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Summer food for pregnant women

Особенности летнего рациона
Features of a summer diet
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Summer – a hot time and in such weather there is no wish to think of food at all. Instead visit thoughts of soft drinks, ice cream and juicy fruit. But there is a category of women whose food regardless of season has to remain full. These are those women who are going to become mothers.
Особенности положения
Features of situation
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The pregnant woman, being in special situation, is not able to afford to change the diet as to her will take in head. Despite a heat and lack of appetite, it has to continue to eat is full and balanced as health of her future child depends on it. If the menu of the pregnant woman is deprived of many products, then the growing fruit will not receive nutrients in the necessary quantity, and it cannot be allowed.
Выход есть всегда!
There is a solution always!
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It is not necessary to despair if due to the lack of appetite in hot weather the pregnant woman cannot just look at meat or fish. All products which fell into disgrace can find worthy replacement. For example, instead of meat to eat cottage cheese or cheese, and instead of hot first courses to cook cold soups. As the option, these products in small amounts can be added to other dishes and thus to receive all necessary substances.
И качество, и количесто
And quality, and количесто
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Summer food of the pregnant woman is just that version of the menu where both quality, and amount of food play a large role. Naturally, all products have to be flawless, and food – freshly cooked. In hot weather the risk of development of food poisonings therefore it is necessary to watch quality of food especially carefully is high. Food in the small portions each 2-3 hours will help to struggle with small appetite.
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Approximate schedule of food
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Specialists advise during the hot summer period to eat often and gradually. Such fractional food will bring benefit to all, and especially to ladies in situation. Consults to organize the schedule of the use of food during the day as follows: two breakfasts, a full-fledged lunch, having a snack in the form of an afternoon snack, an easy dinner, a glass of kefir before going to bed. Such food will allow not to feel hungry and avoid weight in a stomach.
Коварная соль
Artful salt
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Salt detains water in an organism and provokes emergence of hypostases. To pregnant women such complications to anything, so, it is necessary to limit the salt use. In the summer we need more liquid therefore it is better to exclude salt absolutely, or to apply on a minimum. Same concerns also salty products: cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, fish. The sauces, fried and hot dishes increasing thirst also should not be included in a summer diet of pregnant women.
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Correctly we prepare
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The large role is played by the sparing cooking methods during the summer period, such as cooking, roasting, suppression, preparation on couple. It is useful also for health of the woman, and for her figure. The food cooked in such a way is better acquired, does not irritate walls of a digestive tract, because of the low content of fat has less calories, so, does not harm a figure.
Овощи и фрукты
Vegetables and fruit
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Some pregnant women do not philosophize with the choice of the summer menu and solve подналечь on vegetables and fruit, the benefit of a lack of them does not exist today. Of course, nobody disputes advantage of these food stuffs, but also it is not necessary to do you them main in the pregnant woman's diet too. For this purpose there are at least three reasons.
Фрукты, овощи и аллергия
Fruit, vegetables and allergy
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The first reason in restriction of the use of fruit and vegetables is the allergy. Therefore even those at whom it was not shown earlier cannot eat them in large numbers. The pregnant women having tendency to an allergy should exclude completely from a diet fruit and vegetables which provoke emergence of undesirable reaction.
Фрукты, овощи и изжога
Fruit, vegetables and heartburn
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As the second reason for which it is necessary to limit amount of vegetables and fruit serves heartburn. It appears, as a rule, in the second half of pregnancy and is caused by the increasing uterus pressure upon a stomach. Many fruit and vegetables increase acidity of a gastric juice, and at heartburn it strengthens irritation and burning sensation. It is better to refuse for this period such products, especially, if they have acid taste.
Фрукты, овощи и кишечные расстройства
Fruit, vegetables and intestinal frustration
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All know that fruit and vegetables contain the food fibers improving an intestines peristaltics. But in large numbers they can provoke diarrhea. Peaches, sweet cherry, plums, apricots, and also grapes, blackberry, a melon differ in such action. Some of them can become the reason of the increased gas generation in intestines.


Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.