need all your patience and endurance to master behavior of the child. To shout and threaten with a belt in such situation it is useless, all is better to explain strictly, but it is quiet. As a measure of restraint many parents deprive of the child of sweets, the computer or a visit of cinema, and it most often makes due impact.
Советы родителям гиперактивных детей
Advice to parents of hyperactive children
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Hyperactive children need to instruct consistently. If to charge them several cases at the same time, then they will be hardly executed. Surely it is necessary to check performance and not to forget to encourage in case of good result. It is important to parents to watch that everything was made qualitatively and up to the end because hyperactive children have a tendency everything to do quickly and hastily and even to throw begun halfway.
Не спешите лечить ребенка!
Do not hurry to treat the child!
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Some parents, having assured of a hyperactivity of the child, make attempts to remove behavioural symptoms, using medical supplies. Of course, they receive before the decision of the specialist, but before such treatment of consultation of one doctor can be insufficiently. All to know opinion of several competent specialists better, and then to draw conclusions and to appoint to the child treatment.
Больше общайтесь с ребенокм
Communicate with ребенокм more
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Before suspecting the child of a hyperactivity, wonder – on the basis of what you draw such conclusions. If this idea you were suggested by incredibly active behavior of the child, his failures, aggression, instability in manifestation of emotions, analyze a situation – whether you are a source of such behavior. Some children, having deficiency of communication, in such a way draw attention of the parents.


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