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Variety of vegetable oils

Подсолнечное масло
Sunflower oil
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Sunflower oil contains fatty acids (arachidonic, stearin, linoleic, olein) which help an organism with creation of cells, production of hormones and maintain immunity. At sunflower oil there are about 19% of proteins, to 27% of carbohydrates, vitamins E, And yes R. Prich, it is more vitamin E in sunflower oil, than in other oils. In cookery it is universal, readily available therefore it is widely used.
Оливковое масло
Olive oil
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Olive oil is acquired best of all than the others, it contains unsaturated fatty acids and "good" cholesterol. Olive oil is useful for pregnant women and the feeding women as at its structure there are fatty acids, on structure similar to maternal milk. Is good prevention of cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes. Widely use olive oil in production of cosmetics for skin.
Льняное масло
Linseed oil
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Linseed oil, thanks to numerous useful properties, was widely spread in Russia before emergence sunflower. In it an optimum ratio of fatty acids (an omega-3, an omega-6 and an omega-9). And vitamin E helps all these acids to be acquired with an organism. The use of linseed oil is useful for hair and skin, nerves, normalizes work of endocrine system and kidneys.
Масло грецкого ореха
Walnut oil
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Oil of walnut contains an omega-3 and an omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins: And, groups B, P, K, C, PP, D, E, macro - and microelements, carotinoids. The regular use of this oil is useful for skin, does it tightened and elastic therefore it is everywhere used in suntan preparations and in an anti-eydzh to cosmetics. Also it is useful for men to use this oil thanks to the vegetable enzymes which are contained in it.
Кукурузное масло
Corn oil
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Among all refined oils corn is the steadiest against oxidation. Its use improves a condition of a gall bladder, liver, intestines, interferes with development of atherosclerosis. It is useful for treatment of female diseases and diseases of a nervous system. Corn oil well is suitable for frying, is widely applied in production of confectionery and sauces.
Пальмовое масло
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Palm-oil significantly differs from others not only by outward, but also on structure. At the room temperature it firm also reminds margarine. In it there are a lot of unsaturated fats which promote a set of excess weight and increase in level of cholesterol. Thanks to low cost, it is widely applied in the food industry. It is added by production of macaroni, spreads, wafers, processed cheese.
Кунжутное масло
Sesame oil
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Sesame oil contains a lot of iron, antioxidants, calcium, lecithin, vitamins A, P, B1, B2, useful fatty acids. The use of sesame oil is useful at diseases of respiratory system, thrombophlebitis, cough, and also for normalization of work of endocrine system. It helps to remove stress and a stress.
Тыквенное масло
Pumpkin oil
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Pumpkin oil is especially useful for men as at its regular use the probability to ache with prostatitis decreases. It contains fatty acids an omega-3 and an omega-6, vitamins E and And. It also normalizes a metabolism in an organism. It is possible to use in salads, porridges, cream soups.
Соевое масло
Soy oil
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The main advantage of soy oil – the high content of the lecithin necessary for the central nervous system and sight. Soy oil is ideal for frying in hot fan. On sale it is possible to see only the refined soy oil.
Масло виноградных косточек
Oil of grape seeds
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Oil of grape seeds is rich with antioxidants and an omega-3 fatty acids. It improves structure and a tone of skin, strengthens walls lymphatic and blood vessels, increases their elasticity. Oil found broad application in cosmetology as a component against varicosity and cellulitis. In cookery it is ideal for gas station of fish and meat, is well combined with any vinegar.
Горчичное масло
Mustard oil
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Mustard oil contains natural antibiotics therefore it can be used at treatment of burns, wounds and catarrhal diseases. It contains vitamins A, PP, K, E, B6, acid an omega-3, sincaline. Mustard oil strengthens capillaries, does them by more elastic, promotes a lactation and growth of an organism. Taste of oil perfectly supplements fish and meat dishes, vinaigrettes, salads. At its addition in dough pastries will be more magnificent.


Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.